Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 217 Forming an Alliance (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 217 Forming an Alliance (Please Subscribe!)
"Master Ancient One, as the guardian of Midgard's mysterious level, you are qualified to form an alliance with me, but you must understand the gap between us. After forming an alliance, the interests of God's Domain must be the main priority. Of course, we will take into account The interests of Midgard, the two are not contradictory, are they?"

Sitting on the throne above the Great Hall of Asgard, Odin spoke to the ancient mage sitting below with a solemn expression.

Although Odin was not afraid of this world-renowned powerhouse, he still gave him high respect and courtesy.

Looking at the Queen of God standing aside, and Thor standing next to him and Loki behind him, Gu Yi naturally understood this.

Keeping a faint polite smile on his face, Gu Yi nodded slightly.

"I also know the importance of the earth to God's Domain. Presumably, if the earth is in danger, God's Domain will not ignore it, just like it did thousands of years ago.

This alliance was proposed by our side, so God King can rest assured about this.

The relationship between God's Domain and Earth has long been closely linked. If God's Domain encounters any disaster, it will definitely affect the Earth. The earth and God's Domain are both prosperous and damaged, so once something happens to God's Domain, the Supreme Mage will not ignore it. . "

"Okay! If that's the case, let's take an oath!"

"We have formed an alliance to protect the two worlds together. No matter which side is attacked, the other side will go all out to support it. If there is any violation, fate will completely abandon me..."

"If you violate it, the magic power will always return to the ordinary..."

Standing aside, Thor, God of Thunder, saw this scene with a smile on his resolute face. His previous recklessness seemed to have receded, replaced by a mature and stable temperament that only after suffering and struggling.

After experiencing the edge of life and death, Thor seems to understand something.

He understood his father's disappointment with him all the time, and understood the responsibilities and burdens he should bear as the heir to the Divine King of the Divine Realm.

As if he had grown up again, he understood his recklessness and arrogance in the past, re-examined everything he had done, and tried his best to correct the shortcomings of the past, and worked hard to become a qualified successor to the god king.

Seeing the changes in Thor, Odin was naturally inexplicably happy, but as an immortal who has gone through vicissitudes, he naturally would not announce these excessive expressions to the public, but treated Thor with the same attitude as before. , showing his fair and unselfish side.

However, if you want people not to know, unless you do nothing!

Under Loki's secret peeping, the thoughts in Odin's mind have long been exposed.

Seeing the faint satisfaction in Odin's eyes every time he saw Thor, Loki secretly resented in his heart.

Why is it that the same son treats himself indifferently and ruthlessly, but treats Thor with strictness and affection!

This is not fair!

It was here that Loki felt the most indignant.

He thinks that Odin seems to never be able to handle this bowl of water, and Thor is always ahead of him in his heart. This makes Loki, who feels that he is better and smarter than Thor, full of depression and unwillingness.

"Um... not right!"

There was something strange in his heart, Master Gu Yi seemed to feel something, and the expression on his face suddenly changed.

"King Odin, I'm afraid we are in trouble..."


"I can feel your fear, although you guard your soul with the power of your mind, it is useless!
It won't take me too much effort to make you tell what I want to know, but I want to give you a chance now, and I hope you can grasp it, otherwise you will regret resisting my order..."

Looking at the fat man in front of him with a face that would rather die than bend, Wang Yu said expressionless words that made people feel chills.

After finally finding the magician's lair under the guidance of the original force, Wang Yu directly broke into this ancient place that has been passed down for a long time.

After easily dismissing many ordinary magicians, Wang Yu did not find any trace of Doctor Strange and the supreme mage Gu Yi.

Wang Yu was very surprised. Could it be that their way of dealing with him was to escape?Wang Yu was very disappointed if this was the case. I thought Doctor Strange could come up with a better way to protect his past self, but if it's just like this...I'm afraid it won't work!
"Stop thinking about your wishful thinking, it's impossible!
I will not submit like this, all your tricks will not get you to your evil purpose, the Sorcerer Supreme will bring your doom, you damned demon!I curse you! "

Here in Zangshu Pavilion, the so-called Wang seems to be a Chinese magician. He resolutely resisted Wang Yu's unreasonable demands, and his face was full of intentions of not bumping into the south wall and not looking back. The corners of Wang Yu's eyes twitched.

"I reject your curse, it won't do anything to me, since you gave up my goodwill, now hell time is up, it's too late for you to regret it, go enjoy it!"

Speaking of which, Wang Yu used the method that was once used on Obadai, and the utilization rate of the soul was far higher than in the past, making it more perfect and direct.

This is the most vicious method of torturing the soul recorded in the book of demons, and it immediately made the king feel as if he had suffered the greatest suffering and torture that a human being could bear!
Terrible pain exploded in his heart, his whole body and even the depths of his soul seemed to be torn apart by people, and then placed in the extremely hot lava, continuously melting and roasting.

Wang Yu's soul power immediately invaded the depths of his soul easily, and began to search for the information he wanted, to find the memories of Doctor Strange and the Supreme Sorcerer.

But... It seems that things are far more than this simple.

"These... are all broken! What's going on? Why are these memory fragments so chaotic and disordered? How can this person's thinking be so clear? It shouldn't be! Could it be? Someone...encrypted his soul?"

He was surprised by this thought that came to him suddenly, but then Wang Yu calmed down.

"Anyway, it seems that he really hit the spot. I can't find the memory in his soul. If I want to get the information I want, I have to arrange and link these memory fragments together. This workload... ...I'm afraid it will be impossible without a few decades..."

Thinking of this, Wang Yu gave up the idea of ​​getting information from this fat five.

It's disgusting, what he wants is in his mind, but he still can't get it, which makes Wang Yu feel a little annoyed.

"Hehe, I told you a long time ago, it's useless, you can't get anything from me, no way! Your final result can only be failure, the ability of the supreme mage is far beyond your imagination!"

With tears and snot running down his face, a hint of sarcasm was revealed with difficulty, and he taunted Wang Yu word by word. He tried his best to resist Wang Yu's torture and struggled with his own bad luck.

"You think I'll let you go if I don't get it?"

After hearing Wang's words, Wang Yu's face became more and more ugly, and the chill in his eyes seemed to be colder than the snow on the Himalayas.


(End of this chapter)

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