Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 209 River (please subscribe!)

Chapter 209 River (please subscribe!)
"The girl is dead."

After opening his eyes, Wang Yu told Dum the search results.


Du Mu, who seemed to be still waiting for Wang Yu's punishment, relaxed after hearing these words.

"Is it really dead? I knew... under such a terrible disaster..."

Dum was a little sad, although he was very unwilling, but after working hard, the answer he got made him seem to let go of some things.

"This is your reward."

Just when Dum was about to accept the reality, Wang Yu's voice appeared again, and these words made Dum feel a little strange and...hopeful!
"Could it be..."

Looking up, Dum saw his own Angelia!She was right in front of her, looking at herself with a smile.

"Thank you! Master! Thank you!" Dum was overjoyed, he didn't know whether he was thanking Wang Yu for his generous resurrection of Angeli, or thanking him for not getting angry and breaking himself down to the atomic level.

Dum understood that Wang Yu might have revived Angelia by some method he didn't know.This made Doom feel more cordial towards Wang Yu and became more loyal.

Looking at the two people who were overjoyed, Wang Yu's indifferent expression was not moved at all, as if he had turned into a stone sculpture in a temple, and there would be no other changes.

It is not difficult for Wang Yu to revive a person in this world.

The girl's body tissue has completely disappeared, and it is very likely that she has been crushed by the huge fluctuations of her battle with Domamomu before.

So Wang Yu used the most direct method, using the power of the spell to restore, using the tissues in the blood to restore a body, and then found her soul from the soul network and injected it into it, and then according to the memory of this soul The appearance of the model was microplasticized.

Fortunately, her soul was not consumed, and it seemed that the time of death was not too long.

Wang Yu combined the soul with the body, and a living Angelia appeared in front of Dum, as if everything was so simple.

"Okay, the reward has been given to you, I am about to leave this world, and you will stay here until the mission is completed."

'Tiny Moon' appears to exceed the capacity of the shrink bag.

Just when he wanted to put it in, the original force had already faintly reflected the image of the shrinking bag being exploded in his mind.Therefore, Wang Yu had no choice but to use the force to suspend the 'miniature moon' beside him, making a revolution around him.

Dormamum's powers appear to be revealed on the surface of the 'miniature moon'.

If someone can watch it closely, they will be able to see that the four-dimensional rhythm is constantly moving on the white surface that looks like moonlight.

The craters and other mottles caused by the meteorite impact have disappeared, and there are only smooth and white, perfect sphere surfaces.

"I understand, master, thank you for resurrecting Angelia, I will collect more souls for you in this world to repay your generosity."

Seeing that Dum seemed to be very enthusiastic about him, Wang Yu didn't say anything more. After indicating that he could leave, he opened the shrink bag, took out the soul altar materials and building puppets he had made, and ordered They began to build a new soul altar.

After receiving Wang Yu's signal to back down, Dum took Angelia and hurriedly left the place that was almost bombed by nuclear bombs.

After the experiment, Wang Yu basically understood the mechanism of world suppression.

From Wang Yu's point of view, what the world rejects are outsiders who are completely unfamiliar with the mainstream system of the world. This is like a fish swimming upstream in a turbulent river, unless it is powerful enough to overturn the entire river. Otherwise, he would be immobilized by the river water.

However, once outsiders participated in the process of this world, the situation changed.Just like a fish going down the river, this is naturally extremely fun, and you can stretch your strength at will.

There are many ways to participate in the world process, whether it is good or bad, Wang Yu found a method that suits him very well, that is, to collect enough soul power from the natives in the target world.

The power of the soul does not need all the souls of a person to collect. Wang Yu can instead agree to certain conditions, and then attract these people to perform rituals and sacrifices to collect them peacefully, which will not affect them too much. It can also achieve Wang Yu's goal very well.

Although taking advantage of the trend can relieve the oppression of the world, it cannot exceed the limit of the 'river', otherwise it will become an obstacle blocking the river!
At this time, the power of the entire 'river' will be exerted on him, and he will be smashed to pieces in an instant, completely crushed into powder by the power of the whole world, and will never exist again!
And Wang Yu has already felt the biochemical world just now, and it seems that he has almost reached the limit of his integration of his growing power.

Originally, when Wang Yu and Domamomu were fighting, they desperately suppressed the leakage of their physical strength, but now they can still feel that they are approaching their limit.

But now that the fighting has stopped and Wang Yu has stopped using the soul network, this feeling has dropped below the warning line, and the original force no longer warns Wang Yu.

Now that the world suppression experiment has achieved results, Wang Yu does not plan to stay in the biochemical world for too long. After all, no matter how his personality changes, Wang Yu will not be so perverted that he likes watching corpses gobbling up living people everywhere. scenery.

As for saving the world, this is not Wang Yu's job, but Alice's. Wang Yu has already given her the power to rebuild human civilization, and will not pay too much experience for it.

After returning to the main world, Wang Yu has more important matters waiting for him to solve immediately.

Looking at the body that has started to crumble and then repaired again, even in the unfocused eyes, there is a feeling of something bad that can be easily felt.

"The power of the soul seed is already too strong, and my research and development of the soul is not enough to support such a terrible soul power.

If this continues, I'm afraid my body and soul will soon disintegrate
And my current state seems to be very abnormal! "

Thinking of this, Wang Yu suddenly felt a little irritable.

"It seems that this is the only way. Put the soul seed in the altar for the time being, and then increase the strength of the body. This problem should be alleviated by two prongs. And after improving the utilization rate of one's soul, all problems can be easily solved."

After making the decision, Wang Yu began to suppress the breath of the soul seed to the bottom, making plans to return to the Marvel world.

(End of this chapter)

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