Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 438 Choose not to escape (please subscribe!)

Chapter 438 Choose not to escape (please subscribe!)
Every possibility has a probability of happening, and there are no exceptions in very important choices.

After an event occurs, the consequences are randomly generated among the possible results with a certain probability.In this way, it seems that God also sometimes plays dice.

Unless, every outcome happens.

Everything that Wang Yu does after coming to the world of evil forces creates new parallel worlds, and Wang Yu in each parallel world is doing different behaviors and thoughts, no matter how small the difference is.

But all these are just small waves. In this universe, there are countless parallel worlds that continue to be interpreted according to the original work. No matter how many parallel worlds are created under the influence of Wang Yu, they cannot be compared with the infinite number of parallel worlds. These parallel worlds The higher probability will necessarily be the result of the development of the plot written by God's typewriter.

Some worlds call this the general trend, the general trend is irreversible, it does not mean that the plot of a certain parallel world will never be changed, but the plot of countless parallel worlds will definitely follow the script, and this kind of higher probability will appear It must be the result of some kind of will interference.

And world suppression, to put it bluntly, means that Wang Yu came to a new world, and his interference in the future of many parallel worlds is too small. There is no existence of Wang Yu's thinking consciousness in countless parallel worlds, and it has no effect on the probability distribution. Therefore, any Non-physical disturbances will be suppressed in the body, and non-physical means cannot be used to interfere with this universe.

But this incident changed that.

The power of Heaven's Strike is incomparable. In the original plot, it was the means used by Heaven to target God's sister when it was dark. Now it was used on Wang Yu, instantly destroying Wang Yu from the waist down into an atomic state, passing through many space-time gaps, spreading into countless parallel worlds.

After these parallel worlds received Wang Yu's divine body atoms, they split into parallel worlds again, and in an instant countless parallel worlds interfered by Wang Yu appeared in this universe.

This is equivalent to allowing Wang Yu to be in countless parallel worlds in this universe at the same time, instantly increasing the degree of interference in this universe.

When he found that his lower body was missing, Wang Yu's eyes were blank for a moment, his soul immediately came into contact with the world of the force of the universe, and received information about the past and future of countless parallel worlds.

The super powerful soul instantly calculates and simulates this information.

In the calculation, Wang Yu saw his present and future, and saw that the probability of the development of countless parallel worlds in the universe was interfered by a force, and continued to develop towards a certain result.

Wang Yu finally got rid of the oppression of the world and regained the power to disturb this universe. He immediately began to recover the atoms of his divine body, and countless atoms scattered in other parallel worlds began to return to him through the barrier of time and space.

Through the power of the horse charm, the recovery efficiency of Wang Yu's divine body increased linearly.

"Anna, I'm here."

While speaking, Wang Yu's waist was about to grow, and it was growing downwards, and brand new clothes appeared with it.

After linking to the world of force in this universe, Wang Yu's predictive ability recovered, and Wang Yu felt that something had changed in him.

For the time being, he hasn't figured out what these changes are, but he knows that he has gained great benefits after going through the matter of atoms spreading across many time and space.

Raise your hand and press lightly, and the space-time gaps that are densely covered with giant pits begin to shrink and disappear.

"Daniel, how did you become like this, how are you doing now?"

Seeing Wang Yu with only half of his body left, a flash of panic flashed in Anna's eyes. Seeing Wang Yu's calm expression, she felt at ease.

"I've recovered."

Xinnian touched Anna and passed on some of her own information.

Glancing at the angels in the distance, Wang Yu's body hadn't fully grown yet, and his figure disappeared, appearing in front of Zacharias in an instant.


The echo of Zacharias flashed in the angel channel, and he himself left the other angels behind and returned to heaven in an instant.

When he found that Wang Yu was not dead and looked at him, Zacharias was shocked!
Immediately I felt bad.

