Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 175 New Employee (please subscribe!)

Chapter 175 New Employee (please subscribe!)

"It should be someone else who knocked on the door. I put you in the hotel, and they are in another room..." Wang Yu told Susan what happened.

"The cosmic storm is coming too fast, and I can't bring you back to Earth before then, so all of you have been radiated by the power of the cosmic storm...but don't worry, the radiation is benign and will bring you Change, but it's a good thing, you don't have to worry too much..."

Seeing Susan who instantly turned pale after hearing that she was radiated by the cosmic storm, Wang Yu comforted her with a smile.

"Huh?" Wang Yu realized something, turned his head, glanced at the door, waved his right hand lightly, and opened the door out of thin air.

"Oh! Ah!!"

As soon as the door opened, a figure rushed in, as if he hadn't thought that the door would open by itself, and hit the ground directly, making a loud plop, and everyone who heard it couldn't bear it.

Just by hearing this sound, everyone can know that the fall must have been serious. Looking at it like this, no matter what, an arm or a leg must be broken.

Immediately afterwards, a person came in and helped the person who had fallen, and then a group of people broke into the room.

"Susan, are you okay?"

Reed helped Ben, who was already feeling weak after failing to hit the door, blurted out worried words after seeing Susan's figure.

Dum also had a gloomy face, looking back and forth between Wang Yu and Susan.

Now that he is back on the earth, he is not in the space station, so his various means and forces can play a role again, so he feels that he has a little confidence and dares to fight against Wang Yu's existence.

But Dum is not willing to confront Wang Yu if possible.

After all, he had already realized how powerful Wang Yu was, and if it wasn't a last resort, he didn't really want to provoke such a formidable enemy.

Looking at Susan's beautiful figure, Dum was very entangled in his heart.

After Johnny saw that his sister was safe, he also relaxed. He didn't care who his future brother-in-law was, as long as his sister was safe, and he believed that his sister's vision would definitely find someone better.

Even in his heart, Johnny prefers to see his sister and Wang Yu together, so that he can definitely learn magic from this wizard, and his sister can also learn magic, that will be exciting enough!It doesn't get any cooler!Magic!

"Of course I'm fine. How is Ben? Let's take him to the hospital first. We'll talk about it on the way. Daniel has already told me the whole story..."

Complainingly, she glanced at Wang Yu, and Susan quickly got out of bed to take care of the injured Ben, and left the hotel with everyone to rush to the hospital, relaying Wang Yu's words to others along the way.

"So, are our bodies going to change? What kind of changes, will we be like Superman? Oh, that would be great!"

Hearing that radiation would bring about changes, Johnny asked excitedly.

"Don't get too excited, Johnny, my experiment isn't finished yet. My God! All the data is still in the space station, but fortunately we had already repaired the space station's communication system.

I may have a way to copy all the data, um... you have to cooperate with my detection, we don't know what changes the cosmic storm radiation will bring to us, we can't just listen to his words , we have to prove it ourselves. "

Reid thought of his own experimental data, and planned to make a record of the body information of all the people who were irradiated, and wanted to study the changes in the response of the cosmic storm to the human body.

"No, I don't want to be your guinea pig. I didn't hear our wizard say that the change is benign. We'll be fine. I want to learn magic with him, so I don't have time to go to your laboratory as a specimen."

"Johnny! Can't you stop for a while! It won't hurt to check."

After hearing Reed's words, Susan felt a little uneasy. Compared with Wang Yu's magic, she was more willing to believe in science, so she planned to follow Reed's suggestion to check.

"Hehe, in fact, there is no need to test at all. I can tell you what will happen now."

Seeing that some people didn't believe it, Wang Yu was going to tell them about his ability.

After hearing Wang Yu's words, everyone's eyes were attracted. After all, no one would not care about his own body.

"This change is somewhat similar to a mutant, but the source is not the X gene, but the gift of another power..."

As he spoke, Wang Yu revealed their future abilities one by one.

"Flame? The temperature of a supernova explosion!! Hahahaha, so handsome, I can already imagine my heroic appearance in the future, when will I have these abilities? I can't wait!!"

Johnny was so excited he couldn't help himself.

"Invisibility? Oh, I'm not going to be a thief. This ability...seems useless..." Susan was a little disappointed after knowing that she could be invisible.

"It's unscientific to say that I'm a noodle man. How could my muscles become that way, or maybe the cosmic storm has changed the deconstruction of the molecules that make me up, but this is also impossible. I have to figure it out..."

It seems that Reed still can't understand what kind of state it is. He decided to use himself as an experimental subject to study the principle of this change, and strive to completely control the way of this change.

"What do you mean stone man? You mean I will turn into a stone? No! That's impossible! Boy, you better not make fun of me, be careful I'm really angry!"

Ben looked very angry, after Wang Yu told him that he would turn into a stone man.

He doesn't want to be a stone man, he has a loving wife waiting for him at home, he said he wants to give him happiness, not become some damn stone man.

"Unfortunately, it literally means that all your body tissues such as skin, muscles, and bones will become extremely hard and look like a stone. Well, although it is not good-looking, it is very strong. I miss you No more car accidents and shootings.”

Wang Yu said in a humorous tone, Wang Yu knew that he would accept his new appearance in the future, so he didn't feel that he was hurting others, anyway, he didn't turn him into this by himself, so Wang Yu didn't like it. What embarrassing thoughts would there be?

Sensing the position of Dum who was scared away by his casual telling that he would become an Iron Man, Wang Yu greeted these people and prepared to leave for a while.

"Susan, how about coming to my house tomorrow, believe me, you will fall in love with it, it is much better than the environment in New York, by the way, if there is any danger, just call me in your heart, I will rush to help you Solved, remember to miss me."

In the end, regardless of resistance, Wang Yu kissed Susan again, and after a cloud of green flames flashed, he came behind his new subordinate today.


(End of this chapter)

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