The wizard who came to the United States

Chapter 92 The Rebellion of the Frost Giants

Chapter 92 The Rebellion of the Frost Giants

The entrance of the Rainbow Bridge stopped slowly. Loki walked out of the Rainbow Bridge, looked at Heimdall standing on the control console of the Rainbow Bridge, and without saying a word, raised his foot and was about to return to Asgard's Asgard.

But at this time, Heimdall came to Loki and said to him: "Loki, I can't see or hear what you did in Jotunheim, I don't know that you went to Frost What happened to the kingdom of giants?"

"Heimdall, you possess such powerful power that even the people of Asgard rarely have, but why are you willing to guard the gate of Asgard here?"

Heimdall looked at Loki, and slowly replied: "I once swore to submit to Odin, the Lord of Asgard!"

"Since you have surrendered to the Lord of Asgard, and now my father Odin is sleeping, and I have mastered Gungnir as the interim God King under the instruction of God Queen Frigga, now you should surrender to me too!"

After finishing speaking, Loki said no more, turned and left the Rainbow Bridge, and returned to Asgard's Asgard under Heimdall's gaze.

Heimdall looked at Loki who left, thought for a while, and then began to call the three warriors of Asgard and Sif. Now if he wants to fight Loki, he must bring Thor back!

Not long after, the three warriors of Asgard and Sif secretly came to the Rainbow Bridge. With the help of Heimdall, they opened the Rainbow Bridge and went to the earth to find Thor. Standing in the Immortal Palace, you can see it clearly.

Loki was holding Gungnir at this time, looking at the activated Rainbow Bridge, his face gradually became colder, he turned around and came to the treasure house underground in Asgard, and Gungnir belonged to Odin The god-king power of God awakens the Destroyer.

Looking up at the Destroyer standing in front of him, Loki immediately issued an order, and the Destroyer immediately walked out of Asgard, walking towards the Rainbow Bridge step by step.

Heimdall looked at Loki who was holding Gungnir, the Gun of Eternity, and Loki who was following the Destroyer, standing in front of the Rainbow Bridge with his sword in both hands, blocking Loki's way.

"Loki, where are you taking the Destroyer?"

"Heimdall, you have violated my order and sent someone to Midgard without permission. Now I will deprive you of your duties as a gatekeeper and deprive you of your identity as an Asgardian and exile you. Get out of here now. , don't stand in my way."

"You deprived me of my responsibilities and identity, so I don't have to obey your orders, right? There's something I've wanted to do for a long time!"

Before the words fell, the divine sword in Heimdall's hand was already swung by him, and he slashed straight towards Loki.

But Loki didn't have the idea to fight him head-on at all. His body disappeared in place like a bubble, and appeared behind the Destroyer. Facing the divine sword swung by Heimdall, the Destroyer directly held it with one hand, Not afraid of Heimdall's attack at all.

"The Destroyer was built by my father himself. It is nonsense for you to fight against him!"

Accompanied by Loki's words, the Destroyer's face opened, and a beam of thick, flame-colored light shot out from the Destroyer's head, hitting Heimdall's chest, sending Heimdall flying, and slammed into the back On the wall next to the entrance of the Rainbow Bridge, his chest was scorched black, his armor was broken, and he passed out.

At this time, Loki still considers himself an Asgardian, so he did not make up for Heimdall. Of course, there is also the meaning that he does not want to disappoint Odin. He knows that Odin will wake up sooner or later. , This is why he is so anxious to make a career, he wants to tell Odin the truth before Odin wakes up, he is infinitely stronger than his brother Thor!
He can destroy enemies that his brother Thor can't!
He can destroy the entire Jotunheim and wipe out all the frost giants!

He can become the new master of Asgard in the future, the new king of gods!

Standing on the console of the Rainbow Bridge, Loki opened the Rainbow Bridge and sent the Destroyer down. When the Destroyer disappeared at the entrance of the Rainbow Bridge, Loki had a gloomy look on his face, muttering to himself. Said: ", please stay in Midgard!

Frost Giants and Destroyers, even if your father is biased and still throws Thor's Hammer down Midgard with you, even if you are likely to gain Thor's power again, I believe that you are helpless in front of Frost Giants and Destroyers! "


At the same time, on the earth, the three Asgard warriors and Sif, who had just arrived on the earth and joined Thor, told Thor the truth, he did not kill Odin, everything was Loki's conspiracy.

At this moment, a piercing icy blue beam of light fell from mid-air. When the dark clouds were surging and the wind and snow were coming, Lau Fei led more than 20 warriors of the Frost Giants to the earth and appeared outside the town.

Feeling the hot environment here, Lau Fei frowned and waved his hands. The dark clouds covered the entire town, the wind and snow gradually increased, palm-sized goose-feather snow fell from the sky, and the town was covered in the blink of an eye A layer of silver.

Such a weird weather change is undoubtedly a disaster for the residents of the small town, and when they saw more than 20 frost giants with a height of two or three stories walking towards the small town, they finally knew the disaster of today And it's not limited to bad weather anymore.

Standing in front of the window of the rental house, Abel looked at the frost giants who had come to the edge of the town, and turned his head to look at the town residents who, with the help of S.H.I.E.L.D. Black smoke gradually filled his body, turning into a hooded robe and covering Abel's body.

I was still worrying about not having the opportunity to get to know Thor, but now the opportunity has come.

Besides, Abel is still very curious about the frost giants. If possible, he wants to get three, four, five, six, seven or eight corpses. In short, the more the better, the better the frost giant corpses. There are no half-fake magical creatures.

Abel didn't want to give up the opportunity to dissect and study the corpse of the frost giant!

Of course, before that, Abel intends to solve this annoying weather first.

Raising his left hand, the Lord of Frost Ring in Abel's hand glowed with ice blue light, and the pupil of his left eye also turned into ice blue. Among the gemstones on the ring, a black shadow spun at high speed, and in Abe Under the supply of Bo's magic power, he began to forcibly interfere with the weather, which made the blizzard, which was originally a large scale, weaken more and more until it stopped completely.

Seeing this situation, Lau Fei's face was suddenly clouded. He knew why the blizzard he summoned stopped. In other words, the guy who has mastered the ice treasure box can already use this cosmic treasure initially!

 Chapter 2 is postponed to tomorrow. I have some things at home today. I have been working all day and I am exhausted. Let me take a break and make up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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