The Two-dimensional of the United States comics

Chapter 58 Complete the task with ease

Chapter 58 Complete the task with ease
When Wang Kai came out of the practice room, Frank had already pinned Mingdy to the table by the throat, and the other hand was stretched out to get the pistol that was knocked aside.

"Frank, you are really ruthless, you can even do things to children."

Wang Kai said out loud, which shocked Frank. He looked up and saw that Wang Kai had already left the practice room, which meant that Jin Bin was finished. He knew exactly how powerful Jin Bin was. If Jin Bin If he is not the opponent of this masked man, then he must not be his opponent either.

Frank panicked and ignored Minty. He let go of Minty and rushed towards the pistol. Only when he got the weapon could he feel safe.

When he was about to get the custom-made pistol, the pistol was suddenly stepped on by a foot. Frank looked up and found that the owner of the foot was the masked man who was a few meters away just now. How did you come here, how can you be faster than me.

Before Frank could figure it out, Mindy, who had already got up, swept Frank to the ground with a sweeping leg, and then rode on Frank's body to form a set of combined punches. What a violent little loli, what those nerds who shake M can see , I'm afraid they will let me go.

With a tiptoe, the pistol on the ground fell into his hand. Wang Kai played with it boredly. Wang Kai still has a lot of interest in firearms. Men like things that represent strength, although their own strength is almost ignored. The firearm is gone, but it is still very interesting to play with it.

Because of Wang Kai's intimidation by the side, Frank was stupefied by Mindy and forgot to fight back for a moment. He was hit by Mindy one after another, and he couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north. Far superior to Minty, after realizing it, he threw Minty off his body with one force, and then kicked Minty away.

Frank wanted to attack Wang Kai, but seeing that Wang Kai had already picked up his pistol and was playing with it, Frank was a little bit in a dilemma. If he continued to fight, he was definitely not their opponent, but he gave up, and the only thing waiting for him was death. Look This little girl wanted to bite herself to death with one bite. The only thing waiting for her was death.

"Solve it early, this is not a place to stay for a long time."

Wang Kai threw the pistol to Minty, and said to Minty, to ask Mingdy to pay with his own hands, is not to ask Mingdy to punch and kill Frank, those who do that are idiots.

Although the pistol is a bit big for Minty, but Minty is a veteran with guns, and there is already a layer of calluses on his hands at a young age, which is all from practicing guns.

Frank is tougher than Jin, or he sees it more clearly, knowing that today the two sides can't be reconciled, so he doesn't beg for mercy at all. Minty pointed a gun at Frank with both hands, hit the head with one shot, and opened a hole in the head. Frank fell straight down.


At this time, a young man in a black and red leather jacket and a panda costume rushed out from behind a door next to him. Wang Kai knew that this young man was Frank's son, and he was trying to lure Big Daddy and Super Killer body of red mist.

"Get rid of him and leave no future trouble."

Wang Kai said that it is better to deal with this kind of guy who has committed crimes since he was a child.

Minty looked at the boy who shot him twice, and he couldn't get angry. He was the one who killed his father. Without him, nothing would have happened. The guy who was still crying was dealt with, and then Minty seemed to have lost all her strength, and she was about to fall to the ground limply. Wang Kai appeared beside her and hugged her. The fight with Frank just now, I am afraid Minty was already out of strength.

Wang Kai took Mindy to the balcony on the top floor, leaped out of the tall building, and disappeared into the darkness before dawn. That night, police sirens wailed on the streets of Manhattan, New York. The policeman almost scolded Wang Kai and Minty to death in his heart.

Especially at dawn, when Frank's body was discovered, it was even more chaotic. Frank's death represented a reshuffle of the underground order. As the investigation progressed, Jin Bing's walking stick was discovered, which caused even more uproar. Did Jin Bin also die here?According to the appearance of this pile of ashes on the ground, it looks like the shape of a burnt person, so it could be Jinbin.

The police immediately launched an undercover agent to investigate Jin Bing's life and death. When they learned that Jin Bing had disappeared, the police felt that their conjecture might be true. It wasn't Frank. Frank was a child in kindergarten in front of Jin Bin, and Jin Bin was the giant of the underground world. His death might cause a magnitude [-] earthquake in the underground world, which would be a collapse of the sky.

Jin Bin's death means that the underground order has lost control. At that time, all kinds of monsters and monsters will emerge, and it will affect the lives of ordinary people. This is absolutely not allowed by the government.

After knowing Jin Bing's death, all the police officers stood ready, including the police officers who were on vacation, all returned to their posts, and the social order must not be disrupted.

The instigators of these things, Wang Kai and Mindy, have already dealt with Damon's funeral. After Damon was buried, Wang Kai took Mindy to his home. This is also a last resort. Wang Kai has already asked Mindy, do you want to go to Damon's good friend? Damon's good friend is a policeman who can take better care of Minty, but Mingty refused.

Wang Kai understands very well, after all, after going through so many things, Mingdy can no longer live like an ordinary person, and only people like himself can accept Mingdy and understand everything about Mingdy.

After Skye knew about Minty's life experience, he also sympathized with Minty, because he felt the loneliness he once had in Minty, so he asked Wang Kai to keep Minty.

After solving Jin Bin, Wang Kai can be regarded as fulfilling a goal he set for himself, that is, to feel the sense of heroism of punishing rape and eradicating evil, and more importantly, to position himself in this world. At least Wang Kai knows that he is now How is your strength.

After eliminating Jin Bing and Frank, Wang Kai also received the task reward. No surprises, Wang Kai has a reward bonus this time.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task. The result of the task is rated as excellent, and the task rewards have been increased. Rewards: Three Body Technique, Ninja-level Chakra, ten Explosive Talismans, ten Bingliang Pills, and ten Zengxue Pills."

The rewards this time are very rich. Although there is only one combat ability, the other rewards are also good, and they are all very practical things.

(End of this chapter)

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