The wizard who came to the United States

Chapter 104 Mask Boots and Chapter House

Chapter 104 Mask Boots and Homecoming

"By the way, Abel, don't you know that kind of portal? Why don't you just open it and come back?"

In the car driven by Happy, listening to Tony's words, Abel replied: "My magic power has not yet reached that level. The magician of Karma Taj can borrow the power of a high-ranking existence to open the gap between the universes." The portal, but I only use my own power, and I can't open such a long-distance portal.

What's more, even if I can open it, I won't do that. Once I open it, I will be driven back. I haven't learned the magic in Asgard yet, so how could I just come back like that. "

"Then if you choose to come back now, it means that you have learned the magic of that place, right?"

"Although I haven't learned all of them, I have also learned a lot, and the most important thing is that I have learned a set of magic words that can be compared with ancient magic words. After I thoroughly study and understand, I can combine the two sets of magic words. When you get up and use it, it should be time to help you upgrade Mark Ω 1.0 to 2.0."

Hearing this, Tony immediately smiled and said, "Then I have to look forward to it."

While the two were talking, the car slowly stopped under the building of Abel's house. When Abel was about to get in the car, Tony stopped him suddenly.

"Abel, I have something for you."

While talking, Tony took out a gold-red metal tube in the shape of a thermos cup from the co-pilot seat and handed it to Abel, saying: "I designed this thing for more than a month before I got it done. Technology and your magic technology, finally got this thing done, you should go back and study it and it should be able to give you some help."

"Didn't I tell you before? It's not suitable for me to wear armor when I use magic."

"Of course I remember, this thing is not a battle armor, you will know when you go back and have a look."

"Okay, then I'll go back and have a look. The things you made should be good."

Nodding to Tony, Abel put the things in his backpack, got out of the car with the backpack on his back and dragged the box, and returned home by himself.

At this time, Tereya was still working, and according to the usual time, she would not come back until after ten o'clock in the evening. In order not to affect Tereya's work, Abel did not immediately tell Tereya that he was back, but put the The suitcases and backpacks were placed in the room. Looking at the room, which was spotless and not changed much, Abel knew that these were made by Treia, and with a smile on his face, he began to organize the contents of the backpacks and suitcases.

After tidying up the clothes and other things, throw everything that should be cleaned into the washing machine. After finishing these, Abel sat down at the desk and took out the things Tony gave him.

Looking at the gold and red metal cylinder with a lot of gaps and lines on the outside, Abel sized it up and saw a fingerprint unlocking device on one end of the metal cylinder. He stretched out his hand and pressed his thumb on it. Hearing a beep, the metal cylinder immediately The startup is broken down into two parts and one small part, a total of three parts.

The two large parts are the two ends of the metal cylinder, and the small part is the core of the metal cylinder. The small part quickly deformed and turned into a metal mask and stuck it on Abel's face. The other two large parts The other part fell on Abel's feet, and quickly transformed into a pair of metal boots covering both feet and half of the calf!

At this time, Abel's face was somewhat similar to Tony's Iron Man armor, but a lot of data and introductions appeared on the different mask. Abel looked at it one by one, and finally knew what Tony gave him.

To put it simply, it is to give Abel a strong enough jumping and running ability. The metal boots on his feet have the ability to fly short distances. Actions on the side or ceiling, even short-term magnetic levitation, and underwater walking with the mask are very practical auxiliary functions.

Of course, many of these abilities can also be done by Abel’s magic, so the most important thing is the mask. In fact, these boots are only accessories, and the mask is Tony’s real core technology.

In addition to basic air filtration functions, scanning functions, etc., there are also query and computing capabilities connected to Jarvis, which are of great help to intelligence collection and analysis problems, making up for Abel's shortcomings.

This mask has one of Abel's favorite functions, which is the ability to invisibility and change appearance. As a last resort, the eyes of the mask can shoot two high-energy rays, which are enough to change the outcome of a battle in an emergency .

Some functions of the boots may be redundant, but the function of the mask really makes up for many of my shortcomings. At least many problems in the past can be solved, especially the functions of scanning and analysis, which are of great help to me.

Using language to give an order, the mask and boots immediately separated from Abel's body, deformed and combined again, forming the previous appearance of the gold and red metal cylinder.

After the deformation, both the mask and the boots have their own energy cores, but the energy cores are not too big, and the combined use time is only about three days. After that, you need to recharge or replace the energy cores , the energy of the second-generation miniature model of the light arc reactor can only reach this level at most.

In short, what Tony gave him was pretty good.

After fiddling again, Abel flipped his wrist, and the metal cylinder disappeared in his hand.

Just as Abel got up and was about to go to the kitchen to make something for himself, the door of the house was suddenly opened, and Treya walked in with a handsome man in his 30s.

As soon as she entered the house, Treya stared at the shoes she had changed in front of the door, was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately shouted: "Abel, dear, are you back?"

Hearing what Teresa said, Abel walked out of his room, hugged Teresa who didn't bother to change his shoes, and said, "Mom, I'm back."

"You didn't call me when you came back, and you didn't tell me about the video three days ago. I will settle this account with you in the future."

"Isn't this a surprise for you? I hope my mother will show mercy."

Letting go of Abel, Treya looked Abel up and down, and said: "You look thinner and taller, but I didn't see it in the video, but I can only see you when I watch the real person change."

Hearing this, Abel couldn't help wiping off a drop of cold sweat, of course it hasn't changed, it's just a virtual character.

Just as Abel was about to talk to Theresa again, the man standing at the door suddenly coughed lightly, which caught the attention of Abel and Theresa.

 Yesterday's sixth watch, today's whole person is in sage time... Allow me to make a slight adjustment, and tomorrow's third watch will make up today's Chapter 2.

(End of this chapter)

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