Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 178 Humiliation (please subscribe!)

Chapter 178 Humiliation (please subscribe!)
"No! You don't have your wine here! You dare to make trouble here when I return these things to you. Now you need to explain your history to the police!"

Seeing this, the waiter who came back from the boss ran over immediately, threw the silver coin in front of Thor, and said sharply.

"You... you are insulting me, son of Odin, no one dares to do this, you will bear the price!"

Thor had never felt so angry, he felt his dignity was insulted!

The pride all over his body and the scenery praised by everyone made him unable to bear the slightest humiliation in his heart. He decided to punish these Midgard people who don't know what is good or bad.

Peng...!The loud noise was like an explosion.

Passers-by outside the bar screamed and yelled. Accompanied by the loud noise, there was a shock wave like an air wave, which shattered all the glass around the bar, including the bar, into pieces with a clattering sound.

Amidst the chaos, a figure appeared in the dust raised by the air waves.

Thor held a wine bottle with his head up and drank the wine, and walked out of the bar door.

He had already punished these Midgard people, and it was just a matter of a hammer. As soon as he let go of the hammer and hit the ground, it caused such consequences. Those people were shaken and flew up and rolled several times, looking embarrassed It was unbearable, and some even peed in their pants after being scared, which is really ridiculous.

After he left, many people flooded into the bar again in an instant.

They were all guests who came here for entertainment. After experiencing this kind of incident, they began to flee in panic from this place that had been attacked by monsters.

Creak...!Braking sound.

Following Heimdall's guidance, Thor, who was walking on the road, suddenly saw something was wrong. He didn't know where it came from, and suddenly broke into several light infantry armored vehicles that were obviously equipped with armored protection. The sound of violent brakes was in front of him, blocking his way.

Immediately afterwards, countless uniformed personnel appeared all around, seeming to be some kind of emergency response force. They quickly moved to surround Thor, and found cover on the spot to perform various tactical actions.

As a New York city where people with superpowers have disrupted the order for a long time, there will naturally be such targeted armed forces specially formed to deal with crimes committed by people with superpowers.

They belong to the sequence of the National Guard, but they have far more experience dealing with superhumans than ordinary soldiers.

After the mythical organization, the largest group of superhuman criminal organizations in New York, was wiped out by S.H.I.E.L.D., S.H.I.E.L.D. naturally withdrew its armed deployment in New York, and the citizens who suffered from the superhuman incident naturally did not want to Once again, I became an unprotected lamb.

With the wishes of countless people, this rapid response force was quickly formed.

The police had already arrived when Thor left the bar, but after seeing the appearance of the bar, they knew that this was another case of a superhuman crime, and the two policemen must not be rivals, so the information was quickly released Sent to this rapid response force that specializes in dealing with superhumans.

"Surrender immediately! Superman, you will be judged fairly by the laws of the United States, don't try to resist! We have weapons specially designed to hunt and kill you people, don't mistake yourself!..."

"What? Let me, the son of the great Odin, the heir to the God of Glory surrender, how dare you insult me ​​like this...!"

Thor, who had never experienced setbacks, was angry again...



"Sir! Received a message."

The person who walked into the room looked respectfully at the beautiful boss with a cold temperament in front of him, a flash of reverie flashed in his eyes, and immediately reported the information.

He raised his head and looked at the person with a blank expression. It was Maria Hill, the ninth-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

After listening to the report, Hill's expression didn't change at all, as if nothing could move her mind.

Neil Fury, Coulson and others are not in the United States now, but have gone to Southeast Asia to organize any actions against the mythical base camp.

In the view of S.H.I.E.L.D., this undead mythical organization is even more threatening than the Hydra during World War II. If it cannot be suppressed in time, the consequences will be disastrous.

Even some think tanks in S.H.I.E.L.D. believe that the global anomalies that caused the satellite system to be paralyzed some time ago may have some connection with the American Mythology organization being hit hard by the attack, but it is just a guess, and no one knows how to study it.

All the important forces of S.H.I.E.L.D. have gone to Southeast Asia. In the S.H.I.E.L.D. base camp in the United States, it is natural that there must be an important person in command, so the prestigious Commander Hill naturally became the best candidate.

"Notify Iron Man that it's time to verify the performance of his new suit in actual combat..."



"What? Did Hill say that himself? I knew she was interested in me. Otherwise, why would she think of me at such a good opportunity? Well, don't worry, this criminal will not have the opportunity to affect more people. I will immediately let her His ass is blooming..."

Talking casually to the people in the virtual window that moved synchronously with him, Tony walked past more than a dozen steel suits of different styles, and finally stopped in front of a battle suit that looked tough and powerful.

He turned off the video communication casually, tapped the space in front of the suit, and a virtual operation interface appeared in front of Tony.

I heard that the super criminal in New York is very powerful this time, so Tony Stark is going to use this armor made to fight Daniel.

The combat performance of the anti-Daniel armor is stronger than that of other battle suits, but it has never been used in actual combat, only various data have been tested.

This time, it can finally be opened with it.

In less than a few minutes, a figure with blue flames shot out from the top floor of the Stark Tower, which had just been built, and quickly rushed to the target direction.

Thor, who once again solved the trouble with a hammer, was advancing towards the direction of guidance full of arrogance at this time, not knowing that a different guy was on the way and was about to deal with him.

Maybe even if he knew it, he wouldn't care. After all, in his current thinking, Odin is the second eldest in the nine worlds. No one can defeat him except his father, so any matter or trouble, basically He can solve it with one hammer, well, if not, then another hammer...

Hoo... Peng... Boom... Om...!
I only felt that I was hit hard in less than a second. Thor, who was advancing, didn't even see the enemy clearly. Piao seemed to jump on the ground more than ten times before stopping.


(End of this chapter)

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