Chapter 509 The Familiar Planet

"It finally succeeded, and now our target is Umbrella Star."

After two near misses, for the third time, the spaceship successfully flew out of the atmosphere of Shipboard Star and entered space, Tony exclaimed excitedly.

The other crew members on the ship were also very excited. The last two emergency landings made them jump out of their hearts. Fortunately, they landed safely without the consequences of the plane being destroyed. Now they can finally break through the dust layer smoothly. The planet in the sky seems to be within reach.

Because the spacecraft uses Hydra's gravity system, people can walk freely on the spacecraft and wait for the spacecraft to approach the planet.

The planet in the eyes keeps getting bigger. Although everyone is very excited, the data of this research still needs to be recorded, such as the distance between the two planets. Now the distance traveled by the spacecraft has exceeded the distance between the earth and the moon. You must know that Tony's spacecraft is the most advanced, and its travel speed naturally exceeds that of other spacecraft. In just a few hours, it can reach the moon from the earth, but it still cannot reach the Umbrella star from the shipboard star. .

When I finally got close to Umbrella, the distance was finally measured, which was 1.5 times the distance from the earth to the moon. In addition, I saw the size of Umbrella on the shipboard star. This planet is much bigger than the moon. At least it is at the level of the size of the earth. Let the astronomers do the calculation later. There is a distance. After some comparisons, it is easy to calculate the size of Umbrella.

"Friday, monitor the composition of the planet's atmosphere."

Tony looked at the lush plants outside, and immediately asked the spaceship's system to monitor the composition of the atmosphere to see if it was suitable for human survival. At the same time, he also wanted to find a place for the spacecraft to dock.

"Sir, the composition of Umbrella's atmosphere is 70% nitrogen, 10% ammonia, 8% methane, 7% chlorine, and 5% rare gases. After analysis, it is not suitable for human survival."

The spacecraft system quickly analyzed the atmospheric composition of Umbrella, and quickly came up with a conclusion, which made everyone's face change. Only Wang Kai's expression was still very normal, as if he had expected it.

"Why is the atmosphere here not suitable for human survival? There are obviously so many plants and creatures here."

Some scientists have already wailed. They thought it was an ecological planet at their fingertips, but they didn't expect it to be a planet that is not suitable for human survival.

Everyone could see some flying animals flying by outside the window, as well as the creatures running in the forest below. It was obviously full of vitality, but it turned out to be a hidden murderous intent.

"Look, is that a pterosaur? Is this planet still in the age of dinosaurs?"

Immediately someone called again, and everyone immediately looked at the window, a creature that looked a bit like a pterosaur flew by, but if you looked closely, you could find that it was definitely not a pterosaur. The skin of this creature seemed to be like a lizard, and its mouth It is relatively short and full of teeth. Although the wings are also meat wings, they are thinner, and the thin ones are a bit transparent. The body is full of various patterns, which look colorful, and there are two braids on both sides of the head. same thing.

"Banshee Winged Beast~~"

Wang Kai said softly, that's right, this is the planet in his memory, Pandora, the planet where the Na'vi people live. I didn't expect Avatar to be integrated into it, and Pandora was discovered by him. Could it be that he wants to play the villain? ?This planet has a special mineral, Unobtainium. This mineral is a new type of energy, suitable for space travel. Even if you are a villain, you can't miss it.

"Master, what are you talking about? Banshee Winged Beast? What a nice name."

Mingdy's ears were still sharp, and he immediately heard Wang Kai's slight voice. After listening to Mingdy's words, other scientists also agreed, and directly named this creature Banshee Winged Beast. There is no way, this is According to international practice, whoever discovers it will be named, whether it is an isolated island or a new star, this is the case.

"Wang Kai, this week is not as beautiful as imagined. If the atmosphere is full of these poisonous gases, human beings will not be able to survive."

Tony said to Wang Kai that he was also a little regretful. He thought that he could occupy this planet when he came to this planet, but he didn't expect that it was not suitable for human survival.

"Not really, Friday, monitor other data, gravity, atmospheric pressure, atmospheric density."

Wang Kai smiled and said, Wang Kai knows exactly how Pandora is, and whether it is suitable for human survival, Wang Kai is also clear, so he is not disappointed.

"Okay, Mr. Wang Kai, according to the monitoring, the gravity of Umbrella is 80.00% of that of the earth, the atmospheric pressure is 1.1 times that of the earth, and the density of the atmosphere is 1.2 times that of the earth, which is suitable for human survival."

The system gave a result again, which really surprised Tony a bit. This shows that human beings can walk freely on the planet without wearing any protective clothing, and only need to be equipped with oxygen cylinders.

"How, are you still disappointed? It's just air, I think we must have many solutions."

Wang Kai said that in the movie, only one mask is needed to solve all problems. Wang Kai believes that the technological content of the mask should not be very difficult. It’s fine if you don’t have a cylinder, how convenient it is to develop an oxygen generator.

"That's right, we have many solutions, but this planet doesn't seem safe, the one that flew by just now... that, what did you name it just now?"

Tony was a little confused, forgetting the new name just now.

"Banshee Winged Beast."

Someone immediately reminded Tony.

"Yes, it's that Banshee Winged Beast. It's definitely not something to mess with. We still have a lot to prepare."

Tony said that just now he also saw the Banshee Winged Beast, which was the size of an MPV, and seeing those teeth, he knew it was not a vegetarian animal, and he also saw more Banshee Winged Beasts in the distance, which means There are still many such creatures on this planet. Such dangerous creatures are still very threatening to the people who develop here.

"Yes, we need more soldiers to develop here, it seems we need a new company."

Wang Kai agreed that if he wants to develop this dangerous planet, he must have a large-scale army. The security personnel of his two families are still a bit small, and more people are needed. For the Na'vi people, whether they are friends or foes is still uncertain.

(End of this chapter)

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