Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 284 Join (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 284 Join (Please Subscribe!)
Stepping through the temporary small wormhole, the first thing Wang Yu saw was the huge building floating in the sky.

The shape of metal wings, which seems to exude a ferocious and evil atmosphere, appears from a larger wormhole from top to bottom directly above a suspended island, protecting it.

Immediately afterwards, countless densely packed, endless demons like flies emerged from these wings. Through the perception of the force, Wang Yu could feel that these demons emerging from the wings of the demons were different from what he had seen before. Demons have a different feel.


The buzzing sound appeared beside Wang Yu in an instant, and a temporary wormhole opened on the right side of Wang Yu in an instant, and swallowed Wang Yu with a blanket.

The Force Prediction naturally told Wang Yu about the situation in advance, but at the same time it also told Wang Yu that there was no danger, so Wang Yu did not resist for the time being, and waited and watched.

"What about your new path?"

Just after coming out of the wormhole, such a sentence came from Wang Yu's ear.

Before anyone, hear their voice first.

The voice is mature but clear and bright, full of infinite confidence and confidence, which can also be interpreted as domineering.

From this sentence, Wang Yu could feel that the speaker seemed to be full of doubts and surprises in his opinion of himself, and there was a higher proportion of interest in it.

Wang Yu can sense so much information, not because Morgana is so superficial, that she knows exactly what she thinks when they meet for the first time.

It is Wang Yu's sensitivity to the soul that allows Wang Yu to get so much information. If it were another person, even Ducao himself would not be able to figure out Morgana's true feelings and opinions.

Following the sound, Wang Yu finally saw Morgana in person.

The proud and delicate body wrapped in leather-like armor of unknown material contrasted sharply with the ferocious metal wings on the back, and a strange feeling emerged from Wang Yu's heart.

But Wang Yu's movements were not at all sluggish, his eyes only paused slightly, and there was nothing wrong with them becoming smooth again.

"The new path is in my mind. Of course, if the queen is interested, then I will tell you everything."


Seeing Wang Yu's knowledgeable look, Morgana, who was dressed like a queen, snorted in satisfaction, but she had a feeling that this kid couldn't get up early without profit, and must have something for herself.

Wang Yu gave him the feeling that he was somewhat similar to Karthus, the guy who was always hiding behind the scenes, but it was fundamentally different, without the unwavering conviction of Karthus, which made Morgana feel that she could control He, for his own use.

The act of letting him see the panorama of the devil's wings before was to let him know how much he weighed, and stop playing those little tricks.Everything is useless in the face of absolute strength.

If he dared to play tricks in front of him, the doomsday bombing would kill him in minutes and turn him into ashes!

Now that her main fleet is at her side, Morgana looks around the world, no one can become her frontal enemy, and they all have to kneel under the firepower of her main ship!
The blue pupils full of strange feelings stared at Wang Yu's eyes without turning their eyes, and the seductive poisonous lips, which were dark red and almost purple, parted slightly.

"Okay, since your Excellency claims to have a new path, then our demonic civilization is not a stubborn low-level civilization, which will accept all new ideas and new technologies, and devote resources to research them.

This requires you to personally verify the feasibility and excellence of the new road.

So be it, you are now directly under my name, just obey my orders, do it here first, follow us to attack this planet right now, and after successfully proving the feasibility of the new road, the demon civilization will fully supply you , to develop the implementation of this project, how about? "


After hearing Morgana finished speaking, Wang Yu was silent for a while.

This is giving yourself a blank check!
It sounds good, let's do it first, if you prove your worth, then you will get a strong supply of resources from the demon civilization, and become a golden phoenix leaping from the branch.

But in fact, this is first in the name of verification and inspection, and you have to use yourself as a coolie for free. In the end, if you can prove your academic value, it’s okay. You can talk about any cooperation, but if you can’t prove it yourself, Then it means that the old account and the new account will be calculated together.

If I hadn't killed those three demons before, maybe I wouldn't have been treated like this, but now they have an excuse in their hands, after I joined in, the whole crime and meritorious deeds made Wang Yu feel uncomfortable.

This is what it means to bully yourself and be alone without any power to back you up.

Thinking of this, Wang Yu opened his eyes, and a trace of danger could not help exuding.The emerald green in the depths of the pupils gradually emerged, and wonderful ripples shone in the eyes.

Sensing the change in the atmosphere in the arena, except for Morgana, who was in the presence of the old god, all the other demons were on alert, as if they would strike at any time.

"The queen is here to signal, dark energy transmission is ready!"

In a control room of the demon double-wing battleship, many demons who control the battleship are in their positions.The main screen displayed images of Morgana, Wang Yu and others in a large metal room, as well as various data on the scene.

"As long as the situation is slightly wrong, immediately open a temporary wormhole to throw the enemy into space, and then directly launch the doomsday bombing to kill him!
By the way, Doom Bomb can be teleported with him, which will improve the accuracy.

Well, if this is the case, even the divine body will be maimed, and then he will be dismembered and thrown into the stars.

Even if he can really be resurrected at that time, he will never want to escape the shackles of the star's gravity and be consumed by the violent energy of the star to death!And because of the distortion of space caused by the gravitational force of stars, it is difficult to open the wormhole in a short period of time. Hmph, he will die if he dares to move! "

"Okay, I agree, Queen Morgana."

As soon as the nameless fire surged in his heart, Wang Yu felt the crazy warning of the original force. Wang Yu was startled. He was still in the main fleet of others, and there was a great god who could fight with Kyle. in front of you.

If I act a little rashly now, I am afraid that the real body here is not a problem of not having good fruit to eat, but that I will really die without a place to bury!Therefore, immediately Wang Yu could only suppress the grievance in his heart, and changed his mind to consider what benefits this matter could bring him.

If the potential is stronger than others, then you must clearly understand your own situation and needs.

So Wang Yu's mind turned around, and an idea of ​​scheming was gradually carved out.

“Hahahaha. Very good”

Seeing Morgana, who finally gave in to Wang Yu, a burst of hearty laughter came out of her mouth naturally.

 Sorry, it's late, and the next update will be here soon.

  When I got home, I wanted to take a nap and start working right away, but I overslept and overslept. I opened my eyes and saw on my phone that it was 11:[-]!I'm guilty, QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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