Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 54 Escape Again (Please recommend!)

Chapter 54 Escape Again (Please recommend!)

In the spacious manufacturing room, the machines used to manufacture the armor and the finished armor are all neatly arranged in it. Originally, at this time, the work should have started lively here, and everyone is performing their duties.But now there is silence.Only the wailing voice of Director Manson echoed in the air.

An iron man with blue light shining from his chest and eyes came out from the door of a room, carrying Director Manson with his face covered in blood as he walked.That cold tone brought great pressure to Obaday's group, and their hearts sank.

"Are you... Albert? What do you mean by this appearance? Can you tell me what's going on with you?"

Seeing that something was wrong, Opadry did not act rashly to provoke Iron Man.While the concealed opponent winked, he spoke to the opponent.

"What's going on? I was going to ask you!"

Seeing that Obaday was pretending to be confused, Albert roared furiously, not noticing Obaday's small movements at all.

"My wife died because of you, and you told me she died in an accident, hehe, trying to trick me into working for you, huh? Killing my family and asking me to work for you... you Devil, have you thought about how you are going to die? I have thought of many ways, which must allow you to deeply understand my sadness.

How about feeling your heart twisted, huh? ! "

The loudspeaker on Albert's suit played Albert's voice perfectly, so that everyone who heard the voice could feel how sad and painful the person who made it was, and the incomparable ... Heart of resentment!
As soon as the voice fell, Albert raised his hand, and a light beam with a shock wave shot out from his palm, directly hitting a machine between him and Obadai.

Boom! !

creak! ...

A machine tool similar to a milling machine was hit. After hitting the upper part, many parts were blown away, and there were crashes everywhere.

However, it didn't end there. The force of the impact caused the several-ton machine tool to overturn, and directly hit the position where Obady was behind.

Obady, who had been vigilant in his heart for a long time, was not crushed to death just like that, but threw himself to one side the moment the machine tool was hit and dodged.After getting up in embarrassment from the ground, Obadai did not stand up again to show his face, but moved in the gap between the machines, leaving the position just now.

"Obaday, I have to thank you!... If you didn't let me come here to build a reactor for you, maybe I haven't had the chance to know this. Is this villain Manson your subordinate? It's really bad. , greedy, timid, short-sighted and arrogant.

With so much trash under your wing and working for you, I really can't think of a reason why you wouldn't fail, lol, funny. "

Opadry, who was hiding behind a machine, heard Albert's ridicule, felt tight in his chest, and was terribly angry. Obviously, he was powerless to refute what Albert said, and his collaborators and subordinates were so unbearable. He himself suffered from it.The things you want to do are always unsatisfactory.

I decided in my heart that after the matter is over, I must give myself a big change, and I can no longer use these incompetent people, they will only ruin my own affairs, and nothing else will be achieved.

After making a decision, he ignored the depression in his heart.He sneaked a look the other way.

Obaday saw that his subordinates had already quietly put a piece of armor on the trolley and brought it near the elevator while Albert was focusing on him.I breathed a sigh of relief, finally these idiots didn't mess up anything.

"Albert, believe me, things are definitely not what you think. I have evidence to prove that I am innocent. Don't listen to that idiot. He can say anything to save his life. Give me a chance to tell you the truth." ?"

In order not to make Albert suspicious, Obadai leaned his back against the wall and yelled loudly, hoping to confuse Albert for a while so that he could achieve his goal.

"Ha, what else can it be? Where is the domineering chief executive? Why is he so smug now that he has the guts to do it, but he doesn't have the guts to admit it?
You think I don't know what you want to do. After seeing these armors, I understand your ambition. You want me to be your accomplice, but why do you still want to kill my wife? Is it to make me I understand, you can do anything for profit? ... Then now I will let you understand, for the sake of my family, what can I do, die! "

Alberto's words made Obady confused, but he still understood what he meant by killing him, and knew that there was nothing he could do.

While he was speaking, Obaday had already approached the elevator a lot in the gap of the machine, and he would be able to leave this ghostly place in a few steps.

Turning his head and glaring at his other subordinate hiding in another place, this subordinate had no choice but to put on a bitter face, showing his head reluctantly, and opened fire at Albert with a pistol.

Albert, who was under attack, turned his attention to this subordinate, and raised his hand to send out another beam of light.This subordinate was sent flying, boom!With a bang, it slammed into the machine hard, beep, and fell to the ground without knowing whether it was alive or dead.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Obaday leaped forward with all his strength, and with a speed that was out of proportion to his figure, he rushed into the elevator door that was about to close in an instant.

By the time Albert realized it, the elevator doors had already closed.

The elevator goes up.

Hearing the roar below, Obady wiped the sweat from his brow. Fortunately, the facilities here are built according to high requirements, even the elevator doors are blast-proof, which should last until he leaves.

After reaching the ground, they directly used the authority to stop the only elevator connected to the underground manufacturing area, and then hurriedly took the armor, and a group of people boarded the helicopter again and left here.Obaday looked solemnly thinking about his plan, he must go to California immediately to get the reactor.

Only in this way can we have the strength to deal with these people who make trouble for us.



ten minutes later.

boom! ! ! ...a huge explosion.

The wall at the elevator entrance was shattered into pieces by the powerful shock wave, and it flew out. A demon-like iron man with a metallic body all over his body came out of the dust. The faint blue light on his eyes and chest seemed to indicate something ominous.

"Do you think you can run away? No matter what price you pay, you will definitely not be allowed to live!" Under the visor, on the delicate face unique to Asians, there was a cold murderous intent.Albert swore in his heart.

The EFI power unit under Albert's feet ignited and began to lift off, flying in the direction of his old friend. Albert was going to find his friend Tony Stark and ask him about the whereabouts of Obaday. With his artificial intelligence, he will definitely be able to help him find it.



"Help, help me!" Manson's weak voice echoed in the empty space in the underground manufacturing center in District [-].


 Thank you for 'ねぬそほふゃ', '1997CZR', 'My most painful time', 'Please don't ask me why', 'Ximen Yuanting', 'FFffff', 'Qingruyu's loneliness', 'Broken Loyalty' , 'Sunset and Snowfall', 'Mo Nian Silently Love', 'Qingqian Xiaoyun', '☆Let Love§ Follow the Wind☆', '55 Moxuan', everyone's rewards and support!Thanks!Thanks also to those who voted for recommendation!With friends who encourage the author!

(End of this chapter)

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