Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 167 Susan's Abnormality (please subscribe!)

Chapter 167 Susan's Abnormality (please subscribe!)

"Of course I haven't forgotten you. Yes, you know everything, but there is nothing here. You can create an operating system out of thin air, and then install it without using anything. You are amazing!"

The impatient Johnny who had been tortured by the status quo began to vent his fear in a fierce tone.

"Johnny! How can you talk like that!" Susan couldn't see it, and reprimanded her.

"It's okay, Susan." Seeing Susan's angry expression, Reed, who was a little unhappy, recovered instantly, turned around and turned into a peacemaker to comfort Susan.

"Don't worry, I will always have a solution, not to mention that the repair has not been completed yet, we can't give up hope, maybe the operating system will recognize them immediately, I have specially modified those few circuit boards."

Fon Dum, who watched all this coldly, snorted coldly, walked to Susan, pushed Reed aside, and looked into her eyes with concern.

"Don't worry baby, we can definitely go back. I have already contacted the earth, and now they are organizing a rescue operation. You must know that my company still has some influence, and they will definitely come to the rescue with all their strength."

"Okay, I see, thank you"

Smiling reluctantly, Susan didn't seem to notice, put a piece of food into Von Dum's hand that was trying to grab her, and then she walked aside and started eating.

It seemed that he stopped in place with some embarrassment, looked at the food stuffed into his hand, and Von Dum immediately recovered.

"You can't escape," a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, looking at the slim and pretty back, the fiery Feng Dumu said to himself.

Susan, who was a little irritable, ate the unpalatable space food and turned her gaze out of the porthole.

"What is that!" Susan suddenly exclaimed!
Everyone heard her screams and went to the porthole to look out.

"God, Falk! What did I see? Am I hallucinating? I seem to have seen two people flying in space, Falk! This must be an illusion!"

Johnny's eyes stared as if they were about to fly out of their sockets, his face was filled with disbelief, and he swears subconsciously.But at this time, no one expressed dissatisfaction with him, because everyone could no longer keep calm.

"This is unscientific! How can people survive in space without any defenses? They don't even wear space suits. Is it the corpses that rolled out of the International Space Station? Or the Shenzhou?"

Reed's expression was no worse than Johnny's, but he still tried to explain this matter in a more scientific way, because in his worldview, it was impossible for human beings to do this.

"Don't be funny! Reed, are you short-sighted? Or presbyopic, don't you see the clothes they wear? Is this something that astronauts can take to space? You have to know that even if it is a one-gram object It's expensive to take to space, so they can't be astronauts!"

Von Dum sneered, picking at Reed's loopholes with inexplicable arrogance.

He always enjoys beating this genius who can always surpass him academically.

"Hey, if you know that much, tell us what's going on!"

Bengrim on the side, the one who should be the stone man in the future, spoke up to Von Dum unceremoniously.As Reed's good friend, he couldn't see someone being so arrogant to his good old friend.

What's more, he, who is an ordinary class, has long disliked Feng Dumu, a domineering guy!
"Hmph! So some people can only do those moving jobs all their lives, because they will never like to move. His brain, which has shrunk due to long-term use, is obviously two mutants. Know their abilities, but the ones who can do this must be mutants."

Hearing what Ben said to protect Reed, Von Dum said in his usual proud tone.

Bah...!Loud metal clatter.

"What are you talking about! I think you are itchy and looking for a beating!"

Throwing the tool in his hand, Ben was so angry that he was empty-handed, and he got up and wanted to beat this arrogant guy to death. When did he get angry like this!

"Hmph! You think I'm afraid of you!" Feng Dumu seemed to be really angry when he saw the strong Ben, but when he saw Susan's attention drawn here, he became ruthless.

The two became a ball in an instant. Relying on the muscles he had developed through fitness, Ben punched Feng Doom several times, and immediately put him at a disadvantage.

After returning a few hands, he was hit on the chin with a punch, and Von Dum's head buzzed in an instant!Suddenly, all the voices are inaudible, and the images in front of me seem to be doubled.

Everyone quickly separated the two.After wiping the corners of his eyes and seeing that there was no blood, Ben poohed at Feng Doum with a face of disdain, signaling that everyone would not attack him again.

"You wait for me, damn it!"

After being helped up by Susan, Von Dum felt dizzy in his head. Having been in contact with medicine, he knew that he must have suffered a slight concussion. Mouth hard.

Seeing that it was none of his business, Johnny said sarcastic remarks on the side, "Don't make trouble, now we are all imprisoned in this iron coffin in space, whether we can go back alive or not, you still have to talk about it." It’s really such a leisurely heart.”

Ben: "Hmph, I'll be waiting for you. It won't be as simple as punching you a few times."

"Look at those two people outside! It's unbelievable that they..."

Seeing the end of the matter, Susan turned around and looked out the window, subconsciously covered her mouth that was opened in surprise with her hand, and said in amazement.

Immediately, everyone returned to the window and even saw the development of the matter, and they all gasped in shock.

In the void outside the window, a beam of crimson energy shot out from the eyes of one person, smashing the satellite in another orbit into pieces, and then the other person suddenly flew backwards out of thin air...

Reed: "They seem to be fighting?"

Johnny: "That's right, I think they should indeed be mutants, so should we ask them for help?"


Suddenly Susan seemed to feel something, and took out a card of unknown material that she carried with her, with some wonderful and mysterious patterns drawn on it.At this time, these patterns seemed to have sensed something, and began to emit a yellow-green light.

"Ah! This is... what's going on?"

This was something she received in the last car accident. She didn't know why she kept it by her side instead of throwing it away. It seemed that there was a voice in her head telling herself to do so.

And now, this card of unknown use had such a strange change, which left Susan at a loss as to what to do.

The pattern on the card swam around the card like a fish, although it escaped from the card and swam to Susan's hand, and finally disappeared after a bright light flashed on the palm of her hand.

Stimulated by this unknown scene, Susan screamed and took out the card in her hand, carefully inspecting the skin in her hand.

"What's wrong, sister!"

"What happened, Susan?"

Hearing Susan's cry, Johnny and Reed came over to check immediately.Ben noticed the card Susan was throwing and took it into his hand, but found nothing unusual, just a plain white plastic card.


(End of this chapter)

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