Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 33 Gathering Soul Seeds (Please recommend!)

Chapter 33 Gathering Soul Seeds (Please recommend!)
In fact, in Jackie Chan's Adventures, the most powerful and strange items are not the twelve charms, the Japanese mummy mask or the black air of the eight demons, but the history books of the years in the mysterious space in Ayers Rock, Australia. The time history book records all the history from the beginning of the world to the future.

If someone modifies it, then everything in reality will be distorted and develop according to the modified events.

But there is one thing.

History is not so easy to revise. If you use the history books in vain, you will be punished by fate. If you cannot bear the punishment, then history will be corrected to the original track, and those who revise will suffer terrible disasters.

In the original plot, the Holy Master was forced to have no other way out, and determined to use the mighty power of the history books to revise history and let the demons rule the world again.It ended up being a failure.With the help of Xiaoyu, fate summoned power and finally shattered the Lord's plan, and the Lord lost all his power.If it wasn't for the future, Dad managed to resurrect it in order to use him to deal with the evil little dragon, and the Holy Lord would forever become history with a body carved in stone.

This is the power of fate in Jackie Chan's world, no one can go against his will.

As a stowaway from another world, Wang Yu thought that if he was discovered by the fate of this world, the situation might be very bad, so just in case, Wang Yu decided not to look for the history books.

Because obviously, the time history book records the history of the world of Jackie Chan's Adventures, even if Wang Yu gets it and brings it back to the Marvel World, it is useless, it will not play a role in the World of Adventures at all.Its existence, Wang Yu believes that it is the embodiment of the destiny and will of this world, so Wang Yu does not intend to kill himself, Wang Yu has not yet had the power to fight against a world, even if there is, Wang Yu will not do it in vain Useless work.



"The inheritance in the magic-shaped scroll is really different. It only needs some changes in the inscriptions to arouse the power of the soul and produce so many effects that can only be produced by magic."

At this time, Wang Yu stretched out his arm, grasping with the palm of his left hand upwards, and all kinds of visions flashed above his hand from time to time, raging fire, biting frosty wind, dazzling flashes of light, thunder and lightning...

"Very good. It can actually amplify the power of Qi and increase the utilization rate of soul power. The wisdom of ancient people cannot be underestimated."

Wang Yu looked at all this with a smile, and suddenly the vision in his hand disappeared, and he brought his left hand close to him, looking at the engraved mysterious inscription drawn in his hand, Wang Yu became more and more curious about the mystery.

The left hand stretched out again, but this time there were no abnormal phenomena just now, as if it was just a wave of the hand, which was ordinary.

"Ah!!! My God! Where is this place!"

A piercing scream came from the wall.

An incredible scene appeared!

Just now, Wang Yu waved his left hand to a decorative oil painting hanging on the wall. In the painting, the naked woman lying on the bed suddenly screamed and walked down from the bed in the painting, holding the painting paper behind her hands. As if pushing a transparent glass, looking at Wang Yu through the oil painting with horror and despair, looking at everything in the real world, as if seeing a nightmare.

The screams are always heard.

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong!

Ding dong!doorbell.

"Who is it? What's the matter?"

"Hello, sir, I am a staff member of the hotel. Do you need help? We received a complaint from the room next to you that there was a loud abnormal sound coming from your room. Do you need our help?" There was a questioning voice from the staff outside the door.

"No, I'm just watching a horror movie. I accidentally turned up the volume. I'm sorry. I'll turn it down. There's no problem."

Wang Yu didn't open the door, but waved his left hand again, the woman's scream disappeared, the oil painting fell silent, and everything returned to normal.

"Well, okay, thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, you can use the phone in the room to call the service desk at any time." The staff outside the door said politely.

"I see."

Hearing Wang Yu's reply in the room, the staff got a satisfactory answer and left here.

"Heh heh heh, it's really a magical power. It's very interesting to be able to cast activation spells out of thin air."

After dismissing the hotel staff, Wang Yu looked at the oil paintings on the wall, as if thinking about something, and murmured.

I saw what should have been an oil painting of a beautiful woman lying on a bed with a naked fruit.But at this time, the beautiful woman in the painting looked terrified, and looked forward frantically, as if watching all the people standing in front of the painting watching the oil painting, which made people feel weird and absurd from the bottom of their hearts. , even hallucinations.It was as if the painting had been stained with something ominous.

Afterwards, other guests staying in this room always had various accidents, either having nightmares or complaining that they could always hear women’s piercing screams when they slept at night, making every occupant feel uneasy.

This caused the hotel to suffer a disaster for no reason. There is a legend that a woman in this room died of love, and her soul lingers.There are also all kinds of absurd rumors that a woman was raped and committed suicide here,

It annoyed the owner of the hotel until the hotel found out the abnormality of the oil painting and took it away from the room. Then it returned to normal, and everything never happened again.



Time goes by, and the Chinese New Year is coming in a blink of an eye.

Drank the last potion.

Snapped!The test tube fell to the floor and shattered into pieces.

Wang Yu's face was ferocious at this time, his face was flushed with blue veins, his eyes were wide open, his breathing became thicker and thicker, and saliva flowed out from the corner of his mouth uncontrollably, as if he was enduring great pain.

If someone can see the power of the soul, they will find that the majestic soul power in Wang Yu's body is condensed in the heart of the chest, and the flow seems to follow a certain law, shrinking and expanding in accordance with the rhythm of the heart.

call! ...

The weather outside the house seemed to have been affected in some way, thick clouds began to appear inexplicably in the bright sky, and the whole of Hong Kong fell into gloom.The hotel where Wang Yu lived was going up, and the clouds were affected by some force, and a huge vortex appeared, slowly rotating.

Seeing this unusual scene, everyone was very surprised. They didn't understand what happened, and the weather forecast didn't say there would be a typhoon today.

"Hey! This aura! Such a powerful aura!" The old man who was in San Francisco suddenly raised his head from the book, his face was also full of surprise, and the sudden strong aura made him wonder what happened. It took a while for Dad to calm down.There is no other way, what else can the soldiers come to block the water and store up the soil.

"Finally succeeded, the soul seed is completed!"

At this moment, Wang Yu in the hotel returned to normal, feeling a strong unbelievable aura in his heart, showing ecstasy.

"Yeah!" Before he finished laughing, Wang Yu's complexion suddenly changed, and a strong suction came from his heart, which was hundreds of times stronger than the last time when he recklessly used the copying magic to copy the cup of life. Double the power suddenly appeared, as if wanting to absorb Wang Yu's soul in an instant.

Wang Yu had been prepared for a long time, the power of the soul moved slightly, a curse was formed in an instant, it was driven into the core of the heart, and the suction disappeared immediately, as if it had never appeared.

"Huh..." He took out a deep breath, alleviating the trembling feeling of brushing shoulders with death.

"This is just a step forward, and we can't relax yet. Only when the soul-seed matures can we rest for a while, and we can't slack off now." Recalling the situation just now, Wang Yu thought with a blank expression.


 Thanks to 'Poison Scorpion Zhiguang', 'Le Nengzi', and 'Miao Rong sos Celebration Emperor' for their rewards!Thank you for those who voted for recommendation, and readers and friends who support and encourage the author.

  The book friend group is: 419128099, if you want to discuss the plot, you can enter the group to discuss with everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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