Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 408 Unsolvable Gap (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 408 Unsolvable Gap (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 4 Ten (please subscribe!)
The two left in the room staring at each other.

Barry Allen didn't know the origin of that blue weirdo at all, but after seeing Wang Yu's almost never-moving face turned black at this moment, he seemed to understand something.

"you're scared"

All the calculations were seen through by Wang Yu, and the flash man who was about to go hysterical showed a sneer on his face, and said, "It seems that you also have unexpected things."

He glanced at The Flash lightly, and then returned to thinking about the reason for Dr. Manhattan's visit.

Under such circumstances, Wang Yu was in no mood to pay attention to Flash's ridicule.

Although Dr. Manhattan seemed to have left, Yuan Li told Wang Yu that the other party's eyes never left him.

In other words, the sight of this great god can observe the past, present and future of every corner of the earth anytime, anywhere, and nothing can be hidden from his eyes!
For high-dimensional observers, the low-dimensional universe has no dead ends.Even the choices that each person will make in the next second can be summarized through the observation of the person's behavior on various timelines, so as to predict all possible behavior patterns of the person.

Unless high-dimensional observers of the same level help cover it up, seeing through an intelligent body with little influence on matter and extremely limited variables is easy for advanced beings with infinite variables.

Suddenly some information was sensed by Wang Yu, and he stepped into the green flame that exploded out of thin air, and walked through the magic gate to the streets of Central City.

There was no sound in the street.

The screams that were raging in the city were gone now.

Through the information read in The Force World, Wang Yu recalled what happened in the city.

A large number of Zerg arms were instantly evaporated without realizing it.

In the shining circle of light that appeared out of thin air, it was directly decomposed into elementary particles, drifted away and disappeared.

With just the effort of front and rear feet, Nuoda's Zerg army was easily destroyed.

Even in the picture transmitted through the force, Wang Yu sensed that the Zerg buildings deep underground had not escaped a catastrophe, and a large number of giant eggs of the Zerg version of A-Kha waiting to be hatched were disintegrated and destroyed.

Without even knowing who the enemy is, the terrifying Zerg that can cross the galaxy are extinct in a flick of a finger!

Wang Yu felt his scalp go numb.

If he wanted to destroy the Zerg, he could do it himself, but Wang Yu knew that he would never be able to achieve this level of terrifying control.

After ordinary people understand all this, they may only lament the seemingly infinite energy of Dr. Manhattan and the terrible destructive power of his ability on matter.

But what Wang Yu is afraid of is the opponent's unparalleled powerful control.The control over one's own thinking, over every atom seems to be devoted to oneself.

each change
track per point
Every bit of it is under control.

I dare not imagine how strong Dr. Manhattan's will is, and the rational thinking that has long been freed from being bound by animal instincts. Under the constraints of what kind of goals or dreams, can he have such a degree of control.

Fear had never been so strong brewing in Wang Yu's heart.

As his thoughts flowed, Wang Yu made a decisive decision and wanted to directly activate the shuttle ability to return to the main world of Marvel.

Just at the moment when the idea of ​​leaving the Flash universe arose, Wang Yu's eyes blurred, and a blue body suddenly appeared in front of him
Looking through the past, present and future, Dr. Manhattan already knew what Wang Yu did after he came to this world.

Not surprised.

Dr. Manhattan, who has a unified individual consciousness in all timelines of the DC universe, has already surpassed the consciousness of countless lives. He has seen many existences like Wang Yu.

Every moment there are many time travelers from other worlds, arriving at certain timelines of the DC universe to stir up trouble.

Most will choose to integrate into this world, but there are also a few who, like Wang Yu, will recklessly destroy or even destroy the world.

For the traversers who choose to integrate, the many powers of the DC universe will not care, but will be happy to see the results, and it doesn't matter if they wantonly destroy, because there are countless timelines going to destruction every moment.

The arrival of the traveler will bring new variables, which will often cause the original world to have a wonderful reaction, causing various deflections in the same world process, resulting in more new information and more choices. , generating more timelines.

The evolution of intelligence and life requires new information.

