Chapter 597 Eliminate Weaknesses
"By the way, Mr. Alexander Corvinus, I need your blood right now, please get me some first."

When Wang Kai was about to leave, he suddenly stopped and told Alexander Corvinus that he still owed his employees a benefit, and that girl Serena was still waiting for him to let her see the sun again.

"Do I have a choice to refuse?"

Alexander Corvinus said, while raising his arm, Wang Kai motioned for the researchers to bring equipment and draw blood from Alexander Corvinus.

After drawing 200ml of blood from Alexander Corvinus, Wang Kai left with the refrigerator. 200ml of blood could not hurt Alexander Corvinus, and ordinary people can donate up to 400ml of blood.

"Here, drink this bottle of blood."

Wang Kai found Serena, and Serena was also placed in the laboratory on this floor. After all, the security department was on the ground floor, and if it was not done well, it would be exposed to the sun. Serena did not drink Alexander Kewen. Before Nas's blood, don't mess around.

Without any hesitation, Serena drank the small bottle of blood that Wang Kai handed over. After the blood drank, Serena felt a different feeling in her body, as if suddenly eating and supporting, but the sustained Not my stomach, but every blood vessel and every cell in my whole body, giving me an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

"Hand out."

Wang Kai said to Serena, and Serena also stretched out her white hand obediently. Wang Kai took out a hand lamp and shone it on it. There was a faint blue light in the hand lamp, and Serena could recognize it at a glance. It's an ultraviolet lamp, and ultraviolet rays are very lethal to vampires. Serena subconsciously withdrew her hand, but her white hand was firmly grasped by Wang Kai, and Serena couldn't break free at all.

Soon Serena stopped struggling, because she found that her hands did not smoke or burn due to the ultraviolet radiation, which made Serena almost exclaimed. She was no longer afraid of ultraviolet rays, which meant that she could Live in the sun.

"This..., I..., I think..."

Serena didn't know what to say anymore, but Wang Kai knew what she meant.

"Go, I have already granted you permission, you can go outside to feel the sunshine, someone will come to you to go through the entry procedures soon, and I want you to go out to perform a task immediately, and at the same time, you should dig out your own Memory, find where William is being held."

Wang Kai said that Serena wanted to go out to meet Sunshine, so Athena gave Serena permission to go out, and at the same time reminded Serena that joining Umbrella Company meant that she would work for Umbrella. Pull the company to work.

"Okay, boss."

After Serena finished speaking, she ran along the passage to the elevator, she was going to welcome the morning sun.

"What did you drink for Serena, why is she not afraid of ultraviolet rays?"

Amelia's room is right next to her. She saw what Wang Kai did just now, and saw that Serena was not afraid of the ultraviolet light, which made Amelia feel amazing.

"Marcus' father's blood, do you want to drink it too?"

Wang Kai didn't hide anything. Victor and Amelia knew the identity of Marcus, so there was nothing to hide.

"So that's how it is. If I want it, will you give it to me?"

Amelia said that although she was asking Wang Kai, she was full of expectations. Being able to live in the sun is the dream and desire of vampires. At the beginning, they voluntarily gave up a lot for eternal life, but after the last After the initial excitement, you will find all kinds of discomfort, you can only interact at night, what is there to do in the dark, especially those female vampires, how eager to go shopping during the day.

"Look at your performance. Serena is now an employee of Umbrella Company. She killed Victor and succeeded in revenge. She has no nostalgia for vampires. Joining Umbrella Company will be able to work for me wholeheartedly, and What about you, can you work for me wholeheartedly? You are an old fox who has lived for so long, and you have not expressed anything, but I can't trust you. "

Wang Kai said that Wang Kai is also very cautious in choosing people to enter the Umbrella Company, just like Natasha and Serena, both are people who have no worries, as long as they give them some benefits, they will do it for Umbrella. She works for the company, but Amelia is different. She is an elder of the blood clan, she has enjoyed the taste of power, and she has lived for so many centuries. She is a leader in power and strategy. Wang Kai can't do it easily. trust her.

"Just need to make some gestures? I think it's easy to do."

Amelia stood up and came to Wang Kai's side. The tall Amelia was wearing black high heels and was as tall as Wang Kai. Then she put her white fingers on Wang Kai's shoulder and whispered in Wang Kai's ear , the voice was full of boredom, which made Wang Kai feel like shivering a little.

"This is not the performance I want, it's too cheap, let me see your performance slowly."

Wang Kai's body trembled, and he asked Amelia's temptation. Although Wang Kai admired Amelia's sister, but after meeting Marcus, Wang Kai still felt a little shadowy. Amelia Is it the same when you are asleep?

"There is evil heart but no courage."

Seeing the back of Wang Kai leaving, Amelia said.

After Wang Kai got rid of Amelia, he left the underground laboratory and returned to the security department on the first floor. Serena had already come here and got her pass. Like Mindy, she joined the security department because of her good strength. After the department, Serena became the captain level, but Serena must go farther than Mindy, because Serena's command ability is also good, although it is not shown in the movie, but as a high-level death walker, Definitely take teams out to deal with werewolves a lot.

"Boss, I'm ready, what's the task for me."

Serena said after seeing Wang Kai.

"Go and bring me back Andres Thales, including the historical documents of your blood race."

Wang Kai said to Serena that Andres Thales is a historian of vampires. Many histories experienced by vampires were recorded by Andres Thales, but he was placed under house arrest by Victor because of a mistake. , under house arrest in a monastery, but Andres Thales likes to enjoy, and also likes women, so Klein brokered a deal with Lucian, providing Lucian with ultraviolet bombs, which Wang Kai needs. A living history book might be of some use.

(End of this chapter)

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