Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 318 The Queen's Choice (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 318 The Queen's Choice (Please Subscribe!)
"As long as the body is strengthened enough to withstand the power of the soul-seed, then the soul-seed can be withdrawn from the altar again, and my strength can return to its peak."

However, Wang Yu shook his head when he recalled the influence that the soul seed had on him after being infinitely strengthened through the soul network in the biochemical world.

"No, it shouldn't be wrong to have enough strength after transforming into a god body, but my soul is not enough to offset the influence of the soul seed. In that case, am I still me?"

Suddenly, the demon leading the way stopped, Wang Yu let go of his thoughts, raised his head, and saw himself standing in front of an automatic door.

"Go in, I'll wait for you."

As he spoke, the other party stepped aside and signaled Wang Yu to enter the door.

"Uh, this is it?"

What is uncharacteristically in the room is no longer the metallic tone, but a room with very smooth and curved walls around it, without a single right angle. It seems to be a room inside a sphere. The walls can't tell what kind of material they are, but they just look foggy. of.

After entering, Wang Yu didn't see a single person inside, only a mechanical body floating in the center of the room, like three scimitars, side by side and continuously rotating in opposite directions.

"Attention! Once the renovation starts, it cannot be stopped. Please be prepared."

"I have been preparing for a long time."

After hearing the notification sound, Wang Yu's eyes showed a trace of expectation, vaguely worried and hesitant, and finally everything turned into firmness and calm.

hum! !

The mechanical body accelerated its rotation instantly, and intense light exploded violently from the center of the rotation!Everything that penetrated the spherical room in an instant hit the wall, but bounced back like waves in waves, washing Wang Yu's naked body back and forth at this time.

At the same time, an inexplicable invisible wave participated in it, and Wang Yu felt as if a nuclear bomb had detonated in his mind, and his consciousness collapsed!

"There is no universe of ultimate fear. Is there such a universe? No, it is impossible. Ultimate fear is inevitable in the universe. Maybe it's just that their technology has not yet reached the level of discovering this phenomenon, or they have no idea about the ultimate fear. The names and definitions are different from ours.”

Regarding what Wang Yu said, although Morgana looked at it from the perspective of belief, she still had her own understanding.

Through Wang Yu's description, Morgana briefly summarized the situation in his universe.

A planetary system where a roughly Earth-like civilization resides, but unlike here, there is more than just one path of technology in this civilization.

"Since the collapse of the Kamigawa civilization, the top scientific theories of the universe have not been updated for tens of thousands of years. Everyone, including the Super Seminary, is living on the old books tens of thousands of years ago. If what Wang Yu said really exists , then this may be an opportunity to break the current situation!

Karthus's research on ultimate fear is unparalleled. Although Zieran has been robbed of the big clock, he is still far ahead. In this case, I have no bright future and can only do my best.
But if new theories and new systems can be added, then the collision between multiple systems will surely generate more sparks of wisdom.”

Feeling the increase of the power of the soul in her body to her dark energy and void ability, the eyes in Morgana's pupils seemed to become brighter and brighter.

"First of all, I need a leading party."

It seems to be back to the familiar scene.

Quiet, warm and comfortable. People want to go on like this forever, without thinking, without thinking. It is extremely relaxed, comfortable and wonderful, just like the boundless bliss. feeling.


Suddenly, a wave that only those with the ability to perceive the power of the soul can feel appeared, causing ripples in the peaceful world.

"who am I?"

As if some kind of switch was touched, countless memories appeared in an instant, and exploded together in this conscious body that had just woken up from a deep sleep.

"I am I am a member of the demon civilization, a warrior, a god-level combat power! Ah!! No, no, I am not, and, what the hell is this?! Who am I"

There seemed to be too many memories emerging together, which made this consciousness a little confused about the source, and couldn't find what it wanted.

"I'm a slave of Tatooine. I work for Vatu! I'm a Jedi Knight. I wipe out evil and maintain order! No, I'm not. Who am I? Who am I!"

It seemed to be boiling, and there was a feeling of extreme anxiety in the conscious body.

"Wizard, to me is a wizard, I am Daddy Longshu and Xiaoyu's family, we live together, live happily, defeat evil forces, become strong, save my mother. Mother, Daniel, to me is Daniel , my mother is Jennifer, my father is Albert, and I have a younger sister named Emily, I am Chinese American, we live in. No.! I am Wang Yu! I am Wang Yu! I am Wang Yu !!"

Waking up suddenly, Wang Yu finally sorted out all his memories and found his identity.

Immediately opened his eyes, the strong light at the last moment of his memory had disappeared, and in front of him...
"what are you doing!"

Wang Yu sat up suddenly from lying flat, because the moment he opened his eyes, he saw Morgana looking at his face full of mischief.

"Why do you have such a big reaction? How can you say that you are a god now, so can't you be a little god?"

The indifferent tone made Wang Yu feel a little familiar.

"Wait! Isn't this the tone she said to Qiangwei when she turned into Liangbing? What the hell, she has never been so polite to me!"

Some don't know why, Wang Yu thought vigilantly.

"Okay, don't show that funny look, like an otaku, always startled and exploded, there are so many things to be excited about."

"You were reading my memory just now!"

Almost unable to suppress his anger, Wang Yu looked at the woman in front of him with a fierce look, as if he would do anything at any time to let her know the consequences of such an excessive matter.

"Well, I read it, but I didn't read it. Your soul utilization rate is much higher than mine. The soul utilization rate of a third-level wizard seems to be encrypted countless times. People can't read it at all." For the real face, I just try it out and see if it scares you, what about it?"

For Morgana's appearance of standing and talking without back pain, Wang Yu was a little out of breath.

No matter who it is, even if a beggar on the side of the road gets to know everything he thinks, without any secrets, he must feel angry, not to mention Wang Yu, who has been in a strong position in social interactions for a long time. .

"I do not believe!"

"Believe it or not, if I say you haven't read it, you haven't read it. What else do you want?"

"Anyway, if you did such an outrageous thing without my permission, then let me read it through your memory."

"Just kidding! I'm the queen!"

 Please encourage, please support!The result is that the death of Jun is so miserable, the author asks for humane care! QQ
  The divine body has been completed, and I will return to Marvel soon, and the refreshing days are coming.

(End of this chapter)

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