Chapter 715 Iron Blood Revenge
"Director, an energy explosion just broke out over Antarctica, and the energy explosion surpassed the nuclear bomb!"

Just when Coulson was about to leave Nick Fury's office, Hill walked in quickly, holding a report, her face full of horror, because the report in her hand was so shocking.


Nick Fury stood up immediately, took the report directly from Hill, and saw the data on it, he was also sweating, what is Wang Kai doing.

"Director Fury, an explosion occurred over Antarctica!"

Before Nick Fury finished reading the report, another agent ran in, holding a freshly printed data report in his hand.

"Colson, call Wang Kai immediately, I want to know what happened."

Nick Fury couldn't sit still anymore, even if he was ridiculed by Wang Kai, he had to contact Wang Kai to see what happened.

What happened in Antarctica?This is probably what Nick Fury didn't expect. Ten minutes ago, Umbrella's transport spaceship flew over and brought a freezer to transport the trainee Iron Blood and Alien Queen who were frozen by Wang Kai. The things are well prepared, just for Wang Kai.

After the Alien Queen was transported onto the spaceship, Wang Kai suddenly felt a sense of crisis while carrying the trainee Iron Blood. Before Wang Kai had time to think about it, he immediately squatted down, put his hands on his waist and began to gather energy.

"Turtle School Qigong!!"

Within ten seconds, Wang Kai raised his hands to the sky, and a wave of qigong shot out from between his hands.

And in space, the same white light fell towards the earth, the target was the South Pole, and a long, pitch-black spaceship also appeared in space, it was the spaceship of the Jagged Clan.

Originally, the entire army of the three iron-blooded trainees was wiped out. This is very common for the iron-blooded clan. The iron-blooded clan always walks between life and death, and often fights with powerful creatures. The death rate is very high. The three iron-blooded trainees did not pass. Trials are not a big problem.

The problem is that when the spaceship of the Predator was about to leave, he saw three trainee Sangvis moving out from under the ice, which made the Sangvis clan quit. Reputation is very important. Those humans made it clear that they wanted to study their own people, so they immediately mobilized the energy cannon, that is, the energy cannon that opened a hole in the ice layer, and fired at that place.

Wang Kai's strength is already able to predict danger, that is to say, if you take a sniper rifle and aim at Wang Kai from a distance, Wang Kai can sense it instantly. She had inexplicable palpitations, but she couldn't judge where the danger came from, she only knew that she was in danger. If Wang Kai wasn't by her side, Minty would have turned into lightning and escaped. Natasha was not strong enough, so she could only feel a fluster. , she doesn't know, and it's easy to ignore the past.

The Kamepai Qigong broke through the dark clouds in the sky and directly collided with the falling energy shells. A huge explosion appeared over the Antarctic. The blizzard that was supposed to be one day away was blown away ahead of time, and the dark clouds in the sky were immediately blown away by the explosion It fell into pieces and then dissipated into the air.

All the people from Umbrella Company also immediately discovered the problem. The first reaction of all the security personnel was to point their guns at the air, regardless of whether they saw the enemy or not. It's a sneak attack, and we must fight back, but it's a pity that Minty can't see the enemy at all, and she doesn't know where to throw the bullet in her hand for a long time.

"It's the spaceship of the Predator. You can't hit it outside the atmosphere. Immediately notify the headquarters and prepare a space attack ship."

Wang Kai said that he had already determined the position of the Predator spaceship, and now their weapons cannot deal with enemies that far away, even if it is Mindy's electromagnetic cannon, there is no way to shoot out of the atmosphere, even if it is fired, the power is already gone. reduced to a minimum.

The people of Umbrella Company immediately started operations and informed the headquarters of Umbrella Company of the situation here. The headquarters also started emergency operations. The two attack ships that had completed the test began to be manned and ready to take off. They were said to be attack ships, but in fact It is an attack aircraft, only the size of a medium-sized civil aviation company, and it is responsible for close combat. But now that the boss is under attack, even if they have not made contact with space combat, they have to bite the bullet and go to the sky. The pilots who fly these attack aircraft are all The retired aces in the military, hopefully they'll be the same aces in space.

Wang Kai did not relax, but continued to pose and gather energy. Although he notified the headquarters to dispatch an attack ship, for humans who have just set foot in the universe, space combat is still a very distant thing. There is no reason for the Predator who is very skilled in using weapons. It can't operate against battleships. It's just an insurance to let the headquarters dispatch attack ships, and the focus is still on yourself.

"Turtle School Qigong!"

After gathering Qi for 5 minutes, Wang Kai finally released Kamehae Qigong, a beam of light shot straight into the sky, and went straight to the spaceship of the Iron Blood Clan in space.

The Predator also noticed Wang Kai's attack, and quickly launched the energy cannon, and the energy column flew towards the earth. On the way, he met Wang Kai's Kamehae Qigong, but Kamehae Qigong almost went up against the energy column, and soon lost the energy. Zhu hit back, and then the Kamepai Qigong directly bombarded the Iron-Blooded Clan's spaceship.

The spaceship of the Jagged Clan started from the bow, and there was a silent explosion, which became a gorgeous firework in the universe. The Jagged Clan would never have imagined that such a powerful human being was born in the place where they tried on the earth. .

"Huh~~~~~, let the headquarters send an attack ship to see if there is any wreckage to wave."

After destroying the spaceship of the Jagged Clan, Wang Kai breathed a sigh of relief. His hair was already wet with sweat. Natasha immediately got a chair for Wang Kai to sit on. The energy in my body is exhausted. If a stronger enemy comes now, I really have a chance to defeat Wang Kai. Unfortunately, there are only people from Umbrella Company here.

These two explosions were the two explosions detected by S.H.I.E.L.D. They were all the fault of the Predator. Wang Kai didn't expect that the Predator would attack him. Could it be that I can't get a little loot?Only you, Predator, are allowed to be noble. We human beings are the breeding grounds for your trial products to incubate. Some understandings of the universe should also be changed. Human beings will stand in the forest of the strongest in the universe from now on.

(End of this chapter)

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