Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 62 Revenge (6) Please recommend!

Chapter 62 Revenge ([-]) Please recommend!

"Dad, do you know that Mommy is dead?
Do you know what happened at home while you were away?

Why did you have no home at that time, and where did you go?

But now, you are with this person, don't you know that your mother was killed by members of the Stark Group!He also has an unshirkable responsibility for his mother's death! "

Hearing his father's voice, Wang Yu came back to his senses, but he didn't answer his father's question, nor did he pay attention to Tony Stark's disgusting joke, but asked Albert back with some excitement.

It turned out that not only was his father not arrested, but he even got involved with Tony Stark.

Wang Yu has always had no intention of getting close to the future Iron Man. When watching movies in his previous life, he might have envied his wealth, his wit, and his steel suit.

But Wang Yu is not a fan of Iron Man.

As we all know, Tony Stark's extremely corrupt private life, and his annoying personality before the accident, all these made Wang Yu deeply understand that Tony is not a good bird.

Although he seems to have a sense of humor and justice in the movie, it is from the perspective of a bystander. If he is really facing his poisonous tongue, and he still ignores the consequences he has caused, that is another matter. It's a feeling.

Before the accident, he was not only rude, arrogant, arrogant, selfish, self-willed, and careless.He also put the hopeful biological expert on the roof overnight, making him desperate, causing him to turn against him at last, and Tony reaped the consequences.

In fact, many scourges are inseparable from his own actions.

Even after the accident, Tony became Iron Man, but he still made a lot of things, such as Ultron.His father wanted to harness the power of the Rubik's Cube, and he wanted to harness the power of the Mind Stone, but neither father nor son succeeded.

In fact, Wang Yu didn't care much about these things. Wang Yu didn't have that much jealousy, and his view of Iron Man in the past was no different from other strangers.

But now it's different...

The death of his mother, Jenny, made Wang Yu extremely angry, and even full of malice towards the Stark Corporation. He naturally hated Tony, the titular Stark owner, as well.

"If Tony Stark had cared about the company and discovered what Opadry had done earlier, things would definitely not have developed as they are now. As an owner of a business, he actually lacks control over his company!

On weekdays, Leo Badei doesn't know much about the weapons sold by warlords, illegal armed forces, and terrorists all over the world. How many innocent people have been tortured because of this, and it has also led to the tragedy that happened to his family. All this is really... ...unforgivable! "

No matter what Wang Yu thinks, it seems that he has recognized it. He is full of deep malice towards everything about Stark.If his father really sided with Tony Stark, it would make him feel betrayed along with his mother and sister.

"I hope there is another reason. It is impossible for my father to be indifferent to my mother's death. There must be another reason!"

Wang Yu waited for his father to tell him that it was not what he said.

"Daniel", Albert couldn't help being stunned when he heard Wang Yu's questioning, and the two fell into silence. After carefully looking at his son for a long time, Albert felt the difference in his son.

Although the previous son was also very special, different from other children, he was always like a young adult, with a mature and thoughtful appearance, but the family can still feel that he is cheerful, tolerant, and has a positive attitude towards everything. Well-intentioned, that's a character that makes everyone feel comfortable.

But Albert in front of him could faintly feel the sense of oppression emanating from his son, the strange feeling, as if there was some kind of malice, very depressing, like a crater that was about to erupt, and it would erupt at any time Unleash deadly force and destroy everything.

For this feeling, Albert is both unfamiliar and familiar. He knows that this is the power of hatred, the power of anger, which can make a person strong or destroy a person.

Seeing Wang Yu waiting for his answer, Albert changed his decision.

"Jennifer has already gone. It doesn't matter if I am ruined by hatred. My children must not let them be ruined too. I want Daniel to let go of hatred, and I cannot let him live in hatred forever."

Under the visor, Albert's eyes turned from cold to soft, suppressing boundless anger and hatred in his heart.The love for his children rose, and Albert thought it was necessary for him to let his children return to a normal life. "Presumably Jenny will agree with me to do this."

Thinking of his wife, Albert's heart ached, but his love for his children forced him to be strong.

"Daniel, I'm Dad", Albert opened his visor and admitted this, "I already know your mother's... information", and Albert couldn't help but pause for a while.

"I'm sorry, Daniel, Dad didn't know all this until after the fact. At that time, the company sent someone to take back my laboratory. You know, it was Dad's effort, so Dad got seriously ill, and Mom sent me to the hospital. , but she never came back..."

Glancing at Obadai, and seeing that he was no longer able to resist, Albert was going to answer Wang Yu first and then deal with him. In order to let Wang Yu get out of the hatred and return to a normal person, Albert patiently moved the What happened was basically told.

Tony on the side was inconvenient to join in because it was a family affair, so he remained silent all the time, but he was still shocked when he heard the news of Albert's wife Jennifer's death.

After all, after experiencing that setback, his personality has changed a lot, and he is no longer the arrogant and selfish person he used to be, not to mention that Albert is still his friend.You must know that geniuses are often lonely, and ordinary people have no common language with them.

How can we be friends if we can't even connect with the train of thought.Albert and his wife are two of Tony's few friends, and Albert, who is also a genius, hits him the most.

But Albert didn't have such a good background. Although the family also had some savings, Albert's family was nothing more than an ordinary middle class.After learning about this, plus Albert's interest, the two hit it off, and Albert joined the Stark Group with technology, which improved the quality of life a lot.

He didn’t understand what happened to the Albert family until after Albert told his story.

He didn't expect that someone he trusted so much could do such a thing, even his own friends couldn't escape his murderous hands.Immediately, he thought of his father again, and suddenly Tony was so angry that he couldn't help but walked over and punched Obaday.

"I didn't expect that my father trusted you so much that you could do something to be sorry for him. You're done, Opadry!" Tony turned Opadry's head so that he was facing his eyes hard Said.

Seeing Tony's flushed face caused by excitement, Obaday smiled nervously, as if he hadn't heard his threat.


Seeing Obadai like this, Tony, who didn't know what happened just now, thought that Obadai was still stubborn and was humiliating himself, and suddenly he punched Obadai again, which made Obadai's head bleed.


 Thanks to 'My name is Qiufan', '☆Let Love§ Follow the Wind☆', 'Cool Pad God 12138', 'Concept Immortal', 'FFffff', 'Mo Ling·Mo Yu', 'Pie Selfishness', 'Tianhan Talisman ', 'Campus Gods and Demons', 'Fall in Love with Spiritual Food', 'Moon Wolf xc' for their support!Thanks!Thanks also to those who voted for recommendation!With friends who encourage the author!
(End of this chapter)

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