Chapter 552 Danger Arrives
Although the researchers were a little skeptical, the security personnel had already begun to feel like an enemy, because the security personnel at the outermost perimeter of the camp had the clearest feeling.

"Captain Frank, the creatures near the camp have disappeared in the past two days, and the drones can't find many traces of them."

Someone came to report to Frank that something unusual had happened around the camp.

"Strengthen vigilance and expand the range of drone patrols."

Frank said, Frank is already sure that the danger that primitive people fear is probably not a natural disaster, but a monster. The disappearing creatures around the camp are probably fleeing because they are afraid of unknown monsters. Then this is the job of the security department. tense up.

It has been determined that there is an 80.00% possibility of a monster attack, so some researchers on the island need to evacuate, and those meteorological and geographical researchers immediately evacuate Skull Island and return to the head office. Those who stay here are regular researchers, but They are also ready to evacuate at any time.

As the drones carried out longer-distance reconnaissance, some information began to be collected slowly. Not all creatures around the camp were evacuated. There were creatures in several directions that did not leave, but creatures in only one direction disappeared and became empty. a huge channel.

"What's in this direction?"

Frank pointed on the map, and the creatures in this direction disappeared, so it can be speculated that the attack will also come from this direction.

"Captain, this direction leads to a huge swamp with miasma and deep pools. We don't know much about it."

Some subordinates replied that although they have been on Skull Island for a long time, there are still many places that have not been thoroughly explored. The swamp is a dangerous place, and the dangerous area marked on the map is also blank.

"What exactly will come out of this swamp? Strengthen the investigation in this direction, install a fixed camera, and conduct 24-hour surveillance. I want to know what will happen in the first place, and all the traps in this direction will be opened. , no matter what kind of monster the opponent is, don't even think about approaching the camp unharmed."

Frank immediately issued a series of orders, and now he is 90.00% sure that what primitive people are afraid of is monsters attacking the city, so let's come, the collision of barbarism and civilization, and see who is more powerful.

In the early morning of the fourth day, everyone heard a roar. The roar was far away, but this sound had never been heard before. It was not the roar of the giant orangutan, nor the roar of the Tyrannosaurus rex, but the birds in the woods Already awakened, flapping its wings and flying into the distance.

When they came, everyone immediately raised their spirits. The security guards who had just finished their night duty and had been lying in bed for less than an hour also quickly got up, picked up their guns and rushed towards the city wall.

"The drone immediately took off and showed me what it was."

Frank stood on the city wall and looked at the dense forest in the distance. He couldn't see what the roaring creature was at all, so he could only use the drone.

The two drones were immediately released and headed straight for the swamp, because the roar came from this direction, which confirmed the previous speculation that perhaps the attack came from this place.

Frank and the captains of the teams looked at the pictures transmitted by the drone at the command post. Could they see a fleeing dinosaur or primitive creature? Obviously, they also wanted to flee for their lives.

"Look, that King Kong, the sound just now couldn't have been made by it."

The figure of the giant orangutan King Kong soon appeared on the screen. One of the captains said, after all, although Skull Island is big, the drone has already scanned it several times. Apart from this King Kong, the only giant creatures are those tyrannosaurs. This swamp has not been explored, but drones have flown on it several times, and no monsters have been found in the swamp.

"No, King Kong's voice is not like that. The voice just now was full of tyranny. It is not the voice of an intelligent creature at all. King Kong's intelligence is very high, definitely surpassing those chimpanzees in the zoo."

Minty immediately retorted that she had followed Master to meet King Kong, and knew what King Kong's roar was like, and the place where King Kong lived was no longer that swamp at all.

"Don't talk, just keep watching."

Frank agrees with Minty, he has also heard King Kong's roar, although it is not up close, but it is definitely not the kind just now, the sound just now seems very hollow to people, and the hollowness makes people feel that it is It's the same in the underpass without lights.

The drone continued to move forward under the control of the pilot, and it would soon reach the swamp, but everyone stood up, because in the footage of the drone, six monsters that had never been seen before appeared.

They are pale all over, their heads are pointed and long, and they are off-white. They seem to be made of only bones. Their bodies are like lizards, but they only have forelimbs. A huge monster, they crawled out of the swamp and headed towards the camp.

"What are these things, ask the researchers to come immediately."

Frank said loudly, and at the same time asked for a researcher. This is an unknown creature, and more information must be known.

Everyone also understood what the roar was just now. They didn't expect such a monster to be hidden in the swamp. No wonder these primitive people were afraid. Such a monster was indeed something they couldn't deal with.

Soon, a few researchers trotted here, and they already understood the situation on the way. After they came in, they stared at the screen and carefully observed the monster on the screen. Seeing the appearance of this monster, the researchers couldn't help but There was a cold war, this appearance, you can tell it is not a good thing at first glance, it makes people feel chills, and the way of action is so distorted, it makes people feel awkward.

"Captain Frank, I'm sorry, we don't have any information about this kind of creature. According to their appearance, we can tell that their attacks rely on their mouths, claws and tails. I think you can judge these better. As for the other We really don't have any intelligence left."

The leading researcher looked and looked, and could only tell Frank that it was the first time they had seen this kind of monster, and they didn't have any information, so they couldn't provide any help.

"It doesn't matter, Researcher Evans, whether there is any information about this monster, we will deal with them, the first wave of missile attacks, and conduct a test."

Frank gave the order to test the attack.

(End of this chapter)

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