Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 443 Sacred Items (please subscribe!)

Chapter 443 Sacred Items (please subscribe!)
Wang Yu had already made all the mental preparations.

Be prepared for any outcome.

Then he came here.

The empty apartment stands here quietly, Wang Yu can see through the perspective of the soul, this residential area is empty.

"Is it you? Are you so kind?"

Wang Yu didn't understand, according to the temperament of these people, they never took into account the existence of ordinary people in their actions, how could they remove the ordinary people around them in advance?
It's not logical, but it's true.

There must be some reason!
Wang Yu pushed open the door of the apartment and walked out.

The cold wind blew across the street, and there was no sound everywhere, as if everyone disappeared at once, and the whole city became a dead zone.

Perceive and touch the world of the force, and start to retrieve the future development of countless parallel worlds to calculate and simulate the future model here.

But when Wang Yu sensed it, a large white light inexplicably appeared in the void, blocking Wang Yu's perception of the world of force for a moment, and then several figures appeared in front of Wang Yu's eyes.

"It's you! How do you know I'm here?"

The figure that appeared in front of Wang Yu's eyes was Michael, the Archangel of Heaven who escaped. To Wang Yu's surprise, Raphael, who was killed by him before, also appeared here. Although he changed his body, But Wang Yu, who can see the real face of the angel, can recognize him at a glance.

In addition to Michael and Raphael, there are actually two archangels with similar power fluctuations standing with them.

After carefully looking at the two unfamiliar archangels for a while, Wang Yu tentatively asked, "Lucifer, Gabriel?"

"My good brother, it's because of this kid that you are willing to beg me?"

Lucifer looked at Wang Yu with a look of indifference, then looked at Michael playfully and said with a smile.

"He is not easy to deal with. I deliberately went to the timeline before the last jihad to find you with a perfect skin. I didn't want you to waste time here. Follow the plan!"

"Now that we all have perfect skins, do we still need to be so serious when dealing with this hairless ape?" While speaking, Lucifer's face was full of disgust, but his hands were not sloppy. The archangels each took out some strange things, including hand bones, scepters, rags, and wood.

Immediately, immeasurable rays of light gushed out from the bodies of the four, as if each of them had swallowed a small sun, illuminating the whole body from the inside to the outside, and the aura rose sharply. Wang Yu was also surprised to see it.

This energy is completely beyond the level of the archangel. From the perspective of multi-world observation, the disturbance of time and space by this force in each parallel world is different. After calculating the model, Wang Yu has only one guess about it.

Creation energy!Or called creation matter.This is the energy level at the beginning of the Big Bang, and it is unexpected that so much mass of creation matter is preserved here!It didn't blow up the Virgo supercluster where the Milky Way is located!
For human beings, the situation closest to this energy level is the high-energy level experiment produced in the work of the particle collider. Even this kind of experiment cannot reach the creation energy of the beginning of the Big Bang. level, and its mass is extremely small, so it won't have any impact on the world.

And what did Wang Yu see?
Four masses of extremely massive creation-level matter are in front of me, not to mention my divine body, even neutron star matter, black holes are useless, once the creation matter is released into the current low-energy level universe, it will expand instantly .

According to the conjecture of the inflation theory, this kind of explosion occurs at about 10 to the minus 36th power of seconds. In this extremely small time range, at a speed far exceeding the speed of light, it expands to the limit immediately, and then continues at the normal speed of light. Swell down.

In such an extreme environment, even if 1 Wang Yu were tied together, they would be completely dead, soul?After all, the soul is also a form of matter, and there is nothing stronger in the creation energy level. All matter cannot be stronger than the creation energy level, and it will be wiped out in an instant.

Wang Yu didn't know how they got this kind of perverted weapon, and his heart trembled, but then he thought that they couldn't use this thing to commit suicide. If they let the creation material explode, wouldn't they even die themselves!
Then Wang Yu looked at the objects from which they extracted the creation material, and found the corresponding information from his memory. It turned out that these were the holy objects left by God in the world.

In the original plot, after God’s sister Darkness was born, in order not to destroy the world, the protagonist and his party searched for the sacred objects left by God everywhere, and then drew the power of God above to deal with darkness, but failed in the end.

Now that he felt this power directly, Wang Yu realized how powerful the darkness really is, and even the power of the creation level can't hurt her.

"Is this the power of God?"

Looking at the four archangels who were already like light bulbs, Wang Yu said softly.

"Oh? You hairless ape, you actually know what this is." Hearing Wang Yu mentioning God, Lucifer looked him in the eye.

Now that he has the power of God, he thinks that Michael is just scaremongering, and he actually wasted four rare holy objects just to deal with a human being. Is the future heaven already weak to this extent?Sure enough, in the hands of people with poor brains, angels will become weak.

Immediately, Lucifer stopped talking to Wang Yu. In his opinion, this hairless ape was already a mortal person, and he didn't want to waste his words.

"Do you know how a human adult would deal with a baby with a gun in his hand?" Seeing Lucifer like this, Wang Yu was not annoyed, but looked at the four of them with a smile and said.

"not good!"

Michael's heart tightened, he could no longer care about the instability of energy, he stopped blocking the power of God, and was ready to shoot the wizard to death immediately and retrieve the angel stone tablet.

When Wang Yu invaded heaven, Michael found out that something was wrong, and directly used the timeline to escape to the future. After learning what Wang Yu did in the future, he traveled back to the past again, and Lucifer had not yet been entered by himself. In the time of hell, bring Lucifer, Raphael, and Gabriel in this timeline, as well as their own direct guards, to this point in time.

But Gabriel is more sympathetic to humans, and the residents of the entire block were teleported away by him in advance.

Just when Michael was about to attack, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. The figure of the wizard suddenly disappeared when he was about to attack, and then Ling's voice came from his ear: "It seems that you even have a 'gun' It’s not moving anymore, it’s very difficult to control this kind of power, doesn’t it feel like I’m about to explode?”

Seeing that Wang Yu came behind Michael at some unknown time, the other three archangels couldn't help being terrified.They didn't feel any fluctuations in the space. They didn't understand how Wang Yu moved here suddenly, and they were afraid that they would be scattered and distanced.

When Wang Yu spoke, he had already made a move. He wanted to use the authority on the angel stone tablet to imprison the power of the four people, but he was worried that the power of God that was out of control would explode.

I had no choice but to make a claw shape with my hand, and poke into Michael's body at once, suck the power of God in his body into my own body to suppress it, then imprison his power, and throw it aside.

Although he wouldn't die, the open wounds on his torso made Michael, whose strength was imprisoned, let out a scream when he fell to the ground.

"Who's next?"

Wang Yu's calm eyes swept around and stopped on Lucifer.

(End of this chapter)

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