Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 72 Sacrifice (2 more! Please recommend and reward!)

Chapter 72 Sacrifice (Second update! Please recommend and reward!)
"I have already checked my mother's condition, and now there is only a little soul power left in her body. Without the existence of a soul, then these soul powers are water without a source. No matter how well I preserve it now, there is still The day of exhaustion, then there is really no hope of resurrection.

The only way to revive the mother now is to let the mother's soul return to her body.

I've tried the normal Summoner spell, but for some reason, it doesn't work at all.

So now I need to make a powerful altar to sacrifice to the will in the dark in exchange for mysterious and great power to summon my mother's soul here, so that I can have a way to revive my mother. "

On the way back.

Wang Yu told his father that he could go to another world, and described the power he has now.

Albert was greatly shocked by what happened to Wang Yu. He never thought that such unreasonable things would happen in the world. It was just like those in movies and novels. It was too bizarre!
But the various miraculous abilities possessed by Wang Yu had to make Albert believe all of this.

After confirming that this kind of thing is real, it greatly aroused the curiosity of Albert as a researcher. He very much hoped that Wang Yu could use the ability under the detection of the instrument in the future, so that he could get the corresponding data , research as much as possible to understand this magical power.

But resurrecting Jennifer is the most important thing now, and these things can be done later.

What Wang Yu just described is exactly a method of sacrifice that he found in the spell encyclopedia.

If the altar is successfully built, Wang Yu can use the power of the altar to communicate with some kind of unspeakable mysterious existence, and then exchange the sacrifice for the other party's power.

For ordinary people, this kind of power is simply omnipotent, almost a great power that can realize any wish of the priest.

Of course, there is no such thing as omnipotence in the world.

So this kind of power should have an upper limit in Wang Yu's understanding, and it is not endless and can achieve anything.

But this is just Wang Yu's guess, because the spell encyclopedia does not mention this issue, but simply describes the production method, application and sacrifice information of the altar.

"So... what exactly is the sacrifice?"

Seeing his son's reluctance to say what the sacrifice was, Albert asked anxiously.At the same time, seeing his son's reaction, he also felt that something unexpected might happen.

"Actually, it's...the human soul.

It takes a lot, at least more than 1 souls are eligible to start a sacrifice. Souls are also needed to make an altar, and the more souls used as sacrifices, the stronger the power will be, and the possibility of resurrection will be higher. will be higher. "


Hearing his son's words, Albert couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then turned pale with shock.

What kind of evil altar is this? Human souls are required as sacrifices. In this case, do you need to become a butcher yourself?

After hearing that the required sacrifice turned out to be a soul, Albert suddenly felt a little dazed, and the moral values ​​he had always had in his heart made him feel obliged to stop his son's thoughts.

But when he opened his mouth, he felt that he couldn't make a sound at all.The love and longing for his wife, as well as the incomparable nostalgia, all these made him unable to speak.

For a while, Ai Bo fell into complex contradictions and inexplicable fears, and his heart became a mess, and he didn't know what to do.

All kinds of helplessness were intertwined, as if a huge net had caught him invisibly, and Albert felt that he could not do it, could not make a decision.

"Daniel, is there... is there no other way? If there is no soul, then people will die, at least ten thousand, then tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of lives, I think, this is probably... this is probably not Great."

Albert seemed to be trembling slightly.

"As far as I know, there is no other way.

You're right Father, without a soul the man is dead, but I think maybe we don't need to kill innocent people.

Maybe we can go to the prison to harvest the souls of those who have committed the most heinous crimes. Presumably, if this is the case, it should not have much impact on this society. "

Seeing his father's expression, Wang Yu vaguely understood his father's state at this time, so why not himself, this is one life after another.

Even ordinary animals, Wang Yu has never killed so many, but now he wants to let so many people die because of his own reasons.

Wang Yu thought it was because of what he had to bear, and he was unwilling to throw the responsibility on his parents.

"Criminals in prison... well, how to do it, Daniel, how to capture the soul, or kill people on the altar."

Hearing Wang Yu's answer, Albert was silent for a while, then calmed down after a while, and asked Wang Yu with a tacit expression in his eyes.

"It will take time Father. Some materials are very demanding, so we don't have to rush for a moment. We still have a 'guest' who hasn't been found yet. It was tortured from Opadry's soul. At that time, Director Manson finally met with You are together, right?"

Speaking of this, Wang Yu seemed to recall certain scenes, and his expression instantly became very scary.

"Manson! What did he do?"



"Professor, what are they doing here?"

The one who spoke was a red-haired beauty with a unique and unique beauty, pushing a wheelchair with a bald old man, walking in the corridors of a very historic castle, asking softly.

"Jean, they're here for help."

The shiny head seemed to be full of wisdom and philosophy of life. The old man answered the woman behind him in a gentle tone.

"Oh, they still ask us for help?"

Hearing the displeasure in the woman's tone, the professor smiled.

"Everyone needs help, and so do we. No matter how powerful this person is, he can't be perfect, so this kind of thing is normal."

After the lecture, the professor paused.

"Even if they don't ask us this time, we should still find out about it. After all, that new child is likely to be our compatriot. Even if he is not, don't let him continue to create chaos like this, otherwise ordinary people Only put these responsibilities on us, Jean!"

In the end, the professor called out to the red-haired woman behind her. It was Qin Grei who would become the Black Phoenix in the future.

"Yes, Professor."

"You and Scott go to meet him, let him know our existence and goodwill, if possible, bring him back to school, we can accept him to join us. Remember! His ability is very powerful, you best Don't have any misunderstandings with him, and if he doesn't want to, don't force it."

"Understood, Professor."

Looking at the mutant children coming and going in the corridor, the professor smiled from the bottom of his heart with his wrinkled face.


 Thank you brothers and sisters who support the author!The second one is here!Ask for support!
(End of this chapter)

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