Chapter 88 Abel VS Loki
Abel has never underestimated Loki's strength, but Abel really did not expect that Loki's magical strength would be so good. The powerful magic just now can be cast easily. This is no longer a simple magic. The extent of illusion can be achieved.

I have known for a long time that this world is very different from the movie in my memory, but I still didn't expect the difference to be so big. From a thief who only knows two-handed illusion to a master of magic, the gap is too big.

Surprised but surprised, Abel didn't feel any fear. Now he may have some small problems when facing non-human targets, but when facing people, or simply all kinds of creatures, Abel has never been in vain.

Holding the wand in his hand, Abel looked at Loki and said, "I always heard that Loki is just a liar who likes to play pranks, but now it seems that the rumors are really unbelievable."

"It's not your fault. Most intelligent creatures like to judge a person by their appearance, and you lowly humans are no different."

Loki raised his hand, and a ball of green flames spun and burned in his hands. At this time, Loki waved his hand violently, and the flames shot into the ground around him. The green flames spread rapidly, rippling like ripples on the surface of water. Come on, in the next second one by one, Asgardian soldier-like puppets made of earth and rocks, wearing armor and holding spears emerged from the ground, and approached Abel with the spears in their hands.

"Come on, human mage, let me see what you are capable of, how dare you secretly follow the great Loki!"

With a wave of his hand, those Asgardian soldier puppets turned into rocks immediately accelerated, and charged towards Abel with the spears in their hands.

With a shaking of the wrist, red lights shot out, and landed on the first wave of soldier puppets that rushed to produce an amazingly powerful explosion, blowing those soldier puppets into pieces in an instant and turning them into nothing.

After doing this, Abel turned into black smoke and flew around the burly soldiers at an extremely fast speed. All the puppets of soldiers who were swept by the black smoke were instantly exploded and turned into earth and rocks and scattered on the ground.

Looking at Abel who was rushing straight towards him, ignoring his soldier puppet all the way, Loki showed a wicked smile on his face, his eyes and pupils emitted green light, and his body instantly disappeared in place. Loki's voice continued to echo.

"Hehehe, human beings, even these lowest-level earth and rock puppets can't solve it immediately. It seems that I really think too highly of you."

The teasing voice echoed endlessly, but Abel was not irritated by Loki's words at all. Instead, he was looking for Loki's position. Loki's illusion is very good, but it is not completely invulnerable, especially when the other party keeps talking. In the case of speaking.

Flying sand and stone!

The blue flames rippling like clouds and mist, covering a large area.

Sure enough, when the blue fire-like madness rippled, accompanied by an explosion, Loki appeared in shape, and the hem of his coat was scorched black, making his face a little ugly.

A green energy ripple rippled from Loki's body. Loki, who was originally British, turned into an appearance wearing Asgardian costumes and wearing a pair of curved horned helmets. His hands were raised, and the dazzling emerald green flames Soaring in the palms of his hands, he waved towards Abel violently, and those green flames quickly turned into a large group of green bats, chasing towards Abel crazily.

Abel glanced at the bats made of green flames, and immediately felt something was wrong, vaguely feeling that those bats might be dangerous.

Without the slightest hesitation, Abel turned into black smoke again, and under the pursuit of those green bats, he rushed towards the soldier puppets on the ground that had not been completely destroyed.

The black smoke traveled freely among the soldier puppets, bypassing each soldier puppets, and those green bats did not have time to dodge, and directly hit the soldier puppets, and immediately burst into violent green flames, swallowing Everything around is extremely terrifying.

Boom boom boom...

The green bats collided with the remaining soldier puppets, and both sides almost died together, while the remaining three or four green bats exploded in mid-air under the wave of Abel's magic wand, turning into nothing.

After solving these bats and soldier puppets, Abel immediately looked in Loki's direction. He knew very well that both the soldier puppets and the bats were used to buy time for Loki himself. What he wanted to do was borrow Use the time gained to prepare a powerful enough magic to secure the victory in one fell swoop!

Sure enough, at this time, Loki's body was surrounded by dazzling green flames. With the continuous rise of the green flames that Loki spelled, a crack like a vertical pupil gradually opened on the top of his head. Just when this crack appeared At that moment, a huge scaled claw protruded from the crack, grabbed the edge of the crack and violently tore a bigger gap.

A slender and thick black strange giant snake with more than a dozen huge claws full of scales came to the earth from the crack Loki called out, and its eyes were full of rising green flames, obviously Under the control of Loki!

"Human, you will be honored to be my pet's food!"

Loki's body disappeared in place like a phantom bubble, and at the same time, a green light appeared above the head of the weird giant snake, laughing and controlling the weird giant snake to rush towards Abel.

At this time, Abel looked at the strange giant snake rushing towards him, and suddenly smiled and said: "If the thing you summoned is a rock puppet or something, maybe I will take some trouble, but the thing you summoned is a living creature, it really hits the mark.”

Hearing Abel's words, Loki subconsciously felt that something was wrong, but it was too late when things got to this level. The dark green light instantly filled Loki's eyes, and the next second Loki heard the strange giant snake under his feet. The crazy roar, as if the severe pain originated from the depths of the soul, filled the whole body of the strange giant snake!
Because of the severe pain, the weird giant snake struggled crazily, and Loki was thrown directly by the weird giant snake.

The giant snake was huge, and its violent struggle caused the ground to roar like an earthquake.

The tip of the wand in Abel's hand spewed out dark green lightning, which continued to fall on the strange giant snake.

At the same time, Loki looked at Abel, who had almost completely suppressed the strange giant snake, gritted his teeth slightly, and a square cube embedded in a metal frame with handles on both sides, exuding ice and snow, appeared in Loki's hands , the moment he held the cube, Loki's body changed color quickly, as if turning into the same state as the Frost Giant, raised the cube in his hand, and pointed at Abel!
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(End of this chapter)

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