Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 385 Man and Bug (please subscribe!)

Chapter 385 Man and Bug (please subscribe!)

"We don't know what kind of creature this is, we've never seen it, I'm sure it's not a creature that evolved in nature!"

On the helicopter, after seeing the Zerg, the TV reporter seemed to be a little too excited, and kept telling his own opinions to the Mike in his hand.

"Look! These are obviously two different creatures, but they know how to hunt cooperatively!

Faced with a weapon that makes a loud noise, these little guys show no behavior of fear.What an amazing creature, I admire their guts!And amazed by their vitality!
You must know that even an adult African male elephant should have become a corpse under this kind of firepower long ago, but in fact, they are still alive and kicking until now!It doesn't look like dying at all. "

"Can you lower the altitude a little more?" The reporter called out to the helicopter pilot, and excitedly patted the cameraman on the shoulder, "Put the camera down and lock on those little guys."

At this time, the TV station was broadcasting the news live to everyone through the radio waves, and the camera lens faithfully relayed everything that happened on the spot.

The bugs chasing the police car had obviously noticed the approaching source of the noise in the sky, and diverted part of their attention to it.

"That plane! Immediately raise the altitude and leave the ground! Get out of here, you are in danger now, those monsters will attack you! Get out now!!"

The police officers in the police car immediately used the loudspeaker on the police car to warn it after seeing the helicopter descending altitude!
"Don't pay attention to him, they are scaremongering!

Every citizen has the right to know, we cannot be deceived by the truth, and we have all seen that these little things can only run on the ground, we fly in the air, and their attacks cannot hit us at all. "

After hearing the sound coming from the loudspeaker, the reporter stopped the driver.

"Okay, then listen to you."

The pilot didn't seem to think that these fast monsters running on the ground could hurt the helicopter in mid-air, and the height of more than ten meters gave him a great sense of security.

As far as he knew, not even the best jumping animal in nature could jump so high, so these must be some excuses for the cops to cover up their incompetence.

The reporter was very satisfied with the attitude of the pilot, and opened the door on the side of the helicopter, so that the camera could more directly capture the Zerg on the ground.

Apparently unknown to everyone, the Zerg puppy's real name: Zerglings!

In the process of running, the two puppies suddenly turned to the buildings on both sides, and suddenly jumped!Jump high, boom!Boom!The impact was at a height of seven or eight meters.

A pair of dragonfly-like, seemingly useless wings stretched out and flapped quickly, grasping the balance, with the help of jumping momentum, the two puppies stepped on the wall of the building and jumped again!Hit directly into the position of the helicopter cabin!
what! !

Squeak! !
The camera faithfully relayed all the images on the scene back to the TV station. A few seconds before the images disappeared, the lens was covered in bright red plasma, and only a few shrill screams, inhuman roars, and metal being torn apart could be heard. terrible sound!
In the end, the helicopter hit the side of the office building and burst into flames. The shock wave shattered the building glass on the outside of the building, and a large number of glass fragments fell downstairs.

Fortunately, the police had already evacuated the crowd on the nearby road beforehand, and the falling glass did not cause casualties.

However, those company employees who were forced to stay in the office building and unable to go home from get off work because of the police blocking the road, suffered an unwarranted disaster.

When the helicopter exploded, causing the building to vibrate, many women were even more distraught, panicked, and screamed desperately like a competition, as if they subconsciously believed that as long as the sound was loud, they could prevent any harm they wanted to add to themselves.

Unfortunately, quite the opposite.

The screams of the whole building instantly attracted the attention of the bugs!
Compared with those chicken ribs that are like hedgehogs and cannot be caught up, it is obvious that there are many creatures in this confined space and it is more convenient for one's own side to capture them.

"Hiss!! Squeak!!"

The three groundworms on the road, when they heard the screams in the building and the call of the puppy that crashed into the building with the helicopter, immediately gave up chasing the police car, rushed towards the office building, and directly smashed through the glass The door entered the building.

At this moment, no matter how much firepower the police unleashed, they could no longer attract the attention of these bugs.

"We are finished! At least a few hundred people are blocked in this building, if all these people are killed by monsters."

"We have to go in and save them, those damn monsters, I won't let them go!"

"Who will get in? How to save? You have also seen that those things are not afraid of bullets at all, and the deer bullets only caused a few cracks on those carapaces. I don't think those things are creatures on the earth at all. Maybe they are like those in the black super special police. It's like aliens, we just have to"

"Shut up! Pay attention to your identity, you are a police officer!"

"Enough!! Shut up!"

Click, the sergeant who came out of a police car shouted with a livid face, stopping the chaotic discussions of his subordinates.

He has already seen that with the deaths of a large number of police officers, these people have lost their confidence in fighting against those monsters. It is absolutely impossible to force them to rescue people now, and maybe they will be behind the scenes. Some dizzy guys got shot.

And even if others don't say it, the police chief has already admitted in his heart that these monsters are beyond his ability to deal with, and the weapons in his hands can't do any harm at all. Even if he really goes in to save people, the fear will only add a few more Life is futile.


Even if these people are in fact dead, I can't show that I want to abandon them, because this is political correctness!

Being incompetent is incapable, but if you show the slightest incorrect attitude, then even if your sheriff is not dismissed in the future, your political career will have come to an end.

It is good to lose your job and go home, but the fear is that it will be bad if you are blacked out by some extreme family members after you go home.

You must know that this is the United States, a country where every household has a gun!
If you don’t want to be shot dead by the family members of the deceased when you go shopping, shopping in the supermarket, on vacation, or traveling one day, then you must not do stupid things. I just fulfilled my obligation and tried my best to avoid that terrible future from happening to me.

After all, too many people have died this time. As the sheriff of the police station, if he doesn't make a statement, no one can bear the responsibility.

(End of this chapter)

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