Even I couldn't survive the blow from heaven, something must have happened that I didn't expect, I'll go back to heaven first!

Zacharias left, leaving a group of panicked angels to meet Wang Yu.

"Let's go too!"

Seeing that the situation is not good, all the angels spread their wings and are about to fly back to heaven.

Seeing such a monster as Wang Yu who can fight again under the blow of heaven, all the angels present have no intention of fighting against him. Although the angels are conceited and proud, they are not stupid. Seeing this kind of monster Naturally, he knew that he was not an opponent and would probably be killed, so the angels, who were originally proud and arrogant, immediately followed their hearts.

"One of them ran away, don't even think about leaving!"

Accidentally let Zacharias escape back to heaven, Wang Yu was furious immediately, a pair of mechanical cyborg-style wings spread from behind, and the power of space and the original force cooperated together, suddenly imprisoning these angels in place, one by one Link to heaven is broken.

"You can run away for a while, but you can't run forever, just wait"

He raised his head and said to the sky, Wang Yu squeezed his right hand together, and immediately destroyed all the angel skins from heaven present, and immediately a piece of silver-white angel real body escaped from the protection of the skins, was sucked by Wang Yu with his mouth open, and all of them were sucked into his abdomen , turned into the power of the soul to absorb it.

As early as when he was restrained by the power of heaven, Wang Yu simply absorbed Uriel and Alastair, but he still couldn't break through the suppression of the world.

Even so, combined with the information he saw after linking to the world of force, Wang Yu fully understood the mystery of angelic energy.

Both heaven and hell are organizations that exist in all parallel worlds. Although there is no connection between angels and demons in different parallel planes, the power of heaven and the breath of hell in all planes, under the interference of a magnificent and powerful will It is unified, which is equivalent to a world of force that has more interference power with matter.

As for that grand and powerful will, Wang Yu was unable and did not dare to observe the information of the origin and activities of "His". Wang Yu didn't know if he was discovered by this will. He could feel that when he faced "His", Even more powerless than when facing Dr. Manhattan, there is no other choice but to escape.

Therefore, before meeting Anna, Wang Yu was unable to make up his mind whether to take action against the heaven of this world, but now, Wang Yu has made a choice.

Escaping is the most common and easiest choice of life for death.

The choice is light, but at the same time light enough to be addictive.

But can escape really prevent death?
The last time he escaped from Dr. Manhattan was because Wang Yu thought of the problem of probability.

That's right, no matter how sinister and frightening the future is, mathematically speaking, Wang Yu has a probability of surviving, so as long as Wang Yu makes a choice, he will definitely be able to survive.

But is it a good choice?
What determines the probability of life and death?
In an instant, a scene from Wang Yu's memory jumped out. It was a city captured by the enemy. There were hundreds of thousands of citizens in the city, while the invaders were only tens of thousands. Although the army had already been defeated, they were unarmed. The townspeople cannot defeat the incoming enemies.

But in the face of the small number of intruders, the citizens did not choose to resist, but were numbly escorted to the open land like pigs.

Often an intruder with a rifle can escort hundreds of citizens. Even if he knows that he will be massacred and that so many people have a better chance of escaping and surviving together, he dare not resist, and being bullets is like cutting wheat. In the end, 30 people died in this massacre.

Lost the will to resist, lost the dream, even if the disparity in numbers is so great, and the chance of survival is so great, it will only run counter to hope in the end.

Wang Yu, who was linked to the Force World again, can calculate that since he escaped from Manhattan's hands last time, when he faced this existence again, the probability of survival has dropped greatly, even if this probability will never decrease To zero, but Wang Yu knew that once he fell into the trap of escaping, he would lose his persistence in hope and his desire for the future just like those 30 people, and finally become a machine just for survival.

Suddenly, Wang Yu thought of the three ultimate philosophical questions.

"No, survival is the basic condition for finding the answer, not the ultimate goal. In my previous life, I have escaped enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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