Chapter 507 Spying
The spaceship made by Tony is just a sample. The black stone portal is too small. This spaceship cannot pass through. It needs to be disassembled into parts, and then sent to the shipboard star for assembly, and various tests will be carried out on the shipboard star. , See if you can fly out of the atmosphere, the conditions on the Chuanban star are several times worse than those on the earth, and you can't take risks with the experimental data on the earth.

Disassemble and assemble the entire spaceship into parts, and send them to Shipboard Star bit by bit. An indoor spaceship docking station has been built on Shipboard Star. The wind and sand here are too big, and it takes less than two hours to park outside. Every day, the mechanical parts will be full of sand and dust, which is very bad for the spacecraft.

Today's Shipboard Star has been explored to be the size of the Eurasian continent, but the edge is still invisible. It is impossible to know which is bigger, the Shipboard Star or the Earth, before the thorough exploration is completed.

On the ship board planet, it is basically in this desert state, there is no liquid water, but in some places, there is a large amount of solid ice under the sand and rocks. The water resources on this planet exist in a solid form. , although it is still unusable, everyone has already met that as long as this harsh environment is improved, the solid water will be turned into lakes, rivers and seas again.

And around the base, some greens have appeared. These are all genetically modified plants, and they have taken over the enhanced radiation of the spar on the Skull Island. The plants are irrigated with a high nutrient solution that keeps the plants alive.

According to the monitoring of some data stations, the wind speed near the base has been reduced by 50.00% compared to other places. Don't think that [-]% is very little. You must know that they have only set foot on the shipboard star for a month or two. Continue to expand the green area, and it is possible to reduce the wind speed to more than [-]%, and this is only the surface vegetation. After those wind-resistant trees are planted, the wind here can basically be reduced to the level of the earth.

"This is Chuanbanxing, the name is really vulgar."

Nick Fury stood by the window of the base, looking at the sandstorm outside, watching the green on the ground being blown up and down, just sticking there, Nick Fury said with emotion.

After being notified by Major Ross, Nick Fury also felt that Wang Kai had changed, but he had no way to go directly to Wang Kai. He knew Wang Kai's attitude towards him, so he could only attack in a roundabout way, so that SHIELD and Sta Stark Industries signed a supply contract, allowing Stark Industries to become a supplier of S.H.I.E.L.D. equipment, as a gift to Tony, and then asked Tony to intercede for himself, wanting to come to Alien Star to take a look.

Taking people softly and eating others short-mouthed, Tony, who got a big deal, naturally had no way to refuse Nick Fury. As a shareholder of Stark Industries, Wang Kai also took advantage of it, and there was no way to show Nick Fury a bad face.

So Nick Fury came to Shipboard Star with the people who delivered the spaceship parts. When he first arrived, he caught up with the sandstorm. He could only hide in the base and observe the outside from the window. This alien planet is really not ordinary, but Opportunities can also make people crazy. This place is all owned by Umbrella Company. If you look at the vegetation, you will know that this place can be successfully managed by Umbrella Company, and there will be no hindrance to what you want to do in the future.

"The name is just a code name. Originally, I wanted to call Chuanbanxing Planet No. [-]. Giving a Chubanxing a name is already very good. Now that you have seen Chubanxing, you should have an explanation when you go back. "

Wang Kai looked at Nick Fury and said, Nick Fury came this time with a mission. Wang Kai does not believe that S.H.I.E.L.D., which has its own scientific research center, will need to find Stark Industries to buy equipment. I am afraid that the money is not enough. From S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Explain? Hehe, what are you explaining? I'm just here for a visit. Umbrella Corporation has acquired a planet, but everyone in the world knows it. Who doesn't want to come and visit? I'm just one step ahead."

Nick Fury immediately laughed awkwardly. Wang Kai exposed some things at once, which made him a little unprepared. Wang Kai is still so direct, nothing has changed. If Wang Kai goes the political route, I am afraid it will mess up the political arena. Bar.

"It doesn't matter, since I dared you to come, I'm not afraid to see, the portal is in my hands, this is my planet, do you regret it, the original exchange was too easy?"

Wang Kai said with a smile, it doesn't matter how Nick Fury denies it, anyway, he doesn't care, no one can snatch the Blackstone Portal from his hands.

"No, since we made the exchange, we won't regret anything."

Nick Fury denied it categorically. Although Nick Fury regretted it, it was not that he regretted the exchange, but regretted other things. It was indeed very profitable to exchange a favor at the beginning, but this favor was used too easily, which made Nick Fury regretted it quite a bit. If he had mastered the Blackstone Portal, it would be impossible for him to master this planet. First of all, there was an existence that the Inhumans feared on this planet. Although he didn't know it, it was probably not something he could deal with. The important thing is that I don't know how to open the portal at all. I'm afraid only Wang Kai knows.

"You can stay here for a while, but don't inquire about anything you shouldn't know. After all, we are just junior business partners. Letting you come to Shipboard Star is a benefit for you. There will be no such good things in the future. Tell someone else Man, I don't have evidence for what happened last time, it's their fate, next time, I won't be so easy to talk about."

Wang Kai said to Nick Fury, it can be regarded as a warning to some people, so as not to think that he is afraid of ignoring them this time, but he has his own principles.

"The murderers who attacked the Umbrella Company have not been wiped out. This is gratifying, and it also wiped out a cancer for the world. The U.S. government will protect the rights and interests of all citizens. A law-abiding company like Umbrella Company But Wang Kai, the object of protection of the U.S. government, have you misunderstood something?"

Nick Fury pretended to be crazy and stupid. He didn't dare to follow Wang Kai's words. It would be tantamount to admitting that he knew who was behind the sponsorship of the attack on Umbrella Company. Can this kind of thing be clearly stated? Everyone still pretends to be deaf It is more appropriate to be dumb, and politicians just like to be able to express themselves but not express them in words.

(End of this chapter)

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