Chapter 10 The Ancient One
Seeing this unique barrier that seemed to be composed of countless irregular crystal mirrors, Abel knew that his safety was not a big problem.

Sure enough, the crystal mirror barrier around him bulged slightly, and a bald-headed Caucasian woman in a yellow hooded robe and holding a folding fan walked out of it, turned her head and smiled at Abel.

"Mage Abel, nice to meet you."

Slightly bowed and saluted, Abel replied: "I'm also very happy to meet you, Master Ancient One!"

"Unexpectedly, I thought you wouldn't know me, Master Abel."

"As a little magic explorer in this world, I have naturally heard the name of the great Supreme Mage."

If you looked at Abel meaningfully, Gu Yi smiled and said: "It's strange, since you know me, you don't know the place where New York mages often meet and do business, and you still buy magic materials from eBay and Amazon thing."

The beating speed of the heart increased slightly, but Abel still looked calm on the surface: "These are not actually conflicts, are they?"

After looking at Abel for a while, Gu Yi still smiled, nodded and said: "That's right, everything has a reason, even if we delve into the secrets of magic, it is still difficult to fully understand what's going on in this world, so Anything is possible.

Alright, let's continue talking later, first let me deal with this young lady whose body has been invaded by the power of the dark dimension. If we continue to combine her with the power of the dark dimension, it will be really troublesome. After all, this time I came here for her. "

Dark dimension!

Hearing this address, Abel's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered why he felt familiar with the red symbol on Amentha's forehead. It was because the symbol on Amentha's forehead represented the power of the dark dimension. I saw it in a movie a long time ago, so I have a little impression.

He didn't say much about what he knew about the dark dimension, Abel just quietly watched the Ancient One mage slowly walk towards Amensha.

"Who are you!"

"My name is Gu Yi, and I'm here to save you."

"Save me? I don't need you to save me. I'm fine. I've never been this good!"

Amengsha screamed, and the evil thoughts emanating from her body instantly turned into several pitch-black tentacles, dancing and entangled towards Gu Yi.

It has to be said that Amengsa, who is only infected by the power of the dark dimension, is powerful, but the way she uses her power is too rough.

If it weren't for Abel's magic power which is still weak and still growing, and there is no magic wand to cooperate with casting spells, then it is impossible for Amensha to be Abel's opponent, and naturally it is impossible to be Gu Yi's opponent.

Gu Yi waved the folding fan in his hand, and magic circles composed of countless lines of fire appeared out of thin air. Shields generally resisted Amensha's attack. The master of power, Gu Yi easily eliminated the power from the dark dimension released by Amengsha.

Feeling that most of the power in her body disappeared out of thin air, Amengsha couldn't help but feel fear in her heart. Besides, after most of her power disappeared, she also regained some sanity, and she was no longer as crazy as before. She looked so strong that The unimaginable Gu Yi, fear overcame everything, disappeared in place in a flash, and appeared more than ten meters away.

Amengsa wanted to repeat the same trick, and continued to escape in a flashing manner.

But at this time, lava-like rays of light suddenly rose from Gu Yi's body, and those rays of light turned into strips of red light bands that seemed to be made of lava, emitting fire, and flew out along Gu Yi's hands, arriving in an instant. Amengsa's body was bound layer by layer.

Cytorak Red Belt!

The binding magic formed by absorbing the power of the crimson dimension is extremely powerful.

As a dimension almost equivalent to the dark dimension, the power of the crimson dimension is also full of unimaginable power.

Saitorak's red belt gradually brought Amensa to Gu Yi. Gu Yi looked at Amensa who was struggling and roaring, and Gu Yi, who was facing Abel, suddenly reached out and touched the mark on Amensa's forehead. At the same time, the mark of the dark dimension appeared on Gu Yi's forehead, absorbing all the dark dimension power from Amensha into his body.

Closing his eyes, Gu Yi slightly digested and absorbed the power of the dark dimension, exhaled a breath, let go of the comatose Amensha, scattered the Saitorak red belt, and concealed the mark on his forehead, then turned around and came to the in front of Abel.

"Master Abel, how about we find a place to talk?"

"Of course, this is what I wish for, but what about Amengsa?"

"Don't worry, someone has already arrived. They will send this lady to the police. As for what happened just now, she will not remember it. The dissipated power of the dark dimension has taken away the memory of this period, and she cannot remember it." You and I have only a little impression at most."

"If that's the case, then I'm relieved."

"Then, Master Abel, please."

After finishing speaking, Gu Yi stretched out his hand and swiped at his side, a ring that seemed to be composed of countless sparks appeared out of thin air, spinning at a high speed, and soon another picture appeared in the ring, it was an antique building, full of oriental amorous feelings.

Abel walked directly into it without hesitation, followed by Gu Yi into the portal.

When the portal disappeared, the mirror world covering this area also dissipated. A group of men and women who came to hike soon discovered the existence of Amengsa and sent her to the police station.

At the same time, Abel couldn't help sighing slightly when he looked at this antique building.

"This is the Holy of Holies in New York, which belongs to our Karma Taj." Gu Yi turned his head to look at a black mage who was coming, accepted his respect, nodded to him, and said: "Daniel, please give us Prepare two cups of hot tea, thank you."

"Obey, Master Ancient One."

Gu Yi turned his head to look at Abel, made a gesture of invitation, then sat on the chair next to him, and said to Abel: "The mage just now is called Daniel Durham, and he is the keeper of the Holy of Holies in New York. He is also a trustworthy and powerful mage, if you encounter any unsolvable things in the future, you can come here to ask him for help."

"Master Gu Yi, thank you very much, but I don't understand why you treat me so favorably. You shouldn't be like this for every mage you see, right?"

"Of course not everyone is like this, you are a relatively special one, because I am very curious about the magic you cast, a magic system that does not belong to this world, I am very interested in learning more about it, for which I can pay some Of course, it is on the premise that Master Abel is interested in you, what do you think?"

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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