The information inside a system is also in line with the law of entropy increase. Old information is always lost or becomes unreadable, so new information needs to be continuously added to keep the information entropy in a system at a relatively low level and keep itself low. The existence of entropic bodies.

If no new information is received for a long time, any system and thinking body will sink and perish.

There are infinitely many parallel worlds, most of which are not important.

The difference in information between many parallel worlds may just be that a particle chose a different direction of motion at the beginning. There are too many such different worlds, and it is difficult to obtain any new information, so no matter how many are destroyed, they will not be taken seriously. .

But there are exceptions to everything!
The world that Wang Yu came to is the source of a series of timelines.

Before that, Wang Yu had been hesitating whether to help the world eliminate the Zerg, so the existence of the Zerg in the future is uncertain. It may be destroyed by Wang Yu, or the Zerg may spread and destroy the world. Help defeat the Zerg invasion.

And at the moment when Wang Yu finally decided not to destroy the Zerg, and let the world face the Zerg by itself, many powers in the DC universe who could see through multidimensional time and space seemed to see the disappearance of a large parallel world in the multiverse!
After Wang Yu gave up the choice of destroying the Zerg, under the interference of some unknown reason, the possibility of the Zerg destroying the world was infinitely magnified.

Many great powers who can see through the timeline can almost all observe a picture.

In the process of human resistance in this world in the future, the crazy Zerg Queen summoned countless Zerg armies from other worlds, fleets shining with high energy fields, and reincarnators who created countless timeline destructions.

This shows that there is a powerful unknown existence standing behind the Zerg.

The arrival of Dr. Manhattan this time is to correct the source of this timeline that is about to be destroyed, to save those parallel worlds that can bring countless new information, so that the Zerg cannot summon the unknown existence in the void in the future.

Stared at by eyes that contained the Milky Way universe without the slightest expression of emotion, Wang Yu felt that everything about himself was seen through, and his body and even his soul couldn't help but want to tremble.

"Try to destroy the source world and accept punishment."

As the sudden voice fell, the original force suddenly received some information, and then sent countless pictures to Wang Yu's consciousness, all of which were Wang Yu's end after he chose to refuse and resist, without exception, They all ended in failure!
After 80.00% of Qi's self was knocked down, he captured the DC main world and was guarded by Dr. Manhattan's avatar. The rest may be directly decomposed into elementary particles or thrown into a black hole, and even the soul consciousness has not escaped.

The choice between life and death!

Forcing himself to look at the pair of eyes containing the universe, Wang Yu learned through the force that the source of the information was the blue god in front of him, and what made Wang Yu even more desperate was that the information and The perception of the world of the force, everything that happened in these pictures is a real scene, but the place where it happened is in a parallel world located in another timeline!
Dr. Manhattan let Wang Yu know everything with a nonchalant attitude.

These pictures are the information obtained from Dr. Manhattan's high-dimensional perspective on all timelines. In many timelines, Wang Yu chose to resist, but without exception, all of them ended in failure.

The stalwart blue divine body exuded a faint light, and Dr. Manhattan and Wang Yu looked at each other.

One seems to be omniscient and omnipotent, without any emotion.

There was unwillingness and despair in a look, and it was hard to let go of it in his heart.

From the information delivered by Dr. Manhattan, we can understand that Wang Yu has tried his best in many timelines, but he can't escape the almost incomprehensible strength of the opponent. No matter what method Wang Yu uses to resist, he will be easily settled by Dr. Manhattan. Although they are both high-level beings far beyond the imagination of ordinary people, the gap between the two is also extraordinary.

Dr. Manhattan now directly lays out all the choices Wang Yu may make in the future, showing Wang Yu the gap between the two nakedly.

Forced by the strength and incomprehension of the other party, Wang Yu's mind suddenly felt a myriad of clues, and his eyes turned black. He really couldn't think of how he could escape from the sky. Could it be that in order to save his life, he could only be caught without a fight and let others catch him? Go home and be imprisoned until the Year of the Monkey!Who knows if there will be a moment to see the sun again!
(End of this chapter)

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