Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 391 Civilization Evolution Experiment (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 391 Civilization Evolution Experiment (Please Subscribe!)
The majestic mind scan of the Zerg Queen unscrupulously swept across the entire city, which naturally alarmed Wang Yu who was doing experiments in the central city.

Wang Yu, who has already collected a lot of transformed people, was originally in the laboratory to conduct various differences in superpowers, and whether there are differences due to human personality.

After this period of research, Wang Yu found that the dark matter leaked from the wormhole opened by the particle accelerator accident should be the same kind of matter, and there is no difference between them. After the human body, the ability produced is ever-changing.

Unlike the mutants in the main world whose abilities come from genes, after summarizing various phenomena, Wang Yu discovered that it is not the dark matter that gives human beings any kind of ability, but that after human beings are attached to dark matter, they let the dark matter behave because of their different personalities. Out of a different state!
Therefore, when the dark matter whose state is changed due to consciousness interferes with visible matter, it will display various physical phenomena.

And just when Wang Yu wanted to summarize the content of the experiment by comparing more data, he sensed the mind scan emanating from the ground, and he hid himself in real time through his predictive ability, without being discovered by the other party.

The matter of Barry Allen was handed over to his assistant Blake by Wang Yu after throwing out those bugs, and he used his avatar to monitor the progress of the matter.

After all, Wang Yu didn't come to this world to play games, but to use the time difference between different worlds to find a way to protect his main world, Earth, from being played bad by various cosmic gods.

The Flash's experiment only needs someone to keep an eye on the progress, and he doesn't need to follow behind him every day to work hard.

Therefore, this also led to the fact that Wang Yu didn't realize that something was wrong until the Zerg Queen hatched and began to observe the world with spiritual power. The bugs seemed to have undergone some unexpected changes.

I really didn't expect that the few bugs I threw out at the beginning, but I haven't seen them for a few days, would cause such a big change. Originally, I just wanted The Flash to be used as cannon fodder for training, but I didn't want to accidentally evolve Became a BOSS.

"This fluctuation is so familiar. Those chubby brain worms seem to have this frequency, but they are not brain worms."

Putting the scalpel in his hand aside, he and the assistant robot came over immediately and took over the experimental subject whose body was constantly trying to blur into green poisonous gas.

Surrounded by the miniature moon revolving and rotating around him, with Wang Yu's consciousness floating in front of him, he looked through the powerful seal to see the few Hydralisks and flying dragons left in it.At this time, these bugs seemed to have noticed something, and they kept looking up and looking around to perceive something.

Slowly raised his right hand and pinched lightly towards the miniature moon, all the bugs in the seal were instantly reduced to dust.

"It's really worrying, the world is really full of accidents, so if I don't take action, I'm afraid the world will become a worm star." Frowning, Wang Yu thought with an ugly expression.

Wang Yu felt helpless that the Flash hadn't dealt with the few bugs.

When the main world fought against the reincarnation, Wang Yu had seen the strength of these Zerg.Different from games and movies, these Zergs seem to have been transformed, whether it is the psychic assault of the brain worms, or the sea of ​​undead bugs, plus countless advanced Zerg troops with various mutant abilities. These Too powerful for this world!
Earth civilization must at least advance to the nanometer age, and master genetic technology and practical controllable fusion energy, to have the basic ability to resist the Zerg attack, but now it is powerless, but relying on a few heroes, the Zerg attack cannot be stopped.

"MMP! Am I going to wipe my ass for what I did?"

Wang Yu thought contradictoryly, a little unwilling, after all, he just exchanged the cannon dust for the Flash to practice, and the Flash failed the exam, why should he give him a make-up exam!
"Or... leave a driving force for progress in this world, and see whether it is the technology and theory of this world that advances first to get rid of the disaster under oppression, or whether it does not make progress until the end and is completely destroyed by the Zerg...".

Thinking of this, Wang Yu's eyes lit up.

"That's right, just do it! The world has had enough of this slow pace!
After the end of the Cold War, the direction of science and technology has changed. Many technologies have emerged, just for entertainment and to satisfy those boring low-level interests. Years have passed, but not a single man-made structure has appeared on the moon!

finance?The game of capital sucking blood, what contribution does it make to human development?Nothing will only make people greedy and no longer pragmatic. Well, yes, this world needs a motivation and a goal!Now it appears!

When it all starts, everyone in the world will unite, regardless of the color of their skin, as brothers, and fight against the common enemy of mankind together.”

Walking out of the laboratory, Wang Yu was very satisfied with his idea.

From Wells, it can be seen that human beings have not left the earth after four centuries, and technology has not advanced to the era of interstellar colonization. All this is enough to prove that the future technological development of this world is slowing down.

This is extremely abnormal, and the speed of industrial development is getting faster and faster.

Humans started from being able to use fire. It took thousands of years to learn to make bronze tools, and it took thousands of years to learn to use iron tools. It took less than 2000 years to start using steam engines and invented the converter technology for mass production of steel.

After that, in less than 100 years, the human perspective entered the microcosm, and began to use the energy generated by nuclear fission. In another 20 years, human beings began to explore the starry sky and launch artificial satellites, launching people to the moon.

Up to now, people have begun to study the relationship between smaller particles and quantum, and hope to find the technology they need from them.

The time for each step forward in human industrial technology is shrinking, so why did the technology of this world start to stagnate after four centuries?
Wang Yu didn't know, but he thought that this method could be used to conduct an experiment in this world to see whether the human beings in this world would explode in despair or perish in despair under the oppression of terror. It will be a rare testimony!

After making the decision, Wang Yu felt refreshed, and a green flame left the laboratory invisibly, and quietly appeared near Barry Allen, who was being tested by Wells and his team.

Looking at the Flash who was checking the top speed, Wang Yu, who was invisible, shook his head, "This progress is too slow, when you develop combat power, the whole of the United States will become an occupied area plagued by insects, it seems that I have to support you. "

An idea suddenly appeared in his mind, Wang Yu smiled and left invisibly.

(End of this chapter)

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