Chapter 107 Legilimency
There are many obstacles!

The yellow light rippling, the doctor was bounced up and fell to the ground as if hitting an invisible barrier, just about to get up and rush to Abel again, a large number of vines suddenly sprang out from the ground, like the toughest The doctor was bound like a rope, and he was knelt and bound to the ground unable to resist.

Abel came to the doctor, looked at the doctor who was emitting heat from his mouth and nose, waved his wand across the other's body, and roughly understood the doctor's current state.

To put it simply, the doctor's current physical changes are all caused by the use of that injection. That thing is probably similar to some kind of fast-acting genetic medicine, which can give users far more than normal people in a very short period of time. The body will also undergo a certain degree of distortion. As for whether this distortion can bring benefits or disadvantages to the user, more specific research is needed.

Looking at the doctor roaring like a beast, Abel knew that the other person's sanity might have been suppressed to the minimum by the potion, and the animal nature had the absolute upper hand. Simply waving the wand to cast spells without wasting extra time.


Green rays of light bloomed from the tip of the wand, turning into strands of green light that penetrated into the doctor's eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and quickly spread to the entire brain.

This is different from the situation when Abel used Legilimency in his previous life. Today's Legilimency is a comprehensive invasion and search from the soul to the body. The spirit will completely collapse. Of course, Abel has no mercy or holds back the doctor, the guy who found and dared to attack Thereya.

With the encroachment of the green light thread, the doctor's body trembled constantly. At first he still had a little resistance, but in the face of Abel's magic, the doctor's resistance was powerless, and finally the whole person became sluggish, with tears and saliva flowing down , with a demented face, the power obtained from the injection of the medicine could not bring him any help at all.

At this time, there were many pictures in front of Abel, all of which belonged to the doctor's memories and fresh emotional pictures. He slightly adjusted the wand in his hand, and the memories belonging to the doctor jumped quickly in front of him. Finally, Abel saw himself The things I want to see belong to the relevant memories of the organization behind the doctor!
Ten Rings Gang!
Middle East base!

Full grown up!
Scenes of memories flashed in front of Abel, allowing Abel to spy on all the memories of the Doctor, a senior agent of the Ten Rings, of the Ten Rings. Of course, in addition to the memory of the Ten Rings, there are other memories, such as the doctor himself He is a double agent of both the Ten Rings Gang and Pioneer Technology. The doctor's own medical technology and biochemical transformation ability are derived from Pioneer Technology!

After searching all the memories he wanted, Abel released the magic, and the doctor immediately fell to the ground like a pool of rotten meat, with a dull smile on his face, as if he couldn't see any world at all like a dementia patient Looks like a top secret agent.

Looking at the doctor lying on the ground, Abel's eyes and eyelids drooped slightly, and the roots and vines that were still restraining the doctor immediately tightened up, and under the doctor's struggle and screaming, he strangled his neck and died completely. in front of Abel.

Waving the magic wand and gently swipe at the doctor, the ground under him immediately swelled up continuously as if boiling, and thicker roots protruded from the ground, completely wrapping the doctor's body and dragging it into the ground. disappeared on the ground.

This is the druid magic that Abel learned in Asgard, and it has quite good power in the forest.

After solving the doctor, the magic ring of frost appeared on Abel's left middle finger. He snapped his fingers, and an ice mirror appeared in front of him. Abel waved his wand and tapped lightly on the ice mirror, and an In the picture at home, Treya is accompanied and protected by Sharon, plus the faintly glowing pendant on her chest, it is enough for Treya to have time to support herself when she encounters danger.

Seeing this, Abel didn't bother to go back. He was going to solve the problem this time first, and then go back and explain his situation to Teresa. Naturally, he couldn't tell all the truth, so he had to go back before going back. Think of a plausible explanation.

Thinking of this, Abel no longer hesitated, and opened the portal according to the location in the doctor's memory and stepped into it.

Looking at the surrounding yellow sand and the town with the same color as the yellow sand, Abel could see the machine guns on the high watchtower and the flag of the Ten Rings hanging on the watchtower at a glance.

After confirming that he had made no mistake, Abel immediately turned into a cloud of black smoke and shot up into the sky. He observed around the Ten Rings gang base and knew the general situation here. Under the watchful eyes of some people in the base, he suddenly landed in the center of the base.

At the same time, he flipped his left hand, and the portable metal cylinder Tony gave him appeared in his hand. The fingerprint unlocked, and the golden metal mask with red lines and the gold and red combat boots were ejected, landing on Abel's face and feet respectively. The rapid deformation covered the corresponding parts.

At the same time, the wand in Abel's hand was raised, and an invisible spherical shield enveloped him. In the next second, with the sound of gunfire, countless bullets were fired, causing the originally invisible spherical shield to explode. Dao Dao ripples, showing its shape.

Abel looked at the terrorists under the command of the Ten Rings Gang in this base, and the mask on his face was constantly scanning. After confirming that there were no civilians here, Abel no longer hesitated. He raised his left hand, and the Frost Ring on it bloomed dazzlingly. Blue light, and then Abel clenched his left hand violently, and an icy blue halo spread out from Abel's left hand as the core, freezing everything it passed.

When the icy blue halo spread completely, the whole town fell into freezing cold and silence. All the people, all the buildings, and all the weapons were all frozen in the ice, and the faces of those terrorists Fear of death remains.

The body rose slowly, suspended in mid-air, Abel looked down at the base of the Ten Rings Gang that had been completely frozen, put on the hanging ring again, opened a portal and stepped into it.

At the same time, in a deep mountain in Singapore, Abel appeared at a nearby high altitude, watching the magnificent palace in front of him turn into black smoke and fly forward again.

 There are three chapters today, this is Chapter 1, please bookmark, please recommend tickets!


(End of this chapter)

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