Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 23 Journey to the Castle (2) Please recommend!

Chapter 23 Journey to the Castle ([-]) Please recommend!

"Surprise? I like surprises the most, but you should tell me carefully, what is the place where I am going in a while, so that I can prepare for it."

"I don't know, but I spent a lot of money to find a mysterious map. It says that the castle I'm looking for is here in England. I'm very interested in it. I heard that it is protected by mysterious powers. I don't know Is it true or false?"

"Hehe, mysterious power", Thomas smiled and shook his head, he finally understood, no wonder why this 'Daniel' was so mysterious, it turned out that this customer believed this.

"Well, I hope you can find that place, and then a white-bearded magician will come out and teach you magic, so you can definitely become a big star."

While teasing Wang Yu and observing the outside of the car, Thomas noticed that the car had left the road and headed for the countryside.

"It seems that there is no road to where we are going. That is really unfortunate. I hope we have prepared field supplies, otherwise it is not safe to sleep in the field, and it is easy to get sick."

Accompanied by Thomas' nagging, the car drove all the way back to the woods where Wang Yu had left last time. The vicinity was a nature reserve and there were no people there. The two parked the car here and walked into the forest on foot with their field equipment.This is much slower than Wang Yu's last visit, after all not everyone can fly.



"An old castle in the forest? If you have money, you should actually hire a helicopter to find it. This is much more convenient than us using two legs. If your map is wrong, we don't know how many kilometers we have to go. And water, only enough for us for five days, if we don’t find it within three days, then we have to go back to the car.”

As he walked, Thomas popularized his wild life-saving knowledge, talking about how harsh the environment he had survived in the past, bravely fighting piranhas in the Amazon River in South America, and catching a forest python more than ten meters long. Sharks were hunted on a deserted island, and a tuna was caught in a simple boat made by himself, but he let him eat it raw.

Every detail has to be told to Wang Yu. It seems that he may often harass others like this. After going through so many places, he seems to like to tell his own story to others and is talkative, but now Wang Yu feels that he is very chatter.

Under Wang Yu's guidance, the two of them didn't use it for a day, and they arrived at the last place just as it was getting dark.

"Someone has lit a bonfire, and someone has been here!" Thomas saw the trace left by Wang Yu's arrival last time.

"I hope that what you want is not taken away by others."

After Thomas looked around, he felt something was wrong.

"Hey, buddy, are you sure there is the castle you mentioned here, I didn't see anything, maybe you miscalculated the distance."

Wang Yu looked at Thomas who was observing around, showed a strange smile, and began to recite the spell in the document.

"what are you saying?"

Thomas, who was observing the traces left on the ground, heard Wang Yu behind him speaking incomprehensible words, and felt something was wrong, and a bad premonition came to his mind.Turn around sharply!Suddenly, Wang Yu was missing!

"Hey! Daniel, where are you?. This is no fun, so stop making trouble."

Thinking that Daniel was joking with him, Thomas turned around but didn't find him, and no one responded after calling many times, Thomas suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"The tree when I came here doesn't seem to be like this, what the hell is this?!"

Thomas suddenly found that the surrounding environment was completely different from when he arrived, very strange, as if he was suddenly taken to another place.Looking down, the traces of the bonfire just discovered are gone, and the surroundings are surprisingly quiet, as if I am the only one in the world.Immediately, a feeling of tension and fear surged out involuntarily, covering Thomas's heart.

"Damn, what the hell is going on!"

Thomas, who couldn't find a way out, turned on his phone, but there was no signal!I looked at the compass again. I don't know when the magnetic needle started. It was spinning around and around, and I couldn't locate it. I looked up at the sky, and I couldn't find the sun in the gray sky.

When all means failed, Thomas began to feel anxious and uneasy.

After a while, Thomas realized that he couldn't wait any longer. The supplies on his body were only enough to last five days, but if he saved a little, he should be able to survive starvation for ten days, and he wanted to leave here before that.

"If you can't find your way then so be."

Thomas looked around, found a small tree of moderate size, found a machete from his bag, and hacked at the tree.

Click! !
Kicking down the small tree that had been cut in half with a machete, Thomas' tall and strong body was panting from exhaustion. The machete was really not suitable for cutting trees.

After resting for a while and drinking some water, he walked to the tree he had broken and carefully observed the tree rings on it.

"Well, hum, I found it. This is south, so the direction I just came from is northeast."

After finding the direction, Thomas picked up the backpack, held the machete in his hand, and started walking in the direction he found.

"This damn guy, there must be something hiding from me. I will notify the police to arrest him when I get to a place with people!"

Thomas, who was trekking in the jungle, complained in his heart. The sudden disappearance of Wang Yu made him very uneasy, as if he felt that he was shrouded in some kind of conspiracy, his back was numb, and he always subconsciously thought that there were two eyes in the forest, secretly look at yourself.

The road in the forest is not easy to walk, and it is different from when we came here. The ground is full of fallen leaves, fallen dead trees and roots growing out of the ground, which always block Thomas' footsteps. Two hours have passed, but only Walked less than a kilometer.

"Huh? That... is it?"

Just after crossing a shallow pit, Thomas suddenly saw a few black sharp corners on the treetops, which didn't seem to be natural things, they should be man-made.

These discoveries overjoyed Thomas, who had had enough of staying in the trees, and felt a lot less tired. He quickly found the direction and touched it.



"Sure enough, under the baptism of thousands of years, there have been loopholes in the protection here.

So it turns out that only ordinary people who don't know magic can enter?
No wonder that in the original plot, Jackie Chan and the ordinary people of the Mafia can enter, but Daolong and Shengzhu, who are powerful in mana, did not come to the magic book in advance to take it away.

If this is the case, then it has to be like this. "

His eyes shone with the yellow-green light unique to Qi magic, and Wang Yu showed a confident smile on his face.

In the woods, Thomas, who was rushing towards the castle, didn't notice that his eyes had a faint green light. He completely forgot the idea of ​​getting out of the jungle just now, and quickly approached the castle.


 Thanks to 'Flowers in the Rain', 'Abandoned Sages in the Bamboo Forest', 'I'm a Great God' for their rewards, thank you for your encouragement!
  Thank you brothers and sisters who voted for recommendation, and readers and friends who support the author!
(End of this chapter)

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