Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 247 Easily resolved (please subscribe!)

Chapter 247 Easily resolved (please subscribe!)
Baxter Building, Manhattan, New York.

Standing in this original world, which should be the high-tech building of the headquarters of the Fantastic Four, Wang Yu scanned the place with a stern expression, then looked down again, at the rubber man under his feet, Reed richard.

The powerful spiritual power directly suppressed the transformation order issued by Reid's consciousness to his body, and Wang Yu stepped on it with a little force.


As if stepping into plasticine, Wang Yu's feet directly sank into Reed's chest.

It seems that the mutation of the cosmic storm has penetrated into every level of the body.

Even after losing the control of the main consciousness, the body tissue will automatically respond to external factors according to the mutated body characteristics, instead of becoming an ordinary person again, just like Dum who just arrived in the biochemical world.

"Oh that's disgusting!"

Wang Yu was disgusted by the feeling from his feet. Knowing that this behavior had no effect on him, Wang Yu pulled his feet out of his body.

But in Reed, he still looked like he had been hit by the immobilization spell, paralyzed on the ground and unable to move, not even blinking his eyes.

"As a smart person, you should know what I mean, Reed, I don't want to see you harass Susan in any form, understand? You should be able to recognize the gap between us more intuitively now right?
You can understand this as a warning or a threat. I think with your IQ, you should be able to understand that certain things cannot be forced.

My ancestors had a proverb called: He who knows the current affairs is a good man. I have directly entered the meaning of this sentence into your consciousness, and I hope you can take it as a warning. "

With a false lift of his hand, Reid was floated up as if he had returned to the space station, and stood in front of Wang Yu in a big shape, turning his head and looking straight into his eyes. Wang Yu expressed to him As for whether he would listen to his own opinion, in Wang Yu's view, this was not a problem.

After ascertaining Susan's thoughts, Wang Yu realized that the culprit that complicated her mood was the entanglement of her old lover Reed.

Under the instigation of the stone man, Ben, Reed, who had already given up on Susan, did not know where he learned that Wang Yu, who he thought had become a couple with Susan, had disappeared by Susan's side for a long time. Shan is living alone.

This made Reed, who had almost no hope, start to revive his thoughts about Susan.

Knowing this, how could Wang Yu bear it?
Immediately, after trying his best to comfort Susan, he went directly to the Baxter Building, punched away the stone man who stopped him, and then directly grabbed Reed, a smart man.

"I didn't kill you all without knowing it, because I'm not bloodthirsty, but if you exhaust my patience, then..."

After finally warning Reid, Wang Yu loosened his restraint and wanted to open the magic door to leave here.

"You don't love her at all!"

Just when Wang Yu turned to leave, a loud shout stopped Wang Yu's action.

Turning around, looking at Reed, whose eyes were red and seemed to be furious, Wang Yu knew that what he said just now might have been in vain and had no effect at all.

The guy with feelings is still a die-hard guy who is not afraid of death. It is hard for Wang Yu to imagine that there will be such a person in the American social atmosphere.

"You failed her expectations, since you left, why did you come back!
If you do this, it will only make her suffer more!just me!Only I can heal her wounds and let her return to the happy and happy life she used to be, so the one who should leave her side is not me, it should be you! "

After hearing Reed's words, Wang Yu was a little stunned.

"What? When did the matter between me and Susan become a romantic soap opera plot, and the love triangle of Nima is about to come out. This is not what I want."

He didn't want to be involved in some heart-piercing, heart-rending, lingering love, this kind of disgusting incident with blood and three levels, it made Wang Yu want to vomit.

Therefore, after feeling that things might develop in a bloody direction, Wang Yu immediately decided to stop this possibility and nip it in the bud.

"It seems that although you are smart, you are not yet a hero."

Step by step, approaching Reed gently, Wang Yu said regretfully.

"I've graciously given you a chance, but you didn't appreciate it, so don't expect me to give you another chance, Reed, I'm disappointed by your choice"

"Ha! Go to hell, you evil wizard!"

The wall on Wang Yu's side was suddenly shattered, and a burly and tall figure suddenly rushed over, smashing down on Wang Yu with majestic momentum like Mount Tai!
It turned out that the stone man who was first sent flying by Wang Yu had returned, and wanted to take advantage of the home court to attack Wang Yu.

However, in front of Wang Yu, who has the ability to predict the force, all this is a delusion!

After easily controlling the stone man in the air with force, Wang Yu turned his head to look at this stupid-looking guy.

"You're lucky. If you fall from such a high place, even a real rock will be broken. You can be unscathed. I really have to praise your luck, but... it seems that your IQ is just the opposite. .

Don't you even have basic judgment?Why do you think you can sneak attack on me? People who underestimated me have already paid a heavy price, and you better hope that your luck will always be so good that you can fall into the truck carrying live fish every time. "

Seeing the water and fishy smell on the stone man, Wang Yu used his force to feel it downwards, and he understood how the stone man was intact.

boom!Crash! !
The walls of the building suffered again. After Wang Yu waved his left hand lightly, the stone man instantly penetrated the building like a cannonball and was thrown out, farther than the last time!

Pang bang pong. buzz!Strange buzzing sounds emanated continuously.

Seeing Wang Yu's movements, he seemed to have thought of his thoughts, and Reid immediately transformed his body to stop Ben, but it was useless.

The huge power made Reed completely uncontrollable, and the stone man almost didn't stop, and was thrown out at the same speed!

And Reed's body, who was blocked on the road, shrank back suddenly like a long rubber band that was stretched and then suddenly loosened. After smashing the floor, it kept shaking in mid-air.

"Did you see? Reed, you can't save anyone, even yourself. It was your desire that surpassed your strength that hurt yourself. Now, even if you regret it, it's useless."

call out!
Reed, who restored his body to human form, first looked back at the direction where the stone man was thrown, and then looked at Wang Yu with a look of despair.

"You are still not human, where is your humanity, why, why are you so unscrupulous, don't you have any guilt for what you have done!"


After hearing Reed's words, Wang Yu smiled lightly.

"This is human nature. What do you think human nature is? Those who look beautiful and kind? Or is it the hypocritical mask that you put on to survive in society? No, none of these are... your failure There is a reason, Reed, do you know why Susan left you in the first place?

Is it because you care less about her?Or is it because you love her less?Or because you didn't have the determination and ability to keep her from leaving.

Admit it, Reid, you are a mentally weak person, now, let me play out your remaining value.

Hmm, Doom must be very happy to see your old friend, he hasn't seen acquaintances for a long time."

Speaking of this, an illusory child soul seed appeared in Wang Yu's hands.With a malicious smile, Wang Yu said to Reed.

"What are you doing! No. Don't. Ahhhhh!"

(End of this chapter)

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