Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 231 Metamorphosis (please subscribe!)

Chapter 231 Metamorphosis (please subscribe!)
In the end, it seemed that he passed out from pain. The two thugs on the square table had stopped moving, and the patterns and inscriptions on the ground disappeared as if they had evaporated!
After recovering from his senses, Chen Feng came to his senses. After testing his pulse, he found that the two people were really not dead, so he tidied up the basement and cleaned up as much as possible of all the clues that he had been there.

Not long after, Chen Feng found an opportunity to find the two people far away on the side of the road, and left in a hurry after calling 120 with the phone on the gangster's body.

He wanted to find a place to use up the super organism evolution fluid rewarded by the system immediately, otherwise Ye Changmengduo would always feel uneasy.

Soon, Chen Feng, who returned to the rental room, went back to his room regardless of his roommate who was still playing games, and closed the door tightly with a bang, and locked it.

Sitting on the bed, calmed down, took out the bottle and put it in front of his eyes, Chen Feng looked at the bottle of liquid seriously, there was a faint flash of light in it, Chen Feng made up his mind!

According to the system's prompt, Chen Feng directly drank the whole bottle of Evolution Liquid, and the tingling feeling flowed from his throat into his stomach, as if drinking a bowl of very thick hot porridge, which made people feel warm and comfortable.


moment!An indescribable feeling of nausea kept pouring out of his body, and Chen Feng immediately vomited it out, feeling that his internal organs were convulsed and knotted, in unspeakable pain.

"I am inferior! Nima system. You harmed me. What you gave me to drink. What the hell! How do I feel that I haven't waited to become a god yet. I will die soon!!"

A series of severe nausea, like a tidal wave, kept pouring into Chen Feng's mind. Immediately, Chen Feng's brain began to feel dizzy, his ears were ringing and he couldn't hear the sounds around him, his eyes turned black, and a sense of powerlessness filled his limbs.

"Ding! Don't worry, the host, this is a normal reaction to using the evolution fluid, as long as you get through it, you'll be fine. If you want to become a strong person, you must overcome any difficulties!"

Chen Feng could feel the system answering his words, but he couldn't hear clearly now, there was a buzzing sound in his head, as if something was broken, and his body began to disobey him, becoming strange, no longer own body.

"System, help, it really doesn't work, vomit!"


Master World Wang Yu sensed the situation here, and his expression was a little weird.

"Could it be that my craftsmanship is really that bad? But the potions I made are all within the principles of pharmacology and magic power conversion, so they shouldn't have negative effects!"

Wang Yu couldn't figure it out, from Adventures to Marvel, from Jackie Chan to Kevin, it seems that everyone who drank his own potion is like this, this is unscientific!
"Or is it that the amount of soul power in this potion has exceeded this person's ability to bear?

Maybe it has something to do with it, everyone is different after all.

But there is no other way. This person must be able to bear it, and he must be able to bear it. This is about my series of plans for the future, um, so be it! "

Thinking of this, Wang Yu gathered the soul power from Chen Feng's sacrifice, and applied it to himself through the soul altar, so as to interfere more with the super god world.

A yellow-green light flashed in his eyes, and the huge soul power in the core soul-seed of the altar was mobilized by Wang Yu.

"Increase the potential of his body and the effect of the potion. In this way, he should be able to grow up with the first batch of guys from the Super Seminary.

In the end, it might also become an individual fighting interstellar wars. Hehe"

Following Wang Yu's chuckle, an inexplicable fluctuation spread from the soul altar
"Ho ho ho!"

Chen Feng had already fallen into an unconscious state, and there was a meaningless retching sound in his throat. It seemed that under this situation, his body still wanted to vomit.

As if sensing something, the ring carrying the system in Chen Feng's hand suddenly lit up, and a strange yellow-green light radiated out, illuminating the entire room!


Chen Feng, who was already lying on the bed with a stiff expression, suddenly took a deep breath, and his expression began to relax, as if relieved from a heavy burden, he returned to his normal color.

Slowly, he opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, everything just disappeared like an illusion.

"Could it be... Am I dreaming?!"

With a thump, Chen Feng jumped up from the bed, stretched out his hand, and fixed his eyes on the middle finger.


Seeing the ring appear out of thin air, Chen Feng heaved a sigh of relief, with a satisfied smile on his face, he pounded his weight again, and lay down on the bed.

"It's okay. It's all real. I'm not dreaming. It's all real. I'm making it through."

After experiencing the inhumanly terrifying feeling, Chen Feng seemed to be very satisfied with the current feeling. He lay comfortably on the bed with a smirk on his face. He didn't care how hungry he was, but he just didn't want to get up from the bed.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for making it through. After this time, the host will be a fish jumping through the dragon's gate. As time goes by, the super potential on his body will slowly manifest, and he will embark on the road of being a strong man."

"Great system, I've been waiting for this day for a long time, and now I can finally pretend!

Well, what should I do in the first step, I am very good at it, by the way, kick the hall!

I want to kick all those pretentious gyms of taekwondo, karate, aikido, and Japanese kendo, and let them know that Chinese martial arts are their ancestors, and they must bow their heads to me!

Then go to Japan to do those gangsters, those who are assholes, look at those black dragon clubs, and those Yamaguchi-gumi who are not pleasing to the eye, kill them all!

Then he became the underground emperor of Japan, and then snatched the Japanese princess. I remember they had a princess here. I don’t know if they are beautiful or not.

Then I will use Japan as a springboard to counterattack the American mafia!
What kind of Ku Klux Klan, organizations that dare to discriminate against Chinese, I will destroy them all, and any mafia princess will also fill the harem. Since I am the protagonist, I can’t just sit idly by and ignore these unpleasant things. Hey Hey"

When Chen Feng was masturbating alone in the room, he suddenly heard a loud noise from outside the door, followed by shouts from his roommate.

"I am Ciao, who are you! I called the police!"

(End of this chapter)

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