Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 300 Apocalypse (please subscribe!)

Chapter 300 Apocalypse (please subscribe!)
Looking in the direction of the voice, a stubble-faced man who hadn't taken care of himself for some time appeared in Wang Yu's sight.

At this time, the man's face was full of anger, and his eyes were fixed on the speeding car that wanted to leave here. His sharp eyes seemed to have penetrated the speeding car, staring at Xiao Liu inside.

And after hearing the scolding, the speeding car that had already speeded up and flew out immediately slowed down, and after a small circle, it slowly flew in front of the man, lowered its altitude, and hovered in place without moving.

Xiao Liu jumped out of the speeding car with a disappointed face, and walked up to the man obediently. Knowing that he had done something wrong, Xiao Liu lowered his head, and waited for the man's punishment with a face of accepting punishment and scolding.

"Captain, I don't dare anymore"

"What are you talking about? I can't hear you."

"I don't dare anymore!" The volume was amplified a little.


His eyes were sometimes stern and sometimes caring, his face changed a few times, and finally he pursed his lips and his eyes softened, but as if he thought of something, his expression changed into a fierce face, and he began to reprimand Xiao Liu.

"Lu Xiaopeng, this is the last time for you kid, and if you go out in a speeding car privately next time, I won't let you go out with us again. You shouldn't be taking you, a brat, and you dare to break the rules. Is that flying car for you to drive for fun? Go back to the camp and reflect on yourself."

"I didn't drive it privately. The deputy team asked me to drive it. At that time, the ten people on our side met those monsters. After a fight, there were only five left. If I didn't If you drive it, wouldn’t this speeding car be thrown there for nothing, it’s a pity.”

"Don't be sloppy to me, that's not what I'm talking about! Why are you going out after you've returned to the camp? Do you think I don't know what you want to do!

Let me tell you, your three-legged cat's driving skills are still far behind!You were lucky not to be bombarded to death by aliens this time, do you think you will have such luck next time?If you want to support the front line, let's talk about it when you grow taller! "

Seeing that he still didn't move after the reprimand, he went up and slapped Xiao Liu on the back, pushed him back half a dozen times, and then the captain turned his head to look at Wang Yu and Morgana ,

When he saw Morgana's outfit, a surprised look flashed across his face, but he didn't express anything. After looking at Wang Yu and Wang Yu for a few times, he wondered if he was looking at Morgana's beauty at this moment. There were some smiles on his face.

"You are welcome here, alas, we did our best to evacuate people earlier, but there are still people in the city who have not escaped.

No way, the alien didn't call for a minute, and the stubborn guy didn't believe it for a minute, and he had to hit his eyes to realize that the alien had come
Alright, since you have managed to escape from Juxia City after a lot of hardships, then follow our camp. Our team is protected by a company of black-armored soldiers. It is much safer than other places. Go! , Go find a place to rest by yourself, we are leaving early tomorrow morning. "

This guy who was called the captain by Xiaoliu who brought Wang Yu back, I don't know if he was a bit chatty. After complaining for a long time about the efficiency of the citizens of Juxia in responding to emergencies, he finally let Wang Yu and the two enter the camp, and An important message has to be revealed.

"Hey, captain, right? Just now you said that the camp is protected by black armored soldiers, so may I ask which black armor is here? I admire these black armors who protect us very much. I want to take a closer look at how long they are. Whatever it looks like is okay."

Morgana stopped the man who was about to leave and asked her own question.

"It's Qiangwei who protects us. Don't look at her as a woman, she's much more powerful than many old men. Those demons don't have her all-in-one enemy at all. They can be easily dealt with with a knife or a few kicks." A bunch of monsters, so I have a lot of admiration for her, too.

Seeing that the biggest tent over there is not there, she lives there. She should be back soon by this time, so I have to leave first.

By the way, if you two have nothing else to do, it's best to disturb other people's rest. Protecting such a large number of people is not an easy task. It is very hard work. It is best to let her rest and recover her energy. "

Speaking of the last sentence, the captain seemed to have seen something, and left in a hurry. Wang Yu looked in the direction, only to see that the three speeding cars of C had already flown back to the camp.

Judging from the appearance and scale, it seems that they have suffered a lot of losses. The team that I was in was not as lucky as the team I was riding in. It is very likely that they were swept away by the aftermath of that cannonball. It seems that there were heavy casualties!The loss is not small.

"Did you hear that? She's here."

Knowing that it was so easy to see Qiangwei, Morgana seemed to be in a good mood.

"It seems that we have a great destiny with her."

After seeing through the eyes of true knowledge that there was no figure of Du Qiangwei in the tent, he found her figure on the road, driving a motorcycle and returning to the camp at high speed.

"This queen wants to subdue this little wild cat herself, you can wait outside by yourself, don't disturb my good business, hehehe."

From Wang Yu's point of view, Morgana looked very excited at this time, leaving Wang Yu behind, and walked towards the largest tent with a playful snicker, with an expression of wanting to do something shady generally.

"Okay, then we need to change our identities, otherwise we will show our feet if we ask. In this case, let's treat it as friends who met by chance when we were running away and helped each other temporarily. This can explain why we don't live together."

"it's up to you."

Hearing Wang Yu's proposal, Morgana did not refute.

After watching Morgana enter the tent, Wang Yu glanced around, walked into a bus, found a seat and sat down, and began to contact Kevin in his heart, asking him about the current situation. development situation.

Kevin, who was resting in an interior room of a military base, began to respond after sensing Wang Yu's call.

"Master. I understand."

"After the initial accumulation, our production capacity has reached the basic requirements. After the war started, we quickly organized several rebels and recruited people across the country.

And now we have communicated with the high-level human beings as friendly aliens according to the predetermined plan, and reached a series of watch agreements and treaties.

Now we are countless light-years away, in order to prevent the expansion of the demonic forces into the galaxy, and help the galactic civilization to fight Morgana's friendly aliens.I falsified our origins, explaining that we are visitors from an advanced civilization called the Apocalypse Civilization that has colonized the entire galaxy.

Because of the novel technology you brought, they believed in my words. I have met with the wandering tutor of the Super Seminary, and now I am trying to enter into a friendly technical exchange with the Super Seminary.Everything is going smoothly according to plan. "

"Well, very good, what I need are the resources and samples of the excellent super genetic engineering in the super seminary, you pay attention to get these materials.

If possible, it would be fine to invest all the production capacity of the Mars base on humans, as long as it can achieve what I want.”

(End of this chapter)

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