Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 3 Imperialist Base Camp! (Please recommend!)

Chapter 3 Imperialist Base Camp! (Please recommend!)
A dark place, quiet, warm, and comfortable, I really want to go on like this forever...but...


A strange feeling suddenly appeared in the consciousness, and it wanted to change something but was infiltrated by this extremely comfortable feeling, making it no longer want to think, as if a voice told itself to immerse itself in this boundless bliss, without thinking, Nothing to think about.

"No! No!! This is not what I want! This is not what I want!! I want to give birth! I want to live!!" The consciousness that felt bad began to boil continuously, but it quieted down soon after.


As if something happened, the surrounding space began to shrink and was slowly squeezed, "It's such a sad feeling! Is it going to disappear? I can't be reconciled..."



"Wow...!" The baby cried.

"It's born! It's a boy, and it looks strong."

"Can I give you a hug?"

"Of course, be careful, you're still weak."

"Oh, my dear! . . . "

The original darkness was gone, and the strong light stimulated him to close his eyes desperately.

Suddenly, a cold hand grabbed my head and pulled it outward... I finally left the warm but crowded space, and my whole body was exposed to the cold air, but at least it wasn't so crowded anymore .

Suddenly my whole body was cold, a piece of rough and sanded thing wrapped me up, rubbed against my skin and felt painful and very uncomfortable, just about to make some noise to protest, I opened my mouth, wow!The cry came out, what am I?How is this going! ?
After struggling for a while, a sense of fatigue surged up, his eyes went dark, and his consciousness became quiet again...


"Aren't you kidding! Am I on my way home? By the way, those people who suddenly appeared, did they make me like this?"

At this moment, our dear protagonist Wang Yu is looking at the ceiling, with his eyes blinking in disbelief, which is so cute.

When he realized that he had turned into a baby, a newborn baby, Wang Yu felt that he was going to collapse. A man in his 20s turned into a baby. Adults consciously want to go to fruit bottles, or even breast milk?And being manipulated to change diapers. It's crazy!
But there was nothing for him to protest. After a few powerless resistances, Wang Yu could only submit obediently.

"Anyway, breast milk has nutrients that babies need very much, which is not found in milk, and it can also enhance their immunity. Others want to drink it and pay for a 'nanny'. Only when they grow up can they make their own decisions." Wang Yu I can only comfort myself with such powerless optimistic thoughts so that I will not go crazy.


In a blink of an eye, four months had passed since Wang Yu was born. After hearing and seeing, Wang Yu finally understood where he was.

Washington DC, USA.

That's right, Wang Yu's family is now living in the stronghold of imperialism, living a vicious capitalist life.

"It's still the earth, but fortunately it's not some other continent or something, otherwise it will be miserable"

Apparently, Wang Yu didn't think that he would be able to make a living in a completely unfamiliar place. From this point of view, Wang Yu still had self-knowledge, and he was not a fantasist like Cheng Tian.

Looking at the toy stuffed into his hand, helplessly, Wang Yu used the English ability he picked up from the corner of his memory not long ago to remind the adults that they needed to change their diapers. "Damn weak body!"

"Oh my god, I can't believe it's only been four months and Daniel can talk, did you hear that honey? It's unbelievable, I'm so excited!"

"I heard it, I didn't expect it, it seems that we have a genius son, oh yes, what did he say?"

"Changing diapers? Does he even know what it's for! He's only a few months old, oh, so smart, honey, I can't get enough of how cute he looks. Every time he nurses Every now and then my face turns pink, as if shy, cute little thing."

Jenny, the mother beside the crib, lifted Wang Yu out and gently pinched his little nose, smiling very happily.

Wang Yu: 囧

After a lot of work, Wang Yu's undeveloped body finally couldn't hold his eyelids and fell asleep again.

"Jenny, this year we have good things one after another, I don't even know what to say," Albert said to his wife happily.

"You know, from the first time I saw you at school, I knew I was fascinated by you, you are so outstanding and beautiful..." Albert glanced across the air with a smile, as if thinking of something some good memories.

"Ha! It turns out that you had bad intentions at that time, and you were playing tricks on me." There was a teasing smile on the corner of her mouth, and Jenny happily walked up to Albert, hugged him gently, and pressed her head against his chest.

"My dear, you are also very good. Your thesis and research have been valued by Stark Industries. I think you will be able to apply for research funding in the near future, and then conduct experiments to improve it. I believe that your creation will eventually Change the world, Daniel and I will be proud of you honey."

"This is the result of our joint efforts, isn't it? I couldn't have done it without you." Enjoying his wife's love, Albert felt that he was the happiest person in the world now. What could be better than having a like-minded , What is more wonderful is a beautiful wife who has a common language and loves herself?

As if the valve has been opened, "We must know that nanoscience is the direction of future science, and it can even play a major role in the fourth industrial revolution. Although my experiment is still in theory, as long as there are conditions, I believe that we can realize that vision." .”

Albert paused and continued, "This requires supercomputers and many high-end equipment to participate. It would be great if we have the funds to go, then we don't have to rely on others, and we may be the leader of the next technological revolution. .”

"Okay, you must be, now I think you should go and tidy up your lab now, and! Remember to wear the suit I sold you when you go to Stark Industries, I don't want you to wear it again Put on work clothes and go out."

Jenny interrupted him, and asked with a helpless look, helplessly, she actually brought up the topic of work. She had known her husband's workaholic virtues for a long time. As long as he mentioned his research field, he would forget other things. Things started to gush out.

"Oh, sorry, I will remember this, oh, yes Darling! This is for you", Albert, who reacted, apologized to his wife, and took out the gift he had prepared .

"Did you bring a gift? Oh, what is this? Let me take a look." Jenny raised her pretty face, her hair trembling like waves, and said in surprise and surprise.

"Of course, how could I forget our wedding anniversary?" Albert showed off a creamy white box with patterns with a proud expression on his face

Jenny reached for the box.

"Let me guess what it is, is it perfume? this?"

With a little excitement, Jenny opened the box,
This is a silver necklace with exquisite workmanship and beautiful colors. A diamond embellished on the uniquely designed pendant reflects the charming brilliance.

Jenny covered her mouth and couldn't believe it. Her husband seldom does these romantic things except for work. Even though she is the same, this gift really makes her feel warm. What woman doesn't like shiny things? What about romance with your lover?

Thick and powerful palms took out the necklace from the box, walked around the white and slender neck, and put the necklace on under the loving and teasing eyes of the husband.The atmosphere is warm and harmonious.

"It's beautiful, I like it very much!"

After Jenny finished speaking, she embraced that warm chest again...

On the crib, Wang Yu, who was supposed to be sleeping, showed a weird and embarrassed expression at this moment, pa... put his little hand on his eyes and stopped moving.


 Thank you for your support and encouragement, Xiaoxian has nothing to repay, but only racks his brains to write a small work and present it.In addition, I am not a great god, so please don't kill Xiaoxian.

(End of this chapter)

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