Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 427 Don't Say It's Unpredictable (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 427 Don't Say It's Unpredictable (Please Subscribe!)

To be on the safe side, the hunting team dispatched three people to ensure that there would be no accidents.

However, the accident still appeared.

The two werewolves rushing into the room were directly captured in the air by Wang Yu. With a slight movement of his fingers, the heads of the two werewolves were turned 360 degrees, and then they were thrown to the ground.

When Wang Yu made a move, Mark had successfully transformed, grabbed Wang Yu's ankle, and yanked hard, trying to drag Wang Yu to the ground.


Mark was surprised to find that he couldn't move Wang Yu.At the same time, Ma Zhan had already started to stand up, and unbelievingly exerted force again, this time lifting upwards, trying to make Wang Yu fall, but he still couldn't shake him!
I also didn't see how Wang Yu exerted his strength, just stood there so easily, no matter how hard Mark tried, there was no effect.

Seeing that he couldn't pull him, Mark changed his method, and slapped the hand that had turned into a claw, and the hard nails scratched Wang Yu's shirt like a blade.


"Hey hey hey!"

Mark smiled strangely and licked his finger, as if he wanted to scare Wang Yu, but after licking it, he found something wrong. There was no blood on his finger!


Taking a closer look, Wang Yu didn't have any wounds under his torn clothes, and his attack still had no effect!
"How can it be."

clack clack clack.
Just when Mark was in doubt, a strange voice came. When Mark looked back, the hunting team that came with him was actually suspended in mid-air.

What's even more weird and frightening is that the heads of the two seemed to be twisted by invisible giant hands, and they turned around in a weird way. The skin on the neck was wrinkled like a spring, and the voice I heard was the sound of the two. The sound of cracking and distorting human neck bones!
"It's you!"

Mark looked at Wang Yu in shock, and took two steps back at the same time!
The two werewolves who had lost the ability to move fell from midair and hit the carpet.Wang Yu looked at the last werewolf in the room. At this time, Mark was terrified and flustered.


Anna heard the sound, walked out of the bedroom and leaned against the door frame, quietly watching the situation in the living room.

"Oh, I still interrupted your rest." Wang Yu sighed when he saw Anna.

"I've already rested, let's go now, it feels weird to stay here." Anna shook her head with a smile, and walked to Wang Yu's side.

"In that case."

Wang Yu looked back at Mark, photographed him in front of him, and said, "God head, go back and tell your master not to mess with us again, or when you regret it, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance."

Then he crushed Mark's bones with the power of the devil and threw them aside. Wang Yu led Anna out of the room and walked towards the elevator.

Pressing the button on the first floor, Wang Yu said to Anna: "These werewolves seem to be very powerful in Chicago, but unfortunately these monsters have low IQ, otherwise they might be able to help me, but in this case, after the demon hunter finds out, they Will see us as allies with monsters."

"You are right. These monsters are full of bestiality and are unbelievable."

Anna agrees with Wang Yu's point of view very much. When she was an angel, she came to the human world to do many missions. Whether it was werewolves or vampires, she had seen many vampires. She didn't have any good impression of them. They were all bloodthirsty. Heap of creatures cursed by God.

Then the two talked about other topics. Wang Yu was very curious about the knowledge of heaven, and discussed with Anna how angels use the power of heaven, as well as angels' experience in using souls.

The bodies of the two werewolves were lying on the hospital bed. Julian changed his sunny expression and stood beside them, watching the doctors in the clan operate on them.

Julian looked at Mark beside him and said, "Did those two people mention their identities?"

At this time, all the bones and quilts of Mark's whole body had been fully grown. Recalling the feeling when he had no resistance when facing Wang Yu, the muscles on his face couldn't help but twitched.

"They didn't mention their identities, they just threatened us not to provoke them. He said that if we provoke him again, we should blame him for not reminding us when we don't regret it."

"Hmph, who does he think he is, and after learning some special abilities, he thinks he can provoke our wolf clan!"

The more annoyed Julian felt in his heart, the more he smiled on his face.

The doctor walked out of the operating room at this time and went to Julian: "The neck bone is too shattered and the particles are everywhere, and it can't grow anymore. Although they won't die because of the wolf blood, they can only lie on the bed in the future. I can’t move my whole body, and I am paraplegic at a high position.”

Julian said fiercely: "Send someone to watch their whereabouts, don't get lost, I want to see who regrets it in the end, I will cut off his head and put it in formalin for preservation. Let these people know what happened to our wolf clan."

"That's right!"

"That's how it should be!"

"Tear them apart!"

"I'm going to eat their hearts!"

"I want him to see his intestines being ripped out with his own eyes!"

"I'm going to break his teeth out one by one."

"I'm going to eat his brain!".
All the members of the wolf hunting team standing behind the two howled excitedly after hearing Julian's words.

Parked in a Chevrolet on the side of the street opposite a bank's ATM, Wang Yu and Anna were waiting for the people inside to withdraw money to leave.

Through the touch of the power of the devil, Wang Yu has already understood the overall structure inside the ATM machine, including the underground under the ATM machine. Wang Yu has dug a tunnel with a diameter of [-] centimeters with the power of the devil, and the tunnel leads directly to the sewer next to the road. , and the place where Wang Yu's car was parked was above a manhole cover in the sewer on the street.

Finally, the blond girl who had finished withdrawing the money twisted her waist and left the room of the ATM cash machine to mix with the crowd.

Wang Yu turned his head to signal Anna, and Anna immediately opened the car door, threw a travel bag out of the car door, and stood out, pretending to be waiting for someone.

Bang bang bang bang!

The four ATM machines suddenly made the sound of metal breaking, and all the screens went out in an instant, and the light of electric sparks flashing inside the screen was faintly seen.

At this time, Wang Yu has already started to use the power of the devil to move the banknotes in the ATM machine. A large number of twenty-denomination dollars entered the tunnel connected to the sewer through the opening of Wang Yu's explosive demolition, and then opened it from under Wang Yu's car. The mouth of the well flew out and fell into the travel bag at the bottom of the car. After a while, the large travel bag was filled.

The sudden explosion of the ATM machine startled the pedestrians around, and some even thought that robbers were going to rob the bank.

After a while, a police car patrolling the street drove over and stopped near the ATM machine. The police carefully got out of the car and came over to check what was going on.

Wang Yu gave Anna a signal, and Anna pulled up the travel bag, carried it into the car and sat in the car herself, Wang Yu lit the ignition, drove the car and left the vicinity.

(End of this chapter)

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