Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 421 Hotel (please subscribe!)

Chapter 421 Hotel (please subscribe!)
Late at night, in the hunter's hut on the outskirts of Union Town.

"Let's go back to the refuge." Dean said, resisting the disappointment and fatigue in his heart.

At this time, everyone was looking for a place to rest in the hut. After driving for a day and a night in the car, everyone except Wang Yu and Ruby was exhausted.

Ruby said in an exaggerated tone: "You mean, hide in that small iron box forever?"

"This is just a temporary solution!"

Dean was furious at what he said.

Ruby mocked: "So, you have a way to rescue a person who is wanted by heaven and hell at the same time?"

Dean: "As long as you think about it, there is always a way!"

"You have to understand that Anna's energy is gone, she can't become an angel, and she can't protect us. Do you want to face the angel when the earth demons are fighting?"

Seeing that the two were talking more and more angry, Sam hurried out to smooth things over and separated the two.

"You don't have to worry about it, I will take Anna away."

Listening to the quarrel between Dean and Ruby, Wang Yu thought about the original plot and decided to take Anna away directly.

Wang Yu knew that Anna's energy had been taken away by Uriel, and now it was hanging around his neck, so as long as he caught this angel in the future, he could regain Anna's energy, and he was not in a hurry now.

Besides, Wang Yu has already hooked up with the two protagonist brothers, so when he encounters something he wants to find in the future, he can naturally contact him again, and he doesn't need to be around the Wen brothers all the time.

And not long after, the two brothers faced the role of Lucifer, the first to bear the brunt of the general trend, Wang Yu just wanted to keep a low profile and secretly collect what he wanted, and he didn't want to be directly attacked by the big boss to teach him, especially in the current situation. Under such circumstances, it would be unwise to rely on your physical strength to be tough.

"and many more!"

Anna suddenly frowned, looking serious, as if she sensed something was listening carefully, and said after a while: "It's the voices of the angels, but it's very strange, it seems to be a recording, and it is being played in a loop."

"What did they say?"

"Dean Winchester, deliver Anna to us before midnight, or else"

When she got here, Anna's voice sank, and she looked at Dean, slightly unable to speak.

Seeing Anna's expression, Dean's heart trembled: "Otherwise what?"

Anna: "Otherwise we'll throw him back into the abyss of hell."

Hearing this, Sam's expression suddenly became decisive: "Anna, do you know of any weapons that are effective against angels?"

Anna looked at Sam: "And then? You want to kill the angel?"

After Sam gave a positive look, Anna felt that his choice was a little crazy.

"We have no choice now. Only the angel blade that contains the power of heaven can deal with angels. Other weapons are useless. Only weapons with the power of heaven and the breath of hell can kill angels or demons."

"Call Bobby to get him back."

When things got to this point, Dean also began to go to the doctor in a hurry.

Sam: "Bobby hasn't dealt with angels before, how could he know how to deal with angels better than us?"

Dean: "Then we have to find a way!"

"Just as I said"

Wang Yu stepped forward: "I will take Anna away from you, so that neither angels nor demons will find you again.

My ancestors had a proverb, that is, when a car reaches the mountain, there must be a road, and when a boat reaches the bridge, it will be straight.

There is never a perfect solution to the problem. As long as we do our best to prepare, what we can do is to have the courage to face the problem. "

Sam and Dean exchanged glances.

Ruby seemed very happy with Wang Yu's decision, and finally no longer had to resist the pressure from both heaven and hell at the same time.

In the end, everyone accepted Wang Yu's choice.

For the Wen family brothers, the most important thing is their own family. Facing the threat of the angel, Sam has already decided that Dean cannot go to hell no matter what. For the safety of his family, he can do anything.

As for Dean, after the tortured soul in hell was distorted, although the soul was restored by the angel again, the psychological shadow was still extremely deep.

In the original plot, even though Dean and Anna fell in love, he finally chose to hand Anna over to the angel.

So under the wishes of Wang Yu and Anna, Dean made the same choice as in the original plot and gave up protecting Anna.

That night, Wang Yu drove Anna away from Union Town.

After getting on the highway, turn around and drive directly towards Chicago, a bustling city located on the Great Lakes.

After running around for several days, Anna's mortal body was already exhausted, and her spirit was also a bit weak. Therefore, after driving for several hours, when the sky was already bright, Wang Yu took Anna to a small town to stop. , find a motel, and prepare to rest for a day before leaving.

Wang Yu, who was holding Anna in his arms, only opened one room with peace of mind.

Opening the door, Wang Yu and Anna entered the room.

"It's really the first time I've done this, and I've never thought of using money from a stolen credit card before."

While speaking, Wang Yu pressed the switch, and the room became brighter immediately.

When he left, Wang Yu, who was empty on his body, was going to borrow some money from Dean to solve the urgent need, but he didn't expect that this guy didn't have much money on him.

In the end, Sam handed Wang Yu a credit card, saying that he had specially 'handled' it, and that he could use a limit of $[-].

After entering the room, Wang Yu took off his coat and threw it on the hanger, then sat down on the sofa.

The powerful body and soul kept Wang Yu from feeling tired. Sitting on the sofa, Wang Yu began to think about how to recover his strength quickly.

Maybe it's because the influence on this world is still too small, or he is too powerful. After Wang Yu participated in Anna's plot and performed his own operations, he didn't feel how much the world's constraints on him were weakened. not available.

"I'll take a shower first."

Anna walked behind the sofa, bent down and whispered in Wang Yu's ear.After speaking, he took off his coat and walked into the bathroom.

Originally, foreign women were very relaxed. After awakening the memory of being an angel, Anna's thinking suddenly became extremely mature, calm and capable.

The whole person looks like a strong woman, which makes Wang Yu can't help but flash the figure of Morgana in his mind.


His thoughts returned to the world of super gods. During the days around Morgana, Wang Yu suddenly felt a little restless in his thinking.But Wang Yu's rationality, who had already retrieved his soul-seed, had already gained the absolute upper hand, even if that trace of trouble was cut off in an instant, it disappeared invisible.

After a while, Anna came out after washing and sat next to Wang Yu.The steaming water vapor all over his body conveyed Anna's smell to Wang Yu, reminding her of her existence.

Fiddled with the shape of the hair, Anna saw that Wang Yu seemed to be thinking about something, turned his face with a smile, and drew his eyes to herself.

A beautiful look came into Wang Yu's eyes, Anna's smiling eyes flickered, as if asking Wang Yu, what are you waiting for?
(End of this chapter)

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