Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 371 Duplicator (please subscribe!)

Chapter 371 Duplicator (please subscribe!)

"Don't worry, I will think of a way to save you again. Even if that guy took away my data, those data are all in my mind, and I remember every step of the experiment clearly.

It just takes a little more time and I can clone a healthy heart for you, just wait until I succeed, okay baby? "

in the ward.

Denton Black, with a forced smile and confidence on his face, clasped his wife's hand on the hospital bed and said.

After finishing speaking, he gently kissed his wife's hand that looked very pale due to degenerative heart disease, without a trace of blood.

Lying on the hospital bed with a ventilator, Elizabeth, who had no strength and could not speak a word, just looked at her lover quietly and blinked.

Looking at her husband's bloodshot eyes, she knew that he was already working hard for his illness.

Although she doesn't want to die on the hospital bed like this, she doesn't want her husband to fall ill because of her, but she can't show any actions now, so she can only quietly look at her who loves her so much husband.

She has entered the advanced stage of the disease, except that she is still conscious, she is almost like a vegetable.

The heart that gradually stopped working made her unable to get enough nutrition all over her body and began to fail continuously. A large amount of toxins could not be taken away by the blood, which accelerated the development of the disease.

She can already feel that she is no longer far away from death, and soon she will leave this world forever.

I look deeply at the person I love the most, hoping to keep his appearance in the depths of my soul forever, and not forget it because of death.

After tidying up his mood, Black got up and kissed his wife's forehead, then looked into her eyes and smiled, then turned and left the ward.

"Simon Steiger, you bastard!!"

Angrily yelling out the name of the guy who made him fall into despair, Blake's face changed from the previous appearance, became full of anger, and began to leave the hospital quickly and rush to his laboratory.

Blake is a geneticist who works for Steiger, specializing in therapeutic human organ cloning.

Of course, the main reason for doing this was to save his most beloved wife who was seriously ill.

If he could clone a healthy heart and replace it with his wife, then his wife could leave the hospital bed and recover as before. This was his dream all along.

But just yesterday, his dream was shattered!
The company I worked for actually snatched away all the experimental data and drove me away after my own research was successful!

Seeing that the hope of saving his wife was broken in front of him like this, Blake felt extremely painful in his heart.

How can those capitalists have the heart to watch their fresh lives die like this!

But Black has no choice. He simply cannot fight against a capitalist with countless connections and huge wealth. Simon Steiger is a giant he cannot compete with.

He knew it when the court ruled that he lost the case, and when he saw Simon Steiger leaving in front of him with a huge team of lawyers, with a contemptuous expression on his face, he knew that he could not defeat this case by himself. capital giant.

Blake sold his property and built a new laboratory, hoping to make up for lost time by resuming the progress of the experiment before his wife's symptoms deteriorated again. Every time he visited his wife, the extent of his wife's deterioration made him shudder.

Black knew that time was running out, he had to clone the heart as soon as possible in the shortest possible time, otherwise it might be too late!

After hurriedly returning to the newly established simple laboratory, after changing his clothes, Black started his own work, began to observe the division of his wife's stem cells through a microscope, and began to stimulate the cells to accelerate division.

One hour.
Two hours
Three hours
Black came out of the laboratory, poured himself a glass of water, and fell on the sofa, ready to take a rest.


Suddenly Blake saw a message on the phone showing a missed call.

I don't know why, Blake suddenly felt a thump in his heart, and a bad feeling arose.

After clicking to leave a message, he put the phone to his ear.

The phone suddenly slipped from his fingertips and fell to the ground, and the screen instantly shattered into a mesh of white, but Black didn't feel it, as if his soul had been sucked out.

Feeling weak for a while, after a daze, he stood up from the sofa in an instant, grabbed his clothes and rushed to the hospital frantically, hoping to see his wife for the last time.

Wang Yu used his ability through the altar to observe this new world.

In memory, this world has many inexplicable connections with the DC universe.

You must know that the Central City of the Flash and the Starling City of the Green Arrow are only separated by a distance of more than 600 miles, and there is no parallel space between them.

So Wang Yu is going to enter this world in a low-key manner.

After all, it is not like the Marvel world in the movie version. If the Justice League exists in this world, then a certain human god Dr. Manhattan perceives himself, and if he waits for a rabbit like himself when passing through, the picture will be too good. .

But it is still unknown whether this is the case. After all, in memory, this world does not have so many great abilities, and it is probably just a small parallel world.

After all, even The Flash himself traveled to another parallel world with a superwoman in the second season, and the two have never heard of each other. This shows that there is no Superman in the world of The Flash, but there are Superman doesn't have The Flash.

Therefore, the world of The Flash is probably not the main world of the DC universe, but a branched parallel world, only the parallel world of some superheroes such as The Flash.

This gave Wang Yu an opportunity to go to this world to study different world power systems. You must know that the transformation people in this world will not be mutants, the kind of superpowers that will be deactivated by a child named antidote ah.

"Huh? This idea."

Wang Yu, who was observing, suddenly felt a strong will of unwillingness and despair, and was instantly attracted by this idea.

"Denton Black?"

Wang Yu, who has a super strong memory, instantly found the identity of this person from his memory.

"Isn't this the second cannon fodder that The Flash picked up? Well, after merging with dark matter, it has the ability to clone people. It seems like a good ability to be able to form an army by one person.

But this guy is too good, what a waste of this good ability, what a good ability to create replicas, to hit people with a pistol, so stupid to fly into the sky!
Since the copied body can copy the items on the body together, how good it is for you to get a whole body of explosives to make a human bomb!Anyway, the replicas are all cannon fodder and are useless. Holding a small broken pistol is useful. It’s not like letting people find the body and give it every minute, without any sense of fighting! "

With an expression of hating iron but not steel, Wang Yu's eyes glowed with green light, and he sent his thoughts to this world across the infinite void by using the shuttle ability.

(End of this chapter)

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