Chapter 659 Hidden Rewards
He didn't know where the pioneer planet was, and there was no communication between the two planets. Wang Kai didn't know that the bad planet was now in ruins.

Wang Kai's plan succeeded. The mature Progenitor Virus could indeed survive on the planet called "Anteverse", and began to infect the Pioneer. The Pioneer is not a silicon-based life. The more ferocious ancestor virus body appeared, and the pioneers hiding in the rock layer continued to die, and they were unable to consider the idea of ​​colonizing other planets.

For a long time, because the place where Pioneer lives is extremely bad, not many aliens will take the initiative to attack Pioneer, which makes Pioneer only attack others, and no one will attack Pioneer. The ruthless people are about to be wiped out, and it is their bad luck for the pioneers to meet Wang Kai.

Wang Kai also received a mission reward, which surprised Wang Kai. He thought it was a tasteless reward, but it was not necessary. After all, it was impossible for him to improve Sharingan too much, but Wang Kai forgot to hide the reward.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task, hidden evaluation: perfect, upgrade reward level, task completion reward, eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan."

This reward made Wang Kai feel that the sky had fallen from the sky. Originally, he just wanted to vent his anger, so he used such a drastic method against the pioneers. He wanted to exterminate the race of the pioneers. He did not expect to increase the hidden rewards inadvertently. , which turned the originally tasteless Sharingan into another weapon of his own.

It is easy to upgrade Sharingan in general, from single-gouyu to three-gouyu Sharingan, but after that, the Kaleidoscope Sharingan and Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan can only be upgraded under strict conditions, so they are not valued by Wang Kai. Now the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan is directly rewarded, which directly improves Wang Kai's ability.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan is a Sharingan that already has combat power. For example, the direct attack method like Amaterasu, or the spiritual attack like Yuedu, are very powerful, let alone other gods who directly change people's thinking, or It is Susano, who is similar to the law of heaven and earth. These can greatly improve Wang Kai's ability. Although Wang Kai doesn't know what his pupil technique will be at that time, he will definitely not be weak.

After Wang Kai played in Los Angeles for two days, he returned to his villa in Maine, and then chose to receive the reward. Wang Kai felt that his Chakra had improved rapidly, and he might have surpassed the Jnin level. At the same time, he felt that two His eyes were sore for a while, and after the soreness passed, Wang Kai took out Jiuhua and used the sharp blade as a mirror to see the changes in the pupils in his eyes.

All the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan are not the same group, just like Sasuke Uchiha’s Sharingan, it’s like hexagonal petals, Kakashi’s Sharingan is like a triangular dart, so Wang Kai’s is different, Wang Kai felt that his eyes had turned into the sun, the pupils were the center of the circle, and those petals like rays of light appeared on the white part of the eyes.

The eyes are really weird, Wang Kai looked at Dao Feng and thought, can these patterns be hidden, or else he would consider wearing glasses or pretending to be blind, otherwise it would scare people if others saw it .

Following Wang Kai's thoughts, Wang Kai saw that the mutation in his eyes gradually faded and disappeared, and his eyeballs returned to the appearance of normal people. This is quite convenient. Being able to hide is like a wishful golden cudgel, which can be changed at will. Wang Kai once again wanted to make the kaleidoscope Sharingan appear, and the eyeballs really turned into Sharingan again.

After changing several times in a row, Wang Kai put away his playfulness. The pupil art still needs to be developed slowly. After all, Wang Kai has never received systematic ninjutsu learning, and has never attended a ninja school. The only thing he is proficient in is Lei Dun directly instilled by the system. , but this time Wang Kai's chakra improvement has brought Wang Kai's Thunder Dun to another level. Maybe in future battles, Thunder Dun will be used frequently, including the pupil technique, not just the shock fruit and Zanpakuto. ability.

The more things he knows, Wang Kai wants to simplify his moves. Wang Kai always explains that he can’t eat too much. In fact, it’s the same for himself. He doesn’t need so many things in battle. One kind, or a combination of these things.

Wang Kai left the quiet room and came to the beach, slowly trying to release the pupil technique in his eyes to see what the pupil technique of his own eyes is like.

First of all, the left eye. Wang Kai filled the left eye with chakra. There is no change in front of Wang Kai, but Wang Kai already knows what his left eye ability is. For anyone, just let him enter the world of Yuedu, and he will be able to tell everything, otherwise endless mental torture is waiting for the other party.

Since the left eye is Yuedu, Wang Kai really hopes that the other eye, don't be a god, please, it must be a god, so that he can subdue more people for his own use, and absolutely don't have to worry about betrayal.

But things will never go so smoothly. When chakra was injected into the right eye, a black flame spurted out, landed on the stone in front of Wang Kai, and then burned rapidly. Even if the waves came, after receding, the stone remained It was burning until the stone was gasified, and the flame remained on the ground until Wang Kai canceled the black flame before it went out.

Amaterasu, the ability of my right eye is Amaterasu, which is really ordinary. People who watch Hokage are most familiar with the two kaleidoscope writing sharing eye pupil techniques, the other gods that can hypnotize people, the divine power with space ability, and the ability to manipulate Amaterasu's Jiagu Tuming, all of these have nothing to do with Wang Kai, which makes Wang Kai wonder, has his good luck been used up, why is it so ordinary now.

Wang Kai eats too much good food, and he no longer looks down on ordinary big fish and meat. If Mindy and Natasha were to choose, they would definitely be envious of these two abilities. Wang Kai is still not satisfied with such a powerful ability , I'm really a little greedy.

Forget it, since you have these two abilities, let's make do with them.

Wang Kai comforted himself with this thought of needing to be beaten. Luckily, Minty didn't hear it. Otherwise, he would definitely find Wang Kai desperately. If you don't want it, dig out your eyes and give them to me. I want, such a good ability, The improvement of people is simply not a star and a half, so don't be greedy, just use something.

(End of this chapter)

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