The Two-dimensional of the United States comics

Chapter 72 Tony's Awards Ceremony

Chapter 72 Tony's Awards Ceremony

Hearing Wang Kai's words, Peter was even more flustered, because Wang Kai completely said that he was mutated, his genes had changed, and he became Spider-Man. If you talk too much, Wang Kai will guess what.

After being teased by Wang Kai once, Peter didn't dare to appear in front of Wang Kai. Even if he had doubts about Wang Kai, they were ruled out by his subconscious mind. Maybe Wang Kai is just an ordinary person.

A small trial did not affect Wang Kai. After all, it has been more than half a year. Even if Coulson wanted to investigate, he could not find anything, let alone Peter, he is just a kid , not a detective.

Wang Kai is about to graduate from high school. Students who intend to continue their studies have already begun to choose their favorite schools. Students who do not intend to study have already considered what they want to do in society. Some people decide to study mechanics, and some prepare Going to work, their career plans are very clear, unlike Huaxia students who can do nothing but study.

Jimmy has decided to apply for Stanford University, which is close to Silicon Valley and is the cradle of high-tech entrepreneurship. Jimmy decided to take the IT road. Wang Kai expressed his support. Jimmy has this talent and cannot be wasted.

"Dude, are you coming to my award show?"

As the holiday approached, Tony called with a very proud tone.

"What award? Where is it?"

Wang Kai asked, I just had nothing to do and went out for activities.

"Las Vegas, the annual 'Apex Awards', how about it, do you want to come and have fun?"

Tony said, Wang Kai suddenly became energetic, Tony is going to evolve, Tony is going to change from a playboy to an Iron Man.

"Of course, I will not miss your glorious moment."

Wang Kai agreed and said that he happened to ask about the Edman alloy.

I really don't know what the brain circuit of the Americans thinks, but this award is presented in a famous casino. It gives people the feeling that this award must not be very good, it is a bit like a third-rate small award.

But now that you have decided to go, don't talk nonsense, ask for leave, and then bring Skye with you. As for the light bulb, Mindy, you should stay at home and go to school properly.

To participate in Tony Stark's awards ceremony, can you just wear sportswear casually? You must buy two decent dresses. Fortunately, there are many brands in Las Vegas. Wang Kai can make money easily. Find what you need.

After gaining the ability, Wang Kai's figure is getting better and better. He is already 1.8 meters five. Wang Kai thinks this is suitable. He is not a basketball player. There are already perfect lines, and they are smoother, without that horrible muscle bump, which is more in line with the aesthetics of oriental people. Although the appearance is not idolized, it is not ugly. Coupled with Wang Kai's confident temperament, it is enough to attract The gaze of the young beauty.

Skye is of mixed race, and his appearance combines the beauty of the East and the West. He is not short at nearly 1.7 meters, and he looks taller when he wears an evening dress.

"Kay, isn't the venue for the award ceremony in the banquet hall over there?"

When he found that Wang Kai, who was holding his arm, turned around, Skye asked curiously.

"Skye, do you think that Tony will just sit there and wait for the award? This guy is very unfriended. He already left a friend there, and he wants to leave me there. He Think beautiful."

Wang Kai is familiar with the plot, Tony released everyone's pigeons at the awards ceremony, and he was alone in the nearby casino. If this guy is not the boss of Stark Industries, if this guy is not a genius, if this guy is still American If necessary, someone must have dealt with him.

When he came to the casino, Wang Kai showed his knowledge and arrogance, and soon found Tony who was playing at a gaming table. He hugged him left and right, and Happy stood guard behind him. Tony was having a great time playing.

"Tony, you are really good at tricking us all to the awards ceremony to increase your popularity, but you are here alone."

Wang Kai came to the gambling table and said to Tony.

"Oh, Kai, I didn't lie to you, otherwise you wouldn't have come here. It seems that you don't like to act as a hypocritical clown there, right?"

When Tony saw Wang Kai, he didn't feel ashamed at all. Instead, he said boldly, as if he had expected Wang Kai to come here. In fact, he also wondered how Wang Kai knew he was here.

"Come on, you don't want to attend the awards ceremony yourself, so why not just say that if you release so many pigeons, aren't you afraid of causing trouble?"

Wang Kai was speechless, Tony has always been so egotistical, I really don't know how he has lived to such an age, it is different to have a good father.

"I have a sense of propriety. There are no big shots here today. Those big shots know my habits. If I make a joke occasionally, everyone won't be angry. Come on, baby, take a breath and let me go."

Tony said nonchalantly, then picked up the sieve, let the protruding beauty next to him blow it, and then threw it out. The result was a mess, but Tony didn't care.

I didn't expect Tony to still be rough and fine, no wonder he dared to let those people dove, those people should be small characters, Tony didn't care, otherwise it would be impossible to accept the country's badge in the second part.

"It's up to you, be careful that Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes will come to trouble you for a while."

Wang Kai asked someone to change a few chips for himself, and followed Tony to bet.

"Don't worry, that guy Rhodes is easy to coax, he will forget everything after just two glasses of wine."

Tony knows his good friend Rhodes very well. Rhodes has never had the upper hand in front of him, and he can get him done with just a few drinks.

Wang Kai also thought that in the movie, no matter how angry Rhodes was, he would be calmed down by Tony casually. Even when he went to the Middle East tomorrow, Tony made Rhodes wait for three hours. Rhodes was full of anger, but when he arrived On the plane, two glasses of sake made Rhodes unrestrained, and he forgot the unhappiness in his heart.

"How is my trouble with you? Have you been in touch?"

Wang Kai asked again, this is the most important thing, otherwise Wang Kai would not have come to see how Tony released the pigeons.

"What you said is really difficult to deal with. Colonel Stryker is not a good talker. He is harder than a rock. I am still looking for someone to be a lobbyist. Don't worry, as long as he is from the military, he will It will definitely sell my face."

Tony said that he hasn't figured out what Wang Kai said, but Tony is still confident. A little colonel, I don't know how many generals I know, can't I figure out a colonel?

(End of this chapter)

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