Master of the Soul of Meiman

Chapter 149 The Recovery of Ability (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 149 The Recovery of Ability (Please Subscribe!)

On the way to Naboo, Wang Yu got his own lightsaber and was told the significance of the lightsaber to the Jedi, and then Obi-Wan began to teach Wang Yu the mysteries and skills of the Force.

What happened next surprised both Obi-Wan and Kui Gang Jin. Wang Yu's learning ability is really too strong. He can quickly learn and integrate the skills and abilities taught to him. They have never seen such a person. Speed, Master Yoda couldn't have been like this in the first place.

During the FTL flight, within a short period of one month, Wang Yu had actually learned the skills and skills that normal Jedi apprentices would only learn in seven or eight years, but they were not yet proficient. This made Kui Gangjin and his apprentices almost begin to doubt life .

If it wasn't for comprehending the essence of the Force, Wang Yu's performance was still only a little faster than normal, maybe these Obi-Vs really have nothing to teach Wang Yu.

The talent shown by Wang Yu made Kui Gangjin firmly believe that they were the people in the prophecy, and Obi-Wan agreed with him.

After arriving on Naboo, everyone persuaded the Gungans, another race on Naboo, to join the battle, and then came to the Queen's Palace in the past, where the Governor of the Trade Union is now. After starting the attack as planned, everyone turned to Rush to the hangar where the space fighters are parked.

During the chaotic battle, Anakin entered a space fighter as in the original plot. Wang Yu used his lightsaber to attack the robot in a decent manner. When he was about to leave the hangar to find the governor, Da When Small arrived, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan stood in front of the crowd, letting the others find another way, and the two of them dealt with the warrior.

Wang Yu wanted to go forward to help his master, Obi-Wan, and deal with the Sith warriors together, but they refused. Kui Gangjin asked Wang Yu to protect the queen, and I left it to them here.

In the end Wang Yu followed their advice and chased after the Queen.

A kind of rampage, a light saber dances airtightly, as early as in the Jedi Temple, Wang Yu learned all the sword skills of all the elders, and now he uses the fifth type of Jedi sword skills of defense and counterattack , Return all the blaster bombs fired to the original owner, and beat the robots to pieces, without a single enemy.

With Wang Yu's presence, the queen progressed much faster than in the plot, without stopping, trotting all the way to the outside of the room where the governor was, Wang Yu suddenly asked everyone to stop, and others who had already trusted her At first they were vigilant, they knew that Wang Yu must have discovered something, otherwise he would not have stopped.

Wang Yu sensed the danger through the force, but this perception was not prepared. Wang Yu only knew that if he just stepped out of that corner, he would be threatened with death.

Later, through the mirror handed over by Padmé, Wang Yu observed that the room next to the governor was already full of combat robots, and their guns were aimed at the side of the passage. Whenever an enemy came out, they would shoot at the same time. A Jedi like Master Yoda always had to kneel down.

After Wang Yu knew that a head-on confrontation would not work, he asked the others to stand by here, and then stood outside the business, passed the corner outside the castle to the business outside the governor's house, and used the communicator to notify them to feint to attract firepower. Wang Yu used force to break through the window and rushed in, the lightsaber danced into a wheel, slashing and killing the battle robot frantically.

In a blink of an eye, Wang Yu had already taken control of the situation, and after the others arrived, he began to force the Governor of the Trade Union to retreat and sign the treaty.Wang Yu didn't continue to stay, but rushed towards the energy reactor where Obi-Wan and the others were.

When Wang Yu came here, Obi-Wan was still stopped behind the energy barrier, and Kui-Gon Jinn and Darth Maul had already started a frenzied battle in the reactor monitoring room inside. Wang Yu, who knew the plot, was anxious. Kui Gangjin was killed after a few hits, and seeing the console next to the energy barrier door, Wang Yu directly stabbed in with a lightsaber.

The high-temperature plasma blade that reached the internal temperature of the star easily penetrated the alloy material and damaged everything inside, and the energy barrier disappeared immediately. Seeing this situation, Obi-Wan, who was already impatient, rushed up and joined the battle, but Still a step late, Kui Gangjin was touched by the lightsaber.

However, because of the influence of Obi-Wan, in the end, Kui Gang Jin was not pierced through the abdomen like in the movie, but was cut off by the lightsaber with his fleeing arm. Kui Gang Jin couldn't hold back the pain and screamed out.

Disturbed by the screams, Obi-Wan did not show his power because of the master's death like in the plot, but fell into a disadvantage. Fortunately, Wang Yu also broke in to join the battle at this time, and the situation was reversed in an instant.

Wang Yu, who is almost as skilled as Obi-Wan, always stabs the opponent unexpectedly with his nimble steps, which makes Darth Maul very uncomfortable. Wang Yu added some kung fu skills to the lightsaber swordsmanship, which is weird and unpredictable , The unprecedented posture gave Wang Yu an advantage. In the end, Darth Maul was beheaded by Wang Yuxiao, and his body fell into the huge energy pipeline.

In the end, the command ship of the Trade Union was destroyed by Anakin driving a space fighter, as in the original plot. In addition, the governor had been captured, and immediately lost all command systems, and had no choice but to surrender.

Naboo won the final victory, and a grand celebration began. During the celebration, Wang Yu met Speaker Sidious, who was the incarnation of the Sith monarch.

Knowing his true identity, Wang Yu is not going to expose him now, and Wang Yu naturally cannot let go of the skills on his body. When the ability is activated, he directly learned the original force lightning, but now Wang Yu does not have such a deep comprehension of the original force. Not available yet.

When Wang Yu got the opponent's skill, the Sith Lord seemed to sense something, turned his head to stare at Wang Yu with a mysterious smile, looked at Wang Yu and Anakin, and left after a while .

Wang Yu immediately realized that this might be the Sith Lord choosing his future apprentice, he shook his head slightly indifferently, because with his own existence, it is impossible for the plot to develop as before.

After the strength of the force was strengthened, Wang Yu found that the pressure on him was gradually decreasing in the dark, and now he could feel the soul-seed slowly recovering, Wang Yu believed more and more that he could recover all of his own guesses. Power, and work hard to understand the essence of the original force.

After returning to the capital star, Anakin's role in the victory was publicized. At the insistence of Kui Gangjin, the Jedi elders finally agreed to his request and allowed him to train Anakin to become a Jedi knight. In this way, in training and fighting, Wang Yu and Anakin started their journey as Jedi knights.


 Tomorrow is the end of the Star Wars world, and then we can return to the main Marvel world. QWQ
(End of this chapter)

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