Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 86 Prison Break (Please recommend!)

Chapter 86 Prison Break (Please recommend!)
"Very good Bob! And you guys, pay attention to cover me, as long as you can leave this prison, then I guarantee that you will not be harmed in any way, if anyone dares to play tricks, I don't need to say more about the consequences, you should understand, No one can escape my attack so close to me, so it's best for no one to think carefully."

"Understood, we can only do our best."

Bob has already begun to regret being a prison guard. He heard that being a prison guard is easy and not dangerous, so he followed his family's advice and came here to be a prison guard, but he still encountered such a thing.

More than a dozen prison guards naturally leaned together, and Zhou Kaiwen stood in a somewhat inconspicuous position at the back, and walked towards the temporary position of the prison gate together with everyone.

Zhou Kaiwen doesn't care what these people who are threatened by him think, as long as he can go out safely, then he will be successful!
Looking at the black muzzle of the gun on the front position, Zhou Kaiwen tightened his body to the very ill-fitting prison guard uniform. It was just taken off from another prison guard who was knocked unconscious by him. He couldn't find a more suitable one. Let's deal with it first, I hope it won't be too conspicuous.

They walked quickly, and after a while, a group of prison guards arrived near the gate.Things went well, Bob went up and talked for a while, and then he was released, and the prison guards walked out in a row through the small door on the gate.

"Hey, I heard there is a mutant inside. Have you seen him? What does he look like?" Just as Zhou Kaiwen passed by a soldier, the soldier asked him curiously.

"Oh, I didn't see it." Zhou Kaiwen's heart tightened, and he casually replied that he wanted to get away.

"Huh? What's your accent?" Hearing Zhou Kaiwen's reply, the soldier became suspicious and became vigilant, turning the muzzle of the gun in his hand.

Seeing such a situation, Zhou Kaiwen felt bad!But still with a fluke mentality, he secretly winked at Bob who was not far away.

In fact, Bob was delighted by the occurrence of this kind of thing, and was prepared to run out as soon as the mutant's attention turned to the soldier if something happened, whoever stayed here would be the fool.The thought that just appeared was immediately dispelled by the invisible imprisoning force coming out of the waist.

Helpless, Bob could only open his mouth to help him out, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and things suddenly changed again.

"You are... Asian! Who the hell are you!"

The soldier finally found out that Zhou Kaiwen was showing something different when he was moving. Upon closer inspection, he found that he was an Asian. With some xenophobic psychology, the soldier yelled.

Seeing that my comrades-in-arms here seemed to have discovered something, the soldiers on combat missions became vigilant, and their guns turned to this side.

"It could have been done without, you guys, if that's the case."

Zhou Kaiwen, who knew that he would not be able to hide, suddenly moved, using the power of his mind while avoiding the soldiers' muzzles.

ah ah ah
The three nearest soldiers suddenly lost consciousness and slipped to the ground as if they had been hit by a hammer.The gun in one of the soldiers' hands suddenly flew up and fell into Zhou Kaiwen's hands.

"Oh, Falk! It's a mutant bastard!"

"Quick! Fire!"

"Don't let him run away!"

The other soldiers immediately reacted and opened fire. Zhou Kaiwen turned over to avoid a gun behind him, and used his ability to grab the bodies of three soldiers to block himself. Suddenly, the three soldiers in body armor became his shields.

At the same time, Zhou Kaiwen fumbled for the firearm in his hand, and according to the essentials when he was learning the gun, aimed and fired through the gaps between the soldiers' bodies to fight back.

da da da da da
It happened so suddenly and quickly that people were caught off guard. In everyone's eyes, the mutant just jumped forward, and then the three comrades fell to the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

However, when he and others shot and wanted to kill the mutant for revenge, the bodies of the three comrades floated up, surrounding and protecting the mutant.

Although everyone stopped shooting immediately, it couldn't conceal the fact that the first wave of bullets all hit the bodies of comrades-in-arms.

After this frustrating thing happened, the morale of all the soldiers became low in an instant, and no one wanted to shoot at their comrades in arms. This was simply a challenge to the soldiers' humanity, and it was difficult for them to accept.

"Fack! This damned mutant actually used Jean's body as a cover, Shet, you should go to hell!"

The soldiers began to feel a little overwhelmed. They had never encountered such a thing before, and they didn't know whether they should continue to shoot.

"Keep shooting! Fire! Don't stop, revenge for Gene and them, send this damn mutant to hell, and do the same if my body is used as a shield! They will thank you! Quick!"

Seeing this situation, the captain immediately yelled to control the scene and told everyone to keep shooting.

But will Zhou Kaiwen let go of the opportunity he finally created?
The answer is: no!
At the moment of the ceasefire, Zhou Kaiwen abandoned the three corpses that had been shot many times, but because of the body armor, the main torsos were still intact. , jumped over the prison gate, and at the same time fired the rifle in his hand indiscriminately.

After hearing the captain's order, the soldiers who were about to continue firing saw this situation, and immediately approached to find a cover to avoid the bullets, and immediately got down on the spot if there was no cover.

Throwing away the empty gun in his hand, Zhou Kaiwen took this opportunity to turn around and close the small door that was opened above the prison gate. After using his ability to move a military vehicle against the door, he finally took a breath.

"As long as you leave this island, you should be able to pass the test. Now... is not the time to relax."

Looking at the blockade in the distance, this small island near the coast is the only bridge connecting with New York.Zhou Kaiwen thought about the next step calmly.



Wang Yu didn't stay with Zhou Kaiwen all the time. In his opinion, if he didn't push himself, then Zhou Kaiwen might end up being killed after being humiliated by those white prisoners.

It is not difficult for those people to do this kind of thing. They have many ways to do it, and what they can do is untraceable.

In the afternoon, sitting in the coffee shop, Wang Yu, who was drinking coffee calmly, finally sensed the call from the imprint he left behind.

With a mysterious smile on his face, he left the coffee shop, and Wang Yu walked into a corner where no one was paying attention.Draw a circle with the right hand, a green flame appears, and with the waving of the hand, it forms a circle the size of a person in the air, as if being 'painted' there, very magical.

Squeak... A sound like electric current appeared.

The circle formed by the green flame is no longer transparent, and a blurred color appears to make it difficult to see the situation inside, but it gives people a strange feeling as if it is connected to another outer space.

Without even thinking about it, Wang Yu collapsed into the magic door and disappeared. After Wang Yu entered, the teleportation magic that Wang Yu had just researched recently also completely turned into green light and disappeared.


 Thanks to 'Black Holy Grail asks whether to make a wish', 'Invincible Lord Quan', 'Dreams and Dreams' for their support!Thanks also to those who voted for recommendation!With friends who support author Lan!

(End of this chapter)

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