Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 170 After Resurrection (Continued) Subscribe!

Chapter 170 After Resurrection (Continued) Subscribe!

The eau-de-vie is good, but naturally Wang Yu would not give his family such inferior products with serious sequelae.

Therefore, Wang Yu bestowed all the abilities of the twelve spells on his family, which is no different from the way he bestowed on Kevin, except that he only gave Kevin the abilities of two spells, while his family has all of them.

However, without Wang Yu's powerful soul power booster, it is naturally impossible for them to apply the power of the spell as perfectly and powerfully as Wang Yu.

In Wang Yu's wishes, Ben didn't expect his family to fight with him on the front line. What Wang Yu wanted most was to keep them away from danger, so that he could relax a bit.

But Wang Yu knew that he was not God, and he could not let everything in the future go according to his wishes.

Even for ordinary people, there will always be various troubles and dangers in life, so that kind of thinking is too idealistic and unrealistic.

Therefore, Wang Yu will not forcefully interfere with his family members and let them act according to their own wishes. Although the safety will be greatly improved in that way, family members are not animals in captivity, and no normal person would like that.

Wang Yu only acted as their umbrella invisibly.

After finishing his family affairs, Wang Yu will naturally turn his energy to his own affairs.

When he just returned to the Marvel world, the sudden change and enhancement of the force made Wang Yu seem to have broken through some kind of limitation, and occasionally he seemed to be able to perceive some kind of indescribable unknown place.

If he had to name it, Wang Yu would call it the world of the original force, because in Wang Yu's momentary perception, he could only perceive that it was filled with the original force and could not say anything else.

The two major inheritances that Wang Yu now shoulders, the encounter between the path of the Qi wizard and the path of the original force, seems to have created a certain cycle.

The original force shows the soul the information and mysteries of the universe, which speeds up Wang Yu's soul on the way to enter the third level of the air wizard, and the powerful soul can better collect and analyze the feedback from the original force. All kinds of information, thus enhancing the development of the force.

These are things that Wang Yu never thought of. Wang Yu doesn't know what the final result will be if this continues, but it seems that it is a good thing after all.

Moreover, Wang Yu could feel that his soul-seed was extremely close to maturity, presumably at that time, his strength would undergo another qualitative change.

After a series of emergencies happened with the revived mother, this made Wang Yu come into contact with a realm that he had never been in contact with.

Whether it was Lady Death or the great existence he had summoned, Wang Yu felt that he was so insignificant in front of them.

If Wang Yu hadn't blessed his soul at the last critical moment, and used the price exchanged by all the sacrifices to deal with the death lady, everything now would be in vain, let alone the resurrection of the mother, and even Wang Yu himself would have died Turned into a dry bone at the bottom of the sea
This is not alarmist talk, the difference between Wang Yu and them is too much to be an enemy at all.

According to Wang Yu's perception, the level of Lady Death is also different from the existence he summoned, but the depth is beyond Wang Yu's perception.

Then there was an inexplicable battle with magicians like Dr. Ancient Strange, who suddenly jumped out when he was weak and fell into trouble.

Wang Yu didn't know anything about the disaster they were talking about. He only felt that the battle had come so inexplicably and miraculously, and for no reason he had severely injured his own thugs: the myth organization.

This made Wang Yu feel a little annoyed, but fortunately, he didn't get nothing.

In the battle, Wang Yu used his super learning ability to learn a lot of skills from them, and the most amazing thing was the control of dimensions and the utilization of dimensional energy.

Different from other magic sides known to Wang Yu, it seems that their magic is also an alternative product, just like the Qi magic in the adventure world is the research and utilization of the power of the soul.

The source of their power turned out to be the perception of different dimensions and the use of dimensional changes, and the free energy emitted to perform magical magic.

It seems that until now, Wang Yu has never encountered anything normal. In his previous novels, he described that he should increase his spiritual power through meditation, collect magic cores, fight monsters and upgrade, etc. This should be 'Orthodox' magic road ah!

Wang Yu could only smile wryly at this, because it was only after he really came into contact with these supernatural powers that he realized that they were really different.

And Wang Yu didn't think that he had chosen the wrong path. Only after he had a deep understanding of Qi magic could he understand its power.

The destructive power described by those so-called forbidden spells, Wang Yu can also do it now, and it is even more powerful and weird.

Now that Wang Yu can even use the original force alone to throw a hill, he still cares about the so-called forbidden curse that can only be released with all his strength? .

After the newly learned ability to control the dimension, the feeling of the force has become different.

At first he didn't notice this, but now Wang Yu noticed the changes it brought about.

It seems that some kind of catalytic effect has been produced. After possessing the ability to perceive dimensions, Wang Yu seems to have touched some incredible realm from the perspective of force.

Even the perception of the world of the Force seems to be a little clearer.

A place full of infinite force is so pure and strong, even the power of the sun is so small and ridiculous in front of it.

Just such a small amount of power that Wang Yu perceives, if it breaks out, it seems to be able to cause a terrible overturn.

But Wang Yu can sense its existence now, and cannot cause any reaction from it.

Wang Yu didn't know what it was that he perceived, but he could vaguely understand the terrifying and incomparable mystery of its existence.

Wang Yu subconsciously thought that this might be the ultimate expression of the original force.

Although it is completely impossible to use this terrifying power, after the original force reaches this level, it will be of great benefit to Wang Yu.

Now a certain cycle and balance has been achieved between the original force and the power of the soul, like a ring.

Now the dimensional perception has enhanced the perception perspective of the original force, which has caused some changes in the information fed back by the original force, but it seems that some positive changes have enhanced the control of the original force, which has also promoted the power of the entire ring. have been enhanced.

The obvious result is that Wang Yu has now fully recovered his full strength and is still improving a lot.


(End of this chapter)

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