Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 193 Tragic (please subscribe!)

Chapter 193 Tragic (please subscribe!)
"Hey! What's going on!"

Hearing the gunshots, everyone in the helicopter began to wake up and check the situation outside.

Alice also reacted immediately, took out a gun and aimed it at the driver's head, and shouted loudly!
"Take off!! Immediately!!!"

But the driver ignored Alice's order, as if he didn't see the black muzzle of the gun, he looked at her beautiful pupils in front of him with confidence, and tilted his chin to signal to Alice.


Seeing the driver's signal, a bad feeling appeared in Alice's heart, and a sound of rattling from the propeller came into her ears. Looking in the direction pointed by the driver, two armed helicopters were hovering at her place. In front of the helicopter, the heavy machine gun hanging under the cabin was facing the helicopter he was on.

Immediately, Alice understood that her group could not resist such heavy firepower, so she stopped forcing the pilot and turned to look at the situation outside the cabin.

When she looked at the battle situation, she was instantly shocked!

I don't know when the gunshots stopped. Wang Yu, who thought he had been shot to death by random guns, survived, and the umbrella armed personnel outside lay on the ground. It seemed that none of them survived.

(If you insist on surviving with your neck twisted behind your back, then it doesn't count.)
At this time, the monster who was fighting Wang Yu was the monster that almost killed her before. Alice knew that guy was powerful, but now it seemed that Wang Yu was stronger.

The tracker, who punched and kicked, backed away again and again, his entire right arm was drooping there, seemingly useless, and Wang Yu kept hitting his disgusting head continuously.


Suddenly Wang Yu let out a loud roar, the sound was like thunder, and it made people's eardrums hurt.

The legs didn't move, but the ground seemed to be fired from a large-caliber artillery.

He trembled as if flickering, coupled with Wang Yu's roar, he shot out with such vigor as if firing a cannon, and this fierce punch went straight out!
At the same time, Wang Yu's spine twisted and pierced like a big dragon, as if all the anti-shock force borrowed from the earth was sent to his fist. Suddenly, this punch became even more fierce, making people feel excited just watching it .

Let everyone in Alice in the distance watch Wang Yu's movements, and suddenly they feel that the ground is trembling in their minds. Under the influence of this extremely dynamic picture effect, they feel a slight dizziness due to the surging blood. The steps under his feet became light and unsteady for a while.

After hearing Wang Yu's roar, there was a sound of "Peng Puchi..." and then there was a loud bang, like the explosion of a heavy truck wheel.

Suppressing the discomfort in her heart, Alice was the first to raise her head, and looked at the direction of Wang Yu's battle again, and a hint of shock flashed in her beautiful pupils!
It turned out that Wang Yu's punch not only successfully knocked down this biochemical monster, but even blasted him!
This punch directly hit the chest, and instantly exploded the pursuer's lungs. Wang Yu's arm pierced his chest, and it seemed to produce some kind of cavity effect. The hole is two circles thicker than Wang Yu's arm.

Everyone can even see the scene behind the tracker through this hole.

And his spine has been shot out of the body, only the top is still connected to the tracker's head, just like the braids of the people in the Qing Dynasty, with a pale one on the back.

Without the support of the spine, the strong muscles finally couldn't support the weight of the body after a while, and slowly fell forward and hit the ground with a bang.

This horrific scene made everyone look at Wang Yu's eyes changed. For a moment: butcher, cold-blooded killer, inhumane, etc. These negative labels were put on Wang Yu's head by these people in their hearts.

"Oh, I'm really sorry, the fight was so cool that I didn't stop for a while, but if it weren't for this, this thing really couldn't be killed, his vitality is too strong."

Wang Yu, who had finished his attacking posture, turned around and saw the strange look in the eyes of others, and immediately realized what was going on, and said in a humorous tone.

But it doesn't look very effective, the way other people look at him is still... so different.

"Well, whatever you think of it", Wang Yu no longer tried to change the thinking of these people, anyway, he didn't mind what they thought, Wang Yu just wanted to figure out the results of his experiments in this world, and get enough benefits , and then leave this doomed world.

During the period of Wang Yu's arrival, an unknown number of small animals such as birds, bugs, and mice with strong survivability have left the city, spreading the T-virus that can destroy the world everywhere.

The nuclear bomb can only kill a part of the infected body, and more virus carriers have already left the destruction range of the nuclear bomb, and the powerful shock wave will also turn the T virus that can become gaseous, and infect it even more. Most widely, nuclear radiation may also make the T virus mutate even more strangely.

So Wang Yu deeply knows that this world is hopeless, and so many souls in the world are better off than wasting them for nothing.

Wang Yu thought fervently in his heart.

In fact, Wang Yu didn't want to make such a disgusting appearance at first, as if he wanted to eliminate him cleanly like the other people who dealt with those umbrellas.

But Wang Yu didn't think that yes, this biochemical weapon is so hard to kill!

I punched him with a punch that could penetrate the concrete wall, and it was like hitting a truck tire. It could only make the opponent's body fly and knocked down, but no matter what, he could stand up from the ground again, and he was immortal!

Helpless, Wang Yu had no choice but to rely on the opponent's slow pace and inflexible body, and found an opportunity to accumulate all his strength, and struck out with one blow, directly piercing his body tissue, releasing his own strength without leaving any room.

Sure enough, under such a huge force, this biological weapon could no longer continue its miracles, and was instantly killed by Wang Yu with one move, and it was extremely tragic.

"Goodbye, Matt."

Looking at the strange body that was killed by Wang Yu and fell to the ground, Alice muttered in a low voice, her eyes were confused, as if she was caught in memories.

After solving the troubles on the ground, Wang Yu turned around briskly and walked towards the two helicopters staring at him in the sky.

"Who the hell are you! You have such a powerful ability, you must not be an ordinary person, tell me. You are the experimental product of our opponent until now. There is nothing to hide!"

It was the director of the umbrella company who was speaking. Wang Yu didn't kill him, but kicked two of his kneecaps, making him unable to move and enduring great pain all the time. At that time, his face was pale, and his whole body was covered with sweat from the bursts of severe pain.

Seeing his appearance, Wang Yu raised his eyebrows, and said in an innocent tone, "Me? I'm really just a martial artist, why don't you always believe me!"

"Damn it, fire!"

Da da da! !
Amid the furious roar of the supervisor, two armed helicopters hovering in the sky opened fire at the same time, and two long whips flashing with deadly flames volleyed towards Wang Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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