Chapter 822 Decisive Battle ([-])

"Is there any way to crack it? For example, radio interference?"

The high-level of the joint command immediately asked, if this is the case, even if one spaceship is destroyed, other spaceships will continue to control, and the lightning rod plan, the cooldown CD is very long, it takes an hour, and it will happen in an hour How many accidents, who can know.

"I'm afraid not. We don't have time to study the signal through which the Chitauri connect to the mothership. What we can do is still destroy the Chitauri spaceship. We believe that the Chitauri controlled by each spaceship must have A quantity, just like a computer, has a limit, we just need to continue destroying the Chitauri spaceships, then their remaining spaceships will be overloaded, and eventually some Chitauri soldiers will lose control."

Scholars have given a suggestion, that is to reduce the number of hosts on the other side. If one spaceship can control 11 Chitauri soldiers, it has already controlled [-] Chitauri soldiers, while another spaceship has controlled [-] Chitauri soldiers. The Rui people were blown up in the end, and this spaceship to receive the [-] Chitauri people is equivalent to controlling [-] Chitauri people, but the upper limit is [-], so there must be [-] Chitauri people out of control. And if this spaceship is also wiped out, then one hundred thousand Chitauri will be wiped out directly.

"Order Mobius fighter jets to launch a nuclear bomb attack on the Chitauri warships, and we must shoot down more Chitauri warships."

The Joint Command issued an order to let the Mobis fighters in space launch the strongest attack, which is a small nuclear bomb. Each Mobis fighter is loaded with a nuclear bomb, which is to let these Mobis fighters launch at close range. attack.

After the order was issued, those Mobius fighters who were still wandering and fighting immediately got rid of their current opponents and went straight to the Chitauri mothership. It is their criterion to complete the highest command of the headquarters. This is not human In the civil war between them, if they can't fight, they can still surrender and save their own lives. Now it's a race of races, a battle of life and death, and I have no other choice.

After discovering the movement of these fighters, the Chitauri immediately blocked them, and the white energy shells covered the Mobis fighters. During the violent bombing, several Mobis fighters disintegrated instantly, and the pilots inside naturally became floating in space. things that can never return to Earth.

The death of their colleagues did not stop the determination of the remaining pilots. They continued to fly towards the Chitauri warship, and at the same time used all their skills to avoid the Chitauri attack. Unfortunately, facing the vast number of Chitauri Man, the Mobius fighter jets were blown up one after another. This is not a barrage game. If you are not careful, you will die.

After getting close to the attackable range, the remaining dozen or so Mobius fighters immediately launched their own missiles. These missiles carry the hope of mankind.

As soon as these missiles were launched, the remaining dozen or so Mobius fighter jets were also smashed into pieces by the Chitauri who were chasing them. Those missiles also encountered crazy interception, and huge energy circles exploded in space. , blowing the surrounding Chitauri into disarray.

Only two of the more than ten missiles slipped through the net, and hit two spaceships. The spaceship exploded, and the Chitauri on the earth fell again. After a while, they all stood up again. Only those who fell were killed by the human army. The Chitauri who took the opportunity to make up the knife will never have a chance to get up.


Humans cursed, the Chitauri protect their mothership so well, if there is no effective way to destroy those spaceships, it is impossible to overload the Chitauri spaceship with a simple sneak attack and blow up a few spaceships .

"Nick Fury, go ask Wang Kai to take action, otherwise the Chitauri will occupy Los Angeles and have a foothold, which will be very detrimental to humans."

The United Command found Nick Fury, and wanted Nick Fury to go to Wang Kai and let Wang Kai take action. Now the Chitauri are rushing to land on the beach. If the gap is opened by the opponent, then humans can only be attacked by the Chitauri. People cannibalized.

"I'm afraid not. Wang Kai has been waiting for the master of the Chitauri, Thanos. Thanos is the most important thing. As long as Thanos can be defeated, these Chitauri will not be able to occupy the earth at all. Wang Kai should not Use your strength on these little soldiers."

Nick Fury immediately refused. He knew why Wang Kai hadn't moved. Now that the two armies are fighting, soldiers will fight against generals. The opponent's main general has not yet appeared, so of course Wang Kai will not make a move.

Nick Fury's reason was so perfect that the United Command was speechless. That's right, Wang Kai's power is reserved for when it is most needed. As long as Wang Kai can win, these Chitauri will all die.

If you can't find Wang Kai, then you can only continue to send troops from other countries. This is the first time since the War of Independence that the United States has foreign troops entering the country on a large scale. Although it is not an invasion, it has always pursued the United States first. The president is really unhappy in his heart.

The battle situation in Los Angeles and California began to become more balanced with the addition of troops from other countries. After all, the Chitauri wanted to fall to the ground, but they had to be blocked by layers. Umbrella's Mobis Zero The fighter jets have come back for resupply three times, and the fighter jets in the atmosphere have returned to the field for resupply nearly ten times. The ammunition consumption is really too fast.

The surface-to-air missiles are almost bottoming out. The ammunition that the United States has hoarded for so many years actually consumed 80.00% this time. They are directly transferred away by the government in the name of human survival, and they do not earn a penny.

Minty killed very happily in downtown Los Angeles. In her hands, all kinds of Chitauri have become garbage. This time the Chitauri are really elite. The last time the Chitauri Like the lowest-level militia, even equivalent to students participating in military training, but this time the Chitauri are equal to the regular army, and many of them are ace troops.

From the individual abilities of these Chitauri and the equipment on them, it can be seen that this is obviously different from the last time when the Chitauri were naked and carried a weapon. Otherwise, why would there be so many superhumans? Even the Avengers, the speed of killing the enemy has slowed down, and Steve can only slightly suppress a single Chitauri.

(End of this chapter)

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