Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 229 Ceremony (please subscribe!)

Chapter 229 Ceremony (please subscribe!)
"Brother, listen to me. Although we can't do too many wrong things, we shouldn't be like this. If you release us both, we will definitely reform ourselves in the future and dare not do any illegal and taboo things again, like supporting the elderly. My wife crosses the road, I must do it every day.
I rely on!Nima, don't use that thing to face us anymore, okay, I can't bear it anymore, either you cut it off, or you take it back, you've been making gestures for a long time, what are you doing this, let me tell you, Lynching is illegal and the police won't let you go.
You have to think about it, you are still so young, and you still have a lot of time to pretend, it is not worthwhile to waste it in prison, as the saying goes, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately."

"Brother, I was wrong, please forgive us, never dare again, uh"

Holding the jackknife in his hand, Chen Feng approached the two punks who had already woken up, as if he hadn't made up his mind yet, he stopped here.

Hearing the voice, Chen Feng looked up at the two gangsters, and glared at them angrily.

"System, I said what kind of ceremony is this, why does it require human blood to draw a line, this is a failure that will kill people.

Can it be replaced by other materials, or I go to the market to buy some pig blood and use it first, or use dog blood, isn't it said that dogs are the most spiritual among animals?
Using human blood is really a bit of a psychological barrier, it feels weird, as if some cultist is offering sacrifices to demons. "

Frowning, Chen Feng asked the system in his heart.

"Ding! There are two points to answer about the host's question."

"The first point, please rest assured the host, the system is produced without any flaws, if it says it won't kill people, it won't kill people, if other blood can do it, then why would the system let you kidnap people!
Please the host stop being a mother-in-law and mother, and show a little manliness, such a trivial matter will not dare to make a big deal in the future! "

"Second point, the full name of this system is Wizard System, if the host doesn't understand the meaning of Wizard, you can search online by yourself.

The host's future will be to be as powerful as a god, wizard!Mysterious power naturally needs to be collected, which is a very efficient method.

If in another world, those wizard apprentices were crying and wanting to do this, they still wouldn't know how to do it!Therefore, the host must cherish the hard-won opportunity, otherwise it will be too late to regret.

In your words, if God does not take, you will be blamed instead. You should be able to understand the meaning of this sentence. "

Chen Feng was taught a lesson by the system in his mind, and he felt a little dizzy when he said it. It seems that he is still a little uncomfortable with talking to people in his consciousness, but he heard what he wanted to hear, that is, not This one will kill people.

"Fine, fine, since no one will die, that's fine, I'm starting."

Shaking his somewhat heavy head, Chen Feng walked behind the gangsters amidst their rescue calls.

"Stop yelling, it's useless to break your throat, this basement is super soundproof, you have no chance!"

As he said that, Chen Feng squatted down, pulled the gangster's tied hands over the plastic basin below, and was about to cut the mouth with a jackknife to let the blood out.

"Ding! Stop!"


Concentrated, Chen Feng, who was about to strike, was startled by the sudden appearance of the voice, his heart skipped a beat, and he was a little depressed when he came back to his senses.

"What's wrong with the system, didn't you ask me to do bloodletting? Why did you tell me to stop? I was so scared that my waist flashed."

"Ding! I'm helping you, host! Don't you want to kill people? After calculation, with the strength of your strength just now, the blade will directly cut off the opponent's aorta, causing traumatic hemorrhage that the opponent cannot stop. Dead."


After hearing what the system said, Chen Feng recalled the situation just now. It seemed that he had indeed exerted a bit too much force. I might be about to make a mistake and kill someone!

Thinking of this, Chen Feng's heart trembled, and his trust in the system increased.

"Thank you, System, if you hadn't reminded me in time, maybe I would have killed someone. In that case, my life would be ruined. The police won't let me go, and I won't be able to live here. It's okay, okay." .”

"Ding! The host does not need to blame himself, this system will do its best to assist the host to become stronger, because this is exactly the duty of this system."

Panting heavily with lingering fear, Chen Feng cheered up and started to execute the system tasks again.

"Ouch! I said you really hacked, what are you doing, bloodletting! I'm the second Onima, you are trying to kill us, don't let it happen, we have never met before, so there is such a big hatred , you, my second Onima, are you crazy! Come on!!"

After cutting a hole in the palm of this gangster with a knife, Chen Feng walked over to the other gangster through a basin again, and did the same thing.

Ignoring these two guys' yelling and begging for mercy, Chen Feng directly took two sackcloths and spit on their mouths.

After setting the time with the mobile phone, I began to look at some patterns and symbols sent by the system in my mind.

"Are these the things to be drawn in the ceremony? It feels a bit complicated."

Chen Feng muttered to himself looking at these pictures in his mind, attracted by these strange lines, Chen Feng knew that these were the source of his future power, the power of a wizard!
"Ding! The ritual inscription has been sent to the host's brain, please be sure not to make a mistake in drawing the host, otherwise something terrible may happen and now it's time for the host to make other materials, please don't waste time, the effect after blood coagulation will be greatly reduced.”

"Okay, go right away, go right away."

Hearing the system's reminder, Chen Feng came back to his senses, walked to the table next to the basement, and began to make the materials prepared in advance.

"Honeysuckle, squeezed into juice, then mixed with garlic foam, plus the liquid secreted by snails, uh, it's disgusting!,

There are also fermented chafer eggs, heated to 19 degrees Celsius.
Oh, by the way, by the way, why is your wizard's temperature measurement unit also Celsius?Oh, it turned out that you helped convert it, thank you."

Not long after, the alarm clock set on the phone started to ring, waking Chen Feng up.

"When the time is up, these guys will really die if they bleed again."

As he said that, Chen Feng turned around and stopped the bleeding for the two thugs with dull faces, as if they had been frightened.

These gangsters seem to have endured great torture. In a quiet space, listening to the sound of one's own blood dripping is a very depressing practice. The fear of death enveloped these two in an astonishing way. Poor guy, a great blow to their spirits.

Now they looked at Chen Feng as if they were looking at a lunatic, or maybe a monster. If they didn't die this time, if they didn't die this time, they would run away from him and never want to see him again!

(End of this chapter)

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