Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 394 Exploring the Bug Lair (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 394 Exploring the Bug Lair (Please Subscribe!)

After the voice fell, the scene was silent.

Half a day later, Barry's voice sounded, "You mean, those monsters are creatures from your world? Then you must have a way to deal with these monsters... Zerg, look at you, you must know where they are now?"

Hearing Barry Allen's question, Wells and Sisko also pricked up their ears, hoping to get more information.

"Yes, I do know," Wang Yu chuckled.

"But even if you know, it's useless, because they are not hidden, they are here openly.

Based on the expansion of the past few months, they built their lairs at a depth of seven kilometers underground within a radius of about [-] kilometers from the central city. "

"With your technical conditions, even if you know where they are, there is no way to pose even the slightest strategic threat to them. The most likely result of the battle is to attract some cannon fodder to grab and study, but this will not change. What."

"If you want to try it, I know the entrances of several worm nests, which are by the sea, and you can use ultrasonic waves to detect them.

However, I do not recommend that you do this.

Because the auditory system of the Zerg is far superior to that of humans and even many highly sensitive machines, they can hear most sound waves and distinguish whether they are natural background sounds or artificial ones.

If you carry out reflective detection, the result is very likely to anger them and cause them to invade the ground in advance.

By the way, I would like to give you a piece of advice. It is best not to regard the Zerg race as the level of beasts on the earth. You should regard them as another cosmic civilization that is equal to human beings but different from human beings. Otherwise, it will be human beings who will suffer Own. "

The scene became silent again.

After hearing the news brought by Wang Yu, several people in the interstellar laboratory fell into thinking, making various small movements while thinking.

"If what he said is true, then we have really brought great trouble to our world." Sisko's frustrated voice broke the silence.

"We can't just take his word for it."

Hearing such a big thing, Barry seemed to feel less resentment towards Wang Yu, and suggested, "Since he knows that there is a hole in the city, we have to try it no matter what.

Even if you don't use ultrasonic waves to probe the ground, at my speed, you should be able to go there to check to confirm whether what he said is true, and you can also prepare in advance in case of accidents. "

Barry had personally seen the Zerg puppies and ground walkers fighting the police officers, and he believed that the holes dug by the three-meter-high Zergs must have room for them to run.

"This is too dangerous Barry! How can you deal with monsters that can be infinitely restored by yourself? You have nothing to do with them. We can't watch you die."

"Aren't there some of us who understand those monsters?"

Barry Allen looked at Wang Yu, "If you want us to help you go home, shouldn't you also do something for us? After all, they are monsters in your world, and you should know their habits better than us. "

"So you agree to my request?"

Hearing Barry Allen's words, Wang Yu asked back.

"This is after confirming that what you said is true!"

Barry Allen looked at Wang Yu seriously, "Although I don't understand why you need my help because you are faster than me, but if what you said is true, you have to go with me to where you are. Said cave exploration, I want to see with my own eyes what you said."

Seeing everyone looking at him, Wang Yu made a thoughtful expression.

"no problem."

"But let me say something first, I only guarantee the safety of your trip. If this action stimulates the Zerg and causes an early invasion of the surface, I will not take any responsibility."

Hearing Wang Yu's answer, Barry hesitated for a moment, then showed a decided expression.

"Since human beings have to face it no matter what, instead of waiting in the unknown, it is better to face it with understanding!"

As if they were infected, Sisko and Caitlin seemed to agree with Barry.

"Based on my observation just now, the super speed used by this gentleman seems to be very different from that used by Barry. It just so happens that I have also studied the speed force on Barry. Can I participate in your plan?"

Driving the wheelchair forward, Wells looked at Wang Yu with a smile.

Meeting Wells' gaze, Wang Yu's smile seemed to carry some kind of deep meaning, "Of course it's no problem, Speed ​​Force..., this name is very good."

Ignoring the astonishment on Wells' face, Wang Yu said to the crowd: "After observing Barry's various performances, I also made some guesses about this phenomenon based on the theory of my world. More people are welcome to join in. Let's explore the nature of this phenomenon together."

Turning his gaze to Barry Allen, "When are we going to leave, I'm ready." Wang Yu's eyes flashed a strange green light while speaking, which made people startled.

"I'm fine, I can do it now."

With the help of the interstellar laboratory, Barry, who has mastered his own movement at high speed, seems to have greatly increased his self-confidence, and he is not at all as embarrassed as he was when he was almost killed by a ground worm a few months ago.

"Hey, Wang..." Sisko was interrupted by Wang Yu before he could speak, "I know you like to give people nicknames, but if you can, you can call me the free translation of my surname: King, or wizard."

"Wizard...King? Oh, I like that name! Let's use that, but that's not what I'm talking about."

Speaking of this, Sisko began to use the scissors hands, gesturing back and forth to his eyes, "Don't you feel that there is something different about you from ordinary people, is it too conspicuous in the crowd?"

"Uh..." Wang Yu blinked, but didn't speak.

"I have a way to help you cover it up. It just so happened that I designed a holographic glasses not long ago. I originally hoped that while leaving the control room, I could also remotely control and adjust the parameters of the particle accelerator."

While speaking, Sisko walked to the shelf and opened a small metal box on it.

"Now you just need to change it a little bit to make it look like sunglasses. I don't know if there is a movie like The Matrix in your world, but I dare say that if you wear it, you will look so handsome!"


Inside the sewer of Central City, near the discharge port near the sea.

Wang Yu, who constantly made breeze tricks between his mouth and nose, was using the gravity control ability of the chicken charm and Barry Allen was floating above a hole with a diameter of nearly four meters.

"So in fact, the purpose of you giving me glasses is to observe the process of me and Barry going underground through this pair of glasses, so you gave me this pair of glasses."

In the interstellar laboratory, Sisko, who was watching the video sent back from Wang Yu's sunglasses with Wells Kettering, couldn't help showing an embarrassed smile after hearing Wang Yu's voice.

"It's the best of both worlds, and that pair of glasses has many functions, such as low-light vision and thermal radiation vision, microcomputers can assist calculations, and automatically translate all texts that have existed in the world, etc. It will definitely help you."

"Oh, really."

Wang Yu said in a noncommittal tone: "However, I can do these things without glasses, and I can even do them better.

In fact, I hope that this pair of glasses only has its own function as glasses!
But because the appearance is really cool, I accepted this gift, but after this campaign, I will remove all the above functions that I don't use. "

"Oh, that's enough, Sisko, King, let's stop dawdling, the smell here makes me almost suffocate!"

Barry, who had been tortured by the smell of the sewer, held his mouth and nose tightly with his hands, regretting why he didn't wear a chemical mask before coming here. He didn't understand why Wang Yu showed his mouth and nose like himself, but didn't show anything strange. Did he lose his sense of smell?

(End of this chapter)

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