Chapter 92

The second type is Six Forms and Domineering. Six Forms are also physical skills that can teach Mindy, but domineering. Wang Kai tried his best to think about how Rayleigh gave Luffy to activate Domineering in the anime, but it was really vague.

The next step is the newly acquired Kong Wushu, which requires the ability of Qi. Wang Kai still does not have the ability to activate it. After all, these powers are directly instilled into Wang Kai by the system. Wang Kai does not know how to activate it, at least for now. I don't know, so I can't teach Minty.

After calculation, there are only two kinds of physical skills, Bai Da and Liushi can teach Mingdy, the former is technique, the latter is quality, Wang Kai checked Mingdy's body, and found that many aspects of Mingdy's body have been improved. She is almost the same as ordinary people. No wonder she was able to fight with karate master Frank for so long. Minty’s physical fitness proves that Damon trained her very well. It’s normal to think about it. She used a pistol for close-range body armor experience. Damon’s The means are not much better than Monkey D. Karp.

Knowing that Wang Kai is going to train herself, Mingdy jumped up and down happily. Even though Wang Kai repeatedly warned Mingdy that her training would be very difficult, Mingdy was still very firm.

When Skye saw that Minty's small body was covered with weights, Skye couldn't bear it any longer, and wanted to persuade Mindy to end this kind of self-torture training, but Minty directly refused, and watched his father die in the Minty in front of her deeply understands that she is powerless without power, and she wants to gain more power.

Wang Kai also saw Mingdy's determination, so he didn't interrupt the training. Anyway, he had fairy beans in his hands. If Mingdy broke his body, no matter what the injury was, he could recover completely. However, Wang Kai also came from Stark Industries. The affiliated research institute has brought in a lot of high-energy potions to replenish energy for Minty, and Minty's physical fitness is improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wang Kai first taught Minty the simplest pointing gun. Seeing that Minty pierced a one-inch-thick wooden board with his finger for the first time, Wang Kai really wanted to ask God if Mindy was a once-in-a-century martial arts prodigy.

With the success of the finger gun, the next step is to teach Minty how to use shaving. This is the most direct way to improve combat effectiveness, but the difficulty of shaving is much higher. Minty can only let his speed break through the track and field world Records, if you want to achieve Wang Kai's feeling of teleportation because people's eyes can't keep up, it's still a long way away, but Minty's speed has already made it difficult for guns to hit.

Iron blocks, haze feet, paper paintings, moon steps, these types of difficulties are also very difficult. Wang Kai has no plans to teach Mindy yet, and he can't chew too much. He doesn't have the enlightening ability of the Two-dimensional system. Otherwise, he could quickly arm Mindy into a master.

Regardless of whether Mindy is a once-in-a-century martial arts prodigy, Wang Kai's villa in Maine has already been remodeled, and the engineering team under the Stark Group is very proficient in this type of remodeling, with a set of very proficient operating procedures and modularization. The materials used in the construction are also high-tech materials, which can be quickly shaped to support and stabilize the underground space.

In Wang Kai’s villa, there are two passages to enter the underground space, one is the spiral staircase and the other is the elevator, which can be regarded as two preparations. There are also two exits at the seaside and the pasture. The exit of the pasture is relatively small. Big, with a barn built on it as a cover, the exit Wang Kai prepared to enter and exit the aircraft.

The entire underground space is a medium-sized ark reactor provided by Tony as an energy source, which is comparable to the power generation of a nuclear power plant.

Now that the underground space is available, Wang Kai ordered a batch of machines from Tony to make pacifists, and invited Tony to develop them together. After all, if you want to make pacifists fly, Tony must participate. Wang Kaike No talent.

"Kay, look what I brought you."

Invited by Wang Kai, Tony came to Maine, came to Wang Kai's villa, and said excitedly.

"My weapon."

When Wang Kai saw the box Tony was holding, he immediately knew what the surprise Tony wanted to give him.

"It's really boring. You should cooperate with me and give me a little surprised expression."

Being guessed right by Wang Kai, Tony's expression suddenly collapsed. There is no way, who made this box difficult to cover up.

"Whoa, Tony, what did you bring me, let me guess, a sports car? An airplane? Tell me tell me... how you like it?"

Wang Kai performed a very exaggerated dramatic performance, causing Skye and Mindy to collapse on the sofa with their stomachs in their hands while laughing, while Tony looked helpless.

"You'd better not be so surprised, here, I finally got some Adamantium alloy from Stryker, and made your weapon."

Tony handed over the box, and Wang Kai couldn't wait to take it.

Open the box, and a 1.1-meter-long pure black Tang knife lies in the box. The handle and scabbard are matte black. It looks mellow in texture. When you pull out the blade, the blade is bright and cold, and you can feel it without trying it. It's sharp.

"This scabbard is also made of Adamantium alloy. Otherwise, ordinary scabbards can't bear this knife. How about it? Does it feel right?"

Tony said to Wang Kai that if he hadn't loved technology more, he might have regarded this knife as his collection.

"You have to try it to know if it fits, let's go, let's try it."

Wang Kai said to Tony that he couldn't wait to try the knife, and wanted to see if the weapon made of Adamantium alloy could allow him to use the atomic slash without breaking.

Everyone walked through the villa and came to the seaside. There are some stones here, which are usually used by Wang Kai and Mingdy for exercise. Wang Kai picked a huge stone with a height of one person as his test object.

"Stand back."

Wang Kai asked the three people who were following him to retreat, and then calmly looked at the rock with the handle of the knife in his hand.

After the three of Skye took a few steps back, Wang Kai started to get lucky, and then saw Wang Kai's arm move, a white light flashed, and then the stone in front of Wang Kai turned into a field of small stones, and Wang Kai was still Keep the action just now.

Wang Kai looked at the stones on the ground that were not as big as mung beans, and looked at the Tang knife in his hand. It was still intact and sharp.

"Kai, what did you do, how did the stone break? Could it be weathered?"

Tony rubbed his eyes again and again to make sure that the scene in front of him was real. How did a good stone turn into a pile of stone slag, which made the knowledge he had learned in the past useless.

(End of this chapter)

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