Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 39 Chapter Return (Please recommend!)

Chapter 39 Regression (Please recommend!)
Jackie Chan was at a time when he didn't know what to say.There came Xiaoyu's happy voice.

"Xiaoyu, he's fine!" Xiaoyu was flying happily in the sky, smiling happily,

"I'm back, Dad, Uncle Long, and Xiaoyu." At this time, Wang Yu's figure came out from the ruins, standing in front of everyone and said with a smile.

"Where have you been for so long? Why is there no information at all? Do you know that everyone is worried about you! What happened? Xiaoyu." Seeing that Wang Yu was safe, Jackie Chan was relieved, but at the same time, doubts arose , and asked Wang Yu directly.

"I also... don't know, I forgot..." Wang Yu said with a painful expression on his face, as if he had forgotten something important, and frowned.

Unbeknownst to everyone, a figure was watching them deeply at the top of a nearby mountain.

Time goes back to 5 minutes ago.

"Uncle Long, let's go! I'll follow you right away."

Wang Yu yelled, but his body didn't move, watching Jackie Chan grabbed Xiaoyu in his arms, and ran away quickly.I saw my father running towards this side on the high ground behind.

Wang Yu watched all this calmly, without moving.

This may be the last time for Wang Yu to see Jackie Chan and the others again. His world needs him far more than here.

Reach out and wipe it from the shrink bag.

A statue suddenly appeared and stood in front of Wang Yu.

At this time, the airflow mixed with dust and rubble came over vigorously, hitting Wang Yu's own aura magic layer, making a crashing sound, but it couldn't shake the spirit of the soul that was continuously gushing out from Wang Yu's soul seed. Power, supplemented and reinforced aura magic barrier.

"Wake up!"

Click. Click.
Wang Yu took out the Rat Talisman in his hand, and with his use of the power of the soul far beyond ordinary people, he easily understood the operation method of the power of the Talisman.How could Wang Yu be stumped by the power that even ordinary people can use.

The wonderful power from the Rat Charm poured out and poured into this statue that was exactly like Wang Yu.

The sound of stone breaking continued to resound.

In a blink of an eye, another 'Wang Yu' appeared in front of Wang Yu.It looks exactly the same, it's really hard to tell the real from the fake.

In the original plot, the power of the spell entered the animals, so Jackie Chan was forced to hunt all over the world to catch all kinds of animals represented by the twelve zodiac signs with the power of the spell.However, when the mouse with the power of the mouse charm was found, the mouse actually activated its mana and revived the silver sculpture of the Mayan Feathered Serpent God, and later resurrected many children's toys Elk Superman.

Although Jackie Chan survived the crisis afterwards.

But it proves.

The power of the spell can be bestowed, not the original application like Xiaoyu, who just uses the mouse spell as a battery, and can only revive one item at a time, and the spell cannot be taken off, otherwise the item will be restored.

The spells were in Wang Yu's hands, fully exerting their due power.

Another Wang Yu was directly resurrected and appeared in this world.



The two Wang Yu looked at each other and greeted each other with a smile.

"Since you want to stay, you should stay by yourself, and you created me. Do you think I will give up my mother's hatred and stay in this strange world? Idiot, if you want to keep you, just stay by yourself!"

"Wang Yu turned into a stone statue" suddenly changed his smiling face, full of hatred, and sternly shouted at Wang Yu.But in an instant, his face changed again, becoming extremely ugly.

The expressions of panic and disbelief are constantly changing.

"This is impossible! We are the same person, how is it possible?" Wang Yu, who was made of a stone statue, hadn't finished speaking, Wang Yu took his words and said, "How could it be possible that the shuttle ability is gone? Isn't it."

In the last sentence, Wang Yu used an affirmative tone, smiling as always.

"Although I don't know what is going on with these two abilities that I have traveled through, but after so long, I have vaguely perceived its strangeness after studying the soul and spirit. If a stone statue is revived, it can also get this ability. This kind of power is really not rare.

Although I haven't fully understood the mystery of the equivalent exchange between magic and souls, the consequences of using copy magic last time made me understand that magic is not a perpetual motion machine, and if it wants to work, it must obey some unknown equal rules , how much you want to gain, how much price you have to pay, otherwise you think I will let you appear in the world when I know what I am thinking?

Well, don't think about such a mess anymore, although we are the same person, but now all the equipment is on me, do you think you can deal with me who is fully armed?

And as I expected, you are not exactly like me, and you haven't even condensed your soul-seed. Under such conditions, you have no chance of winning. "

Hearing the main body's merciless words, Wang Yu, who was turned into a stone statue, felt more and more heavy in his heart.

Although the ability is gone, his memory and character are exactly the same.

Thinking in his mind that he would be left in this world forever, and that he would never see his mother, father, and lovely younger sister Emily again, the hatred for the main body soared in his mind.

Although he is not an opponent, even death is ten thousand times better than this!

Wang Yu, who had the same thoughts, instantly understood what was going on in front of him, this "Wang Yu" who was going to stay in this world and replace himself and not compensate his father.

Sighing, the power of the soul-seed from the heart gushed out, and bursts of light flashed from the inscription in Wang Yu's hand, covering this man destined to be sad.As planned, he used magic to erase everything about himself and the Marvel world, leaving only the common sense of life and his memories of coming to the world of adventures.A false personality was created, just like the one Wang Yu had always played when he came.

"No! I don't want to forget, it's mine, the most precious thing in my life, please, don't..."

Wang Yu ignored his words until it was all over.

Looking at the other self from afar, thinking about something with doubts on his face, Wang Yu didn't know what it was like, but he didn't regret it, his father was his master, since he promised that when he grew up, "I" would Repay them, then Wang Yu will not break his promise, as for being sorry to his other self
Sometimes you just have to be tough on 'yourself', don't you?
"I wish you happiness!"

After one last glance, Wang Yu's soft eyes turned cold.

"Two years... After waiting for so long, it's time to go back. There are still a lot of offal waiting for me at home. As the host, how can I make the guests wait so long."

Without further hesitation, the shuttle ability was activated instantly, and Wang Yu disappeared from the world of adventures he had lived in for two years.


In the mysterious space in Ayers Rock, Australia, a huge, thick and simple book is lying open on the shelf, as if waiting for someone to write.At this time, when no one was there, a page was automatically turned, and new lines of text appeared from the blank space.


 Thanks to 'Jiangshen S Ruanruan 13', 'The wind and rain are not there', 'Grandfather Wei is big', 'Daguai thin', 'w Fengguowuhen' for their rewards!Thanks!Thanks also to those who voted for recommendation!Readers and friends who encourage the author!

  The world of adventure is over, and the next chapter is the story of Marvel.It's so cold in the room recently, my fingers are numb when typing.
(End of this chapter)

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