Chapter 642 Dispatched
This group of aliens also has a very strict level setting. Like the Holy See, they are divided into bishop level, cardinal level and ambassador level. The level is the lowest, and the ability of the created Kaiju beast is also the lowest.

Wang Kai estimates that the Kaiju Beast, which was washed to death by human weapons, was probably made by an ambassador to explore the way. Kaiju Beast will pass back the information here, let those pioneers know the strength of the earth, and then create a stronger beast. Kaiju Beast.

Kaijumon is a silicon-based life obtained through cell dialysis, and Kaijumon's organisms include silicides and amino compounds.That is to say, the basic unit of maintaining human life is amino acid, and the basic unit of maintaining Kaiju beast's life is composed of silicon atom, amino group from body fluid, and an unknown amino acid.

The chrysanthemum itself is a polluting body. Their bodies contain a large amount of amino chemical substances, which are toxins that are fatal to humans. After the chrysanthemums come to the earth, they will discharge a large amount of toxins and radiation in the water. In other words, these guys are no longer polluting the environment all the time.

Even if it is dead, the blood of the Kaiju Beast is a deadly weapon. It is highly corrosive and is considered a strong acid. Once the individual dies, its body will automatically decompose, the blood evaporates into the atmosphere, and combines with oxygen molecules to form nitrogen dioxide. It is extremely harmful to the environment. After inhalation by the human body, it will cause coughing, pulmonary edema, respiratory diseases, etc., and the atmosphere in the death area of ​​the giant beast cannot breathe.

For this kind of self-explosive weapon, the best way is to let the Kaiju beast die from internal injuries, so that there will be no blood on the surface, or use burning or freezing to kill the Kaiju beast, so that the blood in the Kaiju beast Toxic substances cannot be released.

After recalling the situation in the Pacific Rim, Wang Kai sighed helplessly. He really didn't know whether he came to this world to enjoy the blessing or to be the savior.

"Natasha, call Wade, I'm going to call Mindy for a while."

Wang Kai said that he wants to ask Mingdy to help, as Mingdy's lightning is also a good means of killing, high temperature and electric current can make Kaiju Beast mature.

"Ah... ok, ok."

Natasha was still in shock. Such a big monster, even the King of Monsters on Skull Island is not that big. Natasha has seen the information on Skull Island, so she has seen the King of Monsters.

Knowing that the master wanted to call her, Minty returned to the villa in the form of lightning after almost finishing the formalities. She was not stupid, and knew that since the master was looking for her, there must be something important. What needs her is definitely not a mental matter. It's about physical strength. I like fighting the most.

"Master, are we going to fight again?"

After Mingty came back, she came to Wang Kai with a haircut, and said in a loud voice.

"Look at you, you don't have any integrity, why are you still so frizzy after working for so long."

Wang Kai looked at Minty, who was jumping up and down like a monkey, and he really had a headache. Maybe she has the same personality as Sun Xingzhe. Letting Minty go.

"Master, it's been a long time since I met a suitable enemy. I'm very stable in the company."

Mingdy quickly put away her monkey nature, and sat obediently in front of Wang Kai.

"Okay, I don't know you yet, Natasha, show Minty the video."

Wang Kai didn't say anything more, and asked Natasha to show Mindy a video, so that Mindy could have an understanding of the enemy in advance.

Although Minty was puzzled, she didn't say anything. The master told me to watch it, so let's watch it honestly, but Minty was quickly attracted by the picture Natasha showed her. Such a huge monster, This made Minty very interested. Minty was born with a warlike gene, so it was impossible for her to be intimidated by the size of the giant beast.

"Master, is our enemy such a giant beast?"

After watching the video, Minty said excitedly.

"That's right, you have also seen this giant beast. Its blood may be poisonous, so you can't let it have too many scars on its surface. Your lightning can just be used."

Wang Kai said that his Zanpakuto can also use the ability of Hirinwan, so there is no problem in restraining Kaiju Beast.

"Boss, do you guess that there will be more monsters like this? Could it be just a coincidence?"

Natasha said, after all, it is the first time for everyone to see such giant beasts, and they don't know much about giant beasts. How can Wang Kai be sure that there will be more giant beasts.

"We can wait and see, next we're going to Los Angeles, get ready, we're leaving in two hours."

Wang Kai didn't explain too much, because he didn't have any evidence, so let the facts speak for themselves.

"Natasha, we just need to trust Master, when will Master miss it."

Mindy actually trusted Wang Kai very much. She told Natasha that Mindy had never considered this issue.

Natasha just asked casually, not to question Wang Kai. She also knew that Wang Kai knew a lot of secrets. As for how he knew it, Wang Kai never said it. It seemed to be the same as his strength. mystery.

It is very convenient for Wang Kai to go out. It is said that it takes two hours of preparation time, but in fact it is not necessary at all. An airplane is parked in the pasture and he can leave at any time.

Just after an hour, Wang Kai took Mindy and Natasha on the plane, and Wangcai stayed to watch the house. To deal with this kind of enemy covered in thorns, Wangcai is not suitable, so stay and watch Home, to prevent werewolves from making trouble, we are still in a state of war with werewolves, if werewolves come to the villa and smash it, it will be very disgusting.

Wang Kai's private jet was specially modified. It took less than half an hour to fly from Maine in the northeast corner of the United States to California in the southwest of the United States.

"Wang Kai, why are you free to come to Los Angeles?"

In the deepest and most secret research site of the Stark Industrial Park, Wang Kai and the three met Tony. He was making something. The Unobtainium ore brought back from the star Umbrella was placed here. This laboratory only had Tony. Can be used by one person.

Seeing Wang Kai and the others coming, Tony still felt very strange. He still didn't know what was going on outside. Who made him focus on the research? Judging by his appearance, he probably hadn't moved for a few days. The sense of smell of the three of Wang Kai was still He was so sensitive that he could even ask him about the smell on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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