Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 373 Easy Entry (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 373 Easy Entry (Please Subscribe!)
"Ninth, one more short"

A warm and flowing feeling appeared behind the palm of his left hand, Brab thought so.


When the rescue failed and he left the ward, seeing the family members of the deceased with grief-stricken faces, Blake sincerely apologized in his heart and left in a hurry.

Blake didn't know, and he didn't dare to think whether these people died because of his own touch. Maybe they were not incurable, but he harmed them
None of the patients he had rescued survived, which made him feel very guilty.

There seemed to be a voice in my heart telling me that this was because of the consequence of the deal I made with that devil, that I took away the souls of those innocent people with my own hands!

Although he tried not to think about it, Blake would still feel as if he was condemned in the dead of night in the dead of night.

But every time he thinks about giving up, the frozen figure of his wife in the morgue will always appear in his mind and give him confidence. This is his greatest spiritual support, and it is also the greatest extent for him to continue as he is now. source of courage.

"As long as my wife can be revived, it doesn't matter if my soul goes to hell."

With similar thoughts in mind, Black ignored the strange eyes from all around and returned to his office.

As a biogenetics major, Blake also has his own achievements in medicine. After finding a friend who had worked with him, he presided over several surgical operations in this hospital in the name of research. Nice effect.

But others don't know why, this outstanding expert always fails in rescuing such things!For more than a week, as long as the rescues handled by him have failed, none of them have succeeded. Often, just by opening the other person's eyelids to check the pupils, the patient died by coincidence.

Once or twice may be a matter of probability, but this is already the ninth time. People along the way knew from Black's expression that the rescue failed again.

Sure enough, soon the news of rescue failure spread everywhere again, and everyone was getting used to it.

"He may have been cursed. He has been in bad luck for more than a week. I heard that his wife just passed away not long ago."

"Who knows, but it is indeed a coincidence."

"It's best to stay away from him, and don't let us follow suit."

"I hope he can finish that research quickly and leave the hospital early."

Black doesn't care what other people say, as long as it doesn't involve insulting himself, he will hardly react. He must ensure that his purpose can be achieved.

Soon, another patient in need of rescue appeared.

"What are you doing?"

Black, who came out, wanted to examine the patient, but another doctor suddenly blocked him with an indifferent expression. Black could only watch the new patient being pulled into the emergency room and rescued by another doctor.

"You should ask yourself what you have done recently, and you should understand in your heart that if you continue like this, the reputation of the hospital will be ruined by you.

I don't know how you did it, but I don't think anyone would believe that this kind of thing would be so ridiculous that it would happen nine times in a row, and even if it was really just a coincidence, no one would want you to rescue those Poor patient.

Forgive them!
This job can be taken over by others, you can go for surgery, or something else, I just hope that the patients in the hospital will not die in such a continuous manner. "

Looking at the doctor blankly, Blake noticed that his friend was also watching him from a distance.

Without explaining anything, Blake knew of his friend's difficulty.

After explaining to the hospital that his research had yielded some results, he bid farewell to his friends and left here.

"Damn it, there is only one person left!"

Although he was extremely unwilling, Black knew that it was useless to stay in the hospital. Nine patients died in a row, and it was impossible for the hospital to allow him to contact patients.

"What should I do? Besides the hospital, where else is it easy to come into contact with the dead without doubting myself?"

After thinking hard for a long time, there is no good way.

After getting out of the car, Blake, who was in a mess in his head, suddenly felt a hard object against his lower back.

"Don't bark, cooperate. If you don't want to die, I just want cash!"

The body was roughly turned around, and a hooded African-American gestured at himself with a black-holed pistol.

Looking at his malicious expression and skilled movements, it seems that he is used to this kind of thing and has done it many times.

But Black is not afraid now, because after the past few days, he knows that his left hand seems to have a different ability.

"You shouldn't be doing this, oh, ok, here's your wallet, it's in the car, huh."

Blake twitched his chin lightly, and gestured to the hastily closed car door that hadn't come yet.

"Count you acquainted!"

Sure enough, the robber who saw the wallet said with a smile, he didn't have any doubts about Black's cowardice, not everyone has the courage to mess around at gunpoint.

But this time he miscalculated. It is obvious that those who dare to make deals with the devil have great courage and carefulness in grasping the timing.

At the moment when the robber pointed a gun at himself, walked to the car door, bent over and turned his head, Blake moved!

The right hand immediately pushed the shooter away, and firmly grasped the opponent's wrist, and quickly pressed the left hand to the upper part of the robber's neck, and slapped hard at the same time!
Black planned it out. Even if the mark on his left palm didn't work, his ruthless blow could instantly shock the robber's brainstem, making the other party lose his ability to move, and he could no longer pose any threat to himself.

As a biologist, Blake is very familiar with the neuroskeletal divisions of human organs, and he took the right position in one click!
I don't know if it's because of the devil's power, but the robber fell to the ground with a thump. Black stepped forward to check, and found that his pupils had dilated and lost his pulse!
The existence of that devil became more and more frightening, and at the same time, the expectation of his wife's resurrection became stronger and stronger.


A severe burning sensation suddenly appeared in the heart of the left hand. Turning over the palm, I suddenly found the mark on the palm, and immediately began to flicker green light on and off!

"You've done a good job, now, I'm here to fulfill your wish!"

The violent wind suddenly broke out not far in front of Black, the trees around the parking lot were bent by the sudden strong wind, and several vehicles parked too close to the wind source were blown over!

After the inexplicable voice sounded in Black's mind again, he was also blown somersault and fell to the ground.An extremely awkward feeling appeared in front of him, and the weird light and distortion made Black feel dizzy.

Squinting his eyes, he could vaguely see a figure appearing in a distorted place in front of him, and then his eyes went dark, and he could no longer resist the onslaught of dizziness and passed out.

"Ha, this world is really weird!"

The anomalies brought about by the time-space distortion disappeared immediately, and apart from the broken trees and a large number of cars with sirens constantly sounding, there was no other influence here.

Da da da.
Wearing ordinary clothes, Wang Yu, who was no different from ordinary clothes, walked gently to Black's car.

Glancing at the black body that had lost its soul, a spell was cast, the ground opened a hole and swallowed the body, and merged together again to restore it as before.

Grabbing Black to feel it, a group of green flames exploded, and the figures of the two disappeared immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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