Chapter 94 The Dying Wade

"Wade, Vanessa, long time no see, how are the two intimate little days going?"

Wang Kai said to Wade and Vanessa in front of him, since having Vanessa, Wade has become a good man, and he rarely comes out to fool around. The contact between Wang Kai and Wade is only by phone and email. This time Wade suddenly looked for him, so Wang Kai didn't know what happened.

"Kai, I have something to ask you this time."

Wade didn't laugh with Wang Kai, and he didn't talk so cheaply anymore. This kind of change made Wang Kai a little uncomfortable.

"Wade, you are joking, if there is anything I can help you, just say it."

Wang Kai said to Wade, does Wade want to let himself help him prepare for the wedding, is he going to propose to Vanessa?

Wade was a little awkward to speak, he was hesitating.

"It's like this, Kay, we want to borrow a sum of money. Wade is sick and has terminal lung cancer. I want to take him to find a cure."

Wade was unable to speak for a long time, Vanessa was anxious, and she spoke for the sake of her beloved.

"What, Wade, you have cancer?"

It was only then that Wang Kai remembered that Wade would indeed get cancer, but this was also the beginning of his change. If it wasn't for cancer, he would not have participated in that kind of experiment and gained the ability of Deadpool if he was rushed to the doctor in a hurry.

"Yes, I have just been diagnosed, and it has begun to spread, but I am not looking for you to borrow money, Vanessa, please don't talk, if it is an early stage cancer, maybe I will try to treat it, but it is already It's late, and I don't have a long time to live. I want you to help me take care of Vanessa. After I die, if Vanessa asks for you, I hope you can look at my face and give me a helping hand. .”

Wade said that he is still rational, he is already a terminal patient, and there are only a handful of people in the world who can still be cured of terminal cancer, and each of them is irreproducible, he has no illusions, the only thing he can't let go of is It's Vanessa.

"Don't worry about this. No matter what trouble Vanessa has in the future, as long as she comes to me, I will do my best to help, but don't give up any opportunities. You can talk about any difficulties. I am poor and only have money. gone."

Wang Kai said to Wade, I really don't know if Wade will meet those people after his appearance, and whether Deadpool will still appear.

"I know, I know, but you should also know that money is not everything, at least for people with advanced cancer that has spread throughout the body, now my liver and prostate are all finished, I am a fucking cancer A collection of cells, maybe I should have gotten rid of it sooner."

The more Wade talked, the more angry he became. He really couldn't figure out how he got this damn cancer.

"Calm down, Wade, there is an old saying in the East, there is no unparalleled road, maybe things will turn around, don't give up on yourself, or your body will collapse faster."

Wang Kai said to Wade that Wang Kai still has a good understanding of cancer. In his previous life, some of the people he knew had cancer. A good attitude is the best medicine to deal with cancer.

"I just want to go to Sister Margarita's and have a good drink now, not sit here and drink this fucking coffee."

Wade looked at the black water in front of him and said, he would rather drink those low-quality blended wines than the Blue Mountain coffee here.

"Well, I support you, let's go, let's go have a drink."

Wang Kai said to Wade, let Wade calm down now and numb himself.

"This is a good buddy, Vanessa, you go home and wait for me first, I will go back later."

Wade said to him, and then to his girlfriend, he didn't want his girlfriend to see him in a mess.

"Okay baby, come back soon."

Vanessa said very considerately, she knew that Wade would be fine with Wang Kai.

When he and Wade came to Margarita's Sisters Bar again, Wang Kai knew that Wade hadn't been here for a while when he saw Wade saying hello to familiar people. It seemed that Wade had really changed.

"Hey, Wade, hey, uh..."

When he came to the bar, the bartender Mole greeted Wang Kai Wade, but he had forgotten Wang Kai's name, after all, Wang Kai hadn't come for a long time.

"It doesn't matter, give us two glasses of Patrón Tequila."

Wang Kai took out a banknote and put it on the bar.

"No problem, come right now, Wade, you don't look very good, you need to clean yourself up and relax."

Although Mole has many shortcomings, he is indeed Wade's friend.

"Let me get drunk, I'm not here to listen to your nagging."

Wade said weakly, the whole person exudes a sense of decadence, sometimes the strength of the heart is not reflected in how good you are at ordinary times, and sometimes the first to collapse may be those fighters.

"No problem, but maybe you should have a handful of wheatgrass, it's good for the immune system."

The mole took out a handful of grass from the bar, and Wang Kai was speechless. This is a bar, and the people who come here are not only vicious, but they also come to squander their bodies. Who would think about what is nutritious to eat? You Wheatgrass is prepared here, who would eat it, what a wonderful bartender.

"Oh, Jesus, please forgive me, you talk like Vanessa, Kay, look at these, these are the clinics that Vanessa has appointments, so many clinics in colorful brochures, but sure It's all approved by the Food and Drug Administration, look at this, Chechnya, isn't it easier to get cancer if you go there? And Huaxia, your home country, central Mexico, do people live there? You know how they use Spanish Does the slang say 'cancer'? Er cancer, what the fuck is that name."

Wade took out a dozen leaflets from his pocket, on which were the introductions of various clinics, which made Wang Kai feel a bit like a small advertisement on a telephone pole in Huaxia, old Chinese medicine practitioners, old military doctors, if Wade believed these, Wang Kai Just introduce him to Huaxia.

"It's really a bad name. Is this your photo? You should be as happy as in the photo. Keep an optimistic attitude."

Wang Kai saw photos of Wade and Vanessa from those leaflets, which should have been taken on Christmas, because Wade was wearing a red sweater that he would never wear normally.

"Is this Wade? Wade, can you give me this photo? I will hang it here so that I can remember you, but at least I won the death bet, after all, you are going to be miserable Died of cancer."

Mole took the photo and said to Wade.

(End of this chapter)

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