Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 302 Assault (please subscribe!)

Chapter 302 Assault (please subscribe!)

A violent explosion resounded through the night, waking up everyone who was sleeping in their dreams.

"what happened!"

Qiangwei, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, was also awakened by the explosion, her soft and slender eyes opened in a flash, and then a scene that surprised her even more appeared.

During the day, the cold ice that came out of nowhere and entangled with me for a long time, I don't know when it came, and now it is lying face to face with me on the same bed, and I didn't notice anything unusual !
"Damn it!"

After being shocked in her heart, Qiangwei realized that now was not the time for her to think about this.

No matter how abnormal this woman is, it doesn't look like it will be resolved in a short time. The explosion sound just now is wrong, it seems to be the explosion sound in the camp, and I must know what is going on right away!

boom! !Wow!

Just when Qiangwei thought of this, there was another loud noise from outside, she hurriedly got out of bed, the space shook slightly, and a black armor appeared on her body, tightly tightening her body like a leopard. Protect up.

"Qiangwei! Qiangwei! You have come out, come to support, a reconnaissance team composed of several mutants discovered our camp!"

As soon as she walked out of the tent, Qiangwei saw the soldier she rescued a few days ago running towards here, and after seeing her, she told herself what happened.

"What, aren't these mutants only searching in the city? When did they leave the city and search the suburbs?"

Qiangwei frowned suddenly, if this happened, then the people in the camp would be in danger.

There are fewer and fewer safe places for hiding. After the ordinary humans outside the strongholds with strong armed forces are wiped out, these nails will be pulled out one by one. Is this the idea and strategy of these alien invaders?

"We must kill these beasts before they feed back the information of the camp, otherwise ours will face a catastrophe!
There is no heavy firepower in the camp, everything depends on you, Qiangwei! "

Sensing the urgency of the situation, Qiangwei didn't have time to answer. She just nodded and instantly opened a temporary wormhole, moving directly to the direction of the explosion.

"Well, who is it, it's really annoying, disturbing people's dreams."

What Qiangwei didn't know was that after she walked out of the tent, what she thought was Liang Bing opened her eyes, complaining about the guy who caused these incidents with a displeased expression on her face.

"Wang Yu, Wang Yu, what's going on outside, where is the explosion coming from?

Mom, I was observing that little girl's thoughts in her dream, and suddenly woke her up, it really pissed me off! "

After being upset, Morgana, who turned into cold ice, directly contacted Wang Yu and asked him to tell her what happened.


Wang Yu, who was observing the scene through the force, was taken aback when he received Morgana's question, and then reacted and answered her question.

"It's five demonic virus-infected people who voluntarily mutated. From now on, it seems that they didn't go under the demon's command, but acted as the vanguard of the gluttonous army, scouting the enemy for them, and they are having fun in the sky right now. "

"Depend on!"

Hearing Wang Yu's seemingly teasing tone, Morgana became even more upset.

"Those idiots don't know who endowed them with power? They even went to work for the gluttonous legion. It's too muddy to cover the wall. You secretly found an opportunity to kill these rebellious guys. I still want to continue discussing life with Qiangwei Woolen cloth."

After hearing Morgana's words, Wang Yu couldn't help being stunned.

"Still discussing life? Queen, you won't really become a lily, will you?

Why do you feel that you are not trying to recruit Qiangwei, but trying to bend her rhythm? To borrow someone's words, can you not maliciously waste the resources of beautiful women? "

"What? Did you fall in love with Qiangwei or me, the queen? It's none of your business if we two are not in love, so get things done quickly.

In the future, we should try our best not to let these little monsters disturb our work, but we can't show our identities. "

"Okay. Understood. The problem will be solved immediately."


"Boss, there are quite a lot of people in this camp, at least four to five hundred people, do you think there will be soldiers or rebels inside?"

Five naked but muscular monsters were suspended in the air with a pair of thick bony spurs on their backs, like bats with a layer of meat membrane, which looked hideous and frightening.

Under the skin with exposed veins, there is an unsightly bluish-gray color, which makes it easy for everyone to see that it is not a good person.

The amber pupils on the hideous and ugly face glowed fluorescently in the dark night, reflecting everything around them into the eyes.

"What's so difficult about it? If you force it, you will know if there is one. Look at me!"

As he said that, one of the monsters folded its wings and jumped down from the air, and quickly attacked the ground. At the same time, it stretched out its hands together, and two groups of purple-white energy that looked like flames and gas were gathered in it. on both hands.

Hoo hoo!

Boom. Boom!

As if hit by a powerful howitzer, the people inside the two tent companies were instantly reduced to ashes in this attack.

"Hahahaha. It's so refreshing, Ah Chao, you all have two shots too!
This is much better than the feeling of being a human being. Now we can do whatever we want, and we will see if there are any good-looking girls among them, find some and catch them back, and we brothers will have a good time. "

"That's right, boss!"

After hearing the boss's words, this monster named A Chao also flew over. Looking at the chaotic crowd below who had been awakened by the previous explosion, he was very excited mentally. It seemed that after the mutation, he himself belonged to Human morality and values ​​have completely disappeared.

The purple-white energy group was quickly gathered, and was thrown down as soon as it was thrown around, directly hitting the middle of a bus that was ignited and started.

Amidst the violent explosion, the bus was blown to pieces at the waist, and the entire body of the bus was blown into pieces and disappeared, leaving only the front and rear of the bus blown away by the shock wave.

"Hahahaha, we're here too!"

Seeing that the camp seemed to have no resistance, the other three monsters also flew down from the sky. The first one saw a jeep rushing towards here from the other side, and hit it with a burst of energy.

boom! !

"I'm sub-Ao! What's the situation!"

There was a huge explosion, but what made these monsters shudder was that the person who was blown up was not only the human below, but the companion who just threw out the energy ball!

"Damn you monsters!"

Qiangwei in black armor appeared here. After seeing the tragic situation around her, she felt extremely guilty and distressed, and her eyes were filled with astonishing killing intent when she looked at the monsters in